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First Sights Matters

- Your P.O.V

"okay , class dismissed." Mrs.Kwon stated as the bell rang indicating the end of our last period.

I was packing my stuffs when I felt someone watching. I turned towards Byunghun.

"Hey~" he waved while grinning mischiveously.

I gave him my cold glare , grabbing my bag and walked briskly towards the door.

Just as I was about to leave , Byunghun called my name.

"Hana~ Aren't you going to ask for my number? Maybe we could get along well."

ugh. this jerk.

"sorry , I'm taken." I stated , walking out of the class.

If only what I said was true .. hais.

I met Yunyeol and Taenie unnie outside the school gate.

"gosh. First day of school and I feel like going back to Lizzwon!" Yunyeol whined.

"mm." I mumbled.

"Well , who do you sit with in class? I had to sit with a purple-headed guy. He's handsome by the way. But the girls in class kept glaring at me." she stomped her feet before pouting like a child.

"Lee Byunghun." I said through gritted teeth.

"oho. I'm with Lee Chanhee." 

"We all must be some lucky ladies huh. Getting a chance to sit with kingkas for the whole semester." Taenie unnie said.

"lucky , my ." I blew a raspberry before clutching on my backpack straps and went to fetch Hyorin.

// //

I waited infront of Lizzwon High.

How I missed schooling here. But too bad , there was much more sour memories than sweet ones.

"I see , she came back for me." I frozen , as I heard a very familiar voice.

I turned around , blinking rapidly. "O-oppa .." I stuttered.

Aish! And to think that I've finally gotten over him.

"Yes? Were you waiting for me? Decided to apologize for being so cold to your oppa?" he smirked.

okay. that was ridiculous. frowning , I said. "Apologize? What kind of game are you playing , Chihoon?" I narrowed my eyes.

"Chihoon!" a voice boomed.

A brunette-headed came towards us. How handsome. He had his hair cut short.  It was Sungyeol oppa.


"Hyung ," Chihoon stood there frozen.

Still the same Chihoon , scared of his hyung. For god's sake , he should grow up.

"I'll be home late today. Tell eomma I'm over at Dongwoo's place." he goes.

"Yeah , sure."

"eyy , It's Hana! Did you move out? I only saw Hyorin today." Sungyeol oppa beamed.

"Yeah. Ah .. I .. uh ... got transferred to Kirin High with Yunyeol."

I scratched the back of my head awkwardly.

His face immediately fell.

I knew how much he dislikes Kirin High. As his ass ex-girlfriend moved to Kirin High last year.

"Sorry .." I mumbled. I'm scared he would hate me.

You know .. when I was dating Chihoon , Sungyeol oppa and Infinite were the only ones who pampered me enough. They're the only guys I trusted , and believe aren't jerks.

"I see .. ahk , gwaenchana! Don't feel bad. That's a long time ago. I gotta get going now. See ya! Chihoon , be nice to her!" he smiled before running towards the rest of Infinite.

"Bye , Hana-ah!" Infinite waved at me before getting into their van.

"So .. where were we?" Chihoon moved a step closer to me as I backed away.

"I may have deleted you from my contacts , but not Sungyeol oppa." I said.

"Ah , I see. You're threatening me.Too bad , it failed." he smirked. He then get a grip of my wrist and clutched on it tightly.

"Ah .. ah. Let go. It hurts. Let go. Ah .." I winced as he clutched onto it tighter.

"Un-" Hyorin was there , but then she was cut off by a voice.

"LET . HER . GO." 

Byunghun ..?

Chihoon let me go and smirked.

"I see you got a new boy. Now who is this orange-head?"

"L.Joe. Hana's boyfriend."


I stomped on his feet.

"Hyorin , gaja. This s are wasting our freaking free time." I stated coldly.

// //

*Next Day.

"It won't hurt to atleast say thank you , dear." a voice said when I was placing my stuffs in my locker.

Yes , I just knew this school had lockers.

Lizzwon doesn't have lockers. We're supposed to stuff all our books inside the hole infront of our tables.

But I guess they have now upgraded and had lockers. Hyorin told me.

I turned around.

"I didn't need your help , Byunghun. Chihoon doesn't even have any strength to fight me." I said , ready to walk away when he started imitating me =="

"Oho ~ Then I wonder who went 'Ah .. ah , let go. it hurts. let go. ah ..' kekeke ~" 

I turned around , completely unsatisfied at how he's treating me. I stomped on his feet and walked away.

I could hear him wincing and whining out loud. herh. That's what you get when you mess around with Lee Hana.

"Yah! How dare you. I'll get you back!" I heard him shouted.




"Aha ~ I heard you messed around with the kingka? What was his name? Jee? L what? L.Ju? L-" Yunyeol was cut off by a voice.

"Joe. L.Joe. Just see , Lee Hana. You will get a payback for stomping on my foot." He glared at me , before going to his so called 'gang'.

// //

-Byunghun's P.O.V

urgh. Damn that new kid. I helped her and yet she stomped my feet. TWO FREAKIN' TIMES. gosh.

Doesn't she learnt how to say thank you to others? Ahh .. it still hurts.

"Hyung , I see , you've got stomped on the foot by a girl?" Changhyun chuckled.

"shut up." I hissed.

"It's the new kid , I heard." Jonghyun teased , making the others laugh as well.

"She's quite got the looks , though." Chanhee shrugged. I glared at him.

Why do I suddenly feel angry when he said Hana is attractive? Ngeh. Maybe because he's praising the girl I am aiming. 

"I will get her one day!" I exclaimed , slamming my hand on the table.

"YAH! All my food are spilled. You dimwit. Clean this up!" Daniel shouted , pointing at the mess I made.

"Yah , is that how you supposed to talk to your hyung?! And telling me to clean up your mess! Where are your freakin' manners?! It's not my fault you eat like a baby. Calling me dimwit. Yeah right." I rolled my eyes.

"But .. but .. you're the one who spilled it! You banged the table!" he pouted. urgh. this kid.

"Enough , enough! Just eat the leftover ones. I'll buy you some more after school. Byunghun , eat." Minsoo hyung retorted.

"Nae , hyung." we said.

I didn't have any mood to eat anymore. I kept on watching the new girl. 

Hmm .. just how am I going to get her?



Aish. Nowadays busy with school work and upcoming mid-year examinations. 

Please pray for me so that I can pass my exams without any problems. ^^" Gomawoyeo.

please subscribe & comment. ^^ Kamsamnida.





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YoongiholicAnonymous #1
Chapter 2: Uhhh your story is so good^^
I'll subscribe!!
Btw good luck^^
Chapter 2: update soon~~
Chapter 2: Nice update~ ^^
Good Luck on your exams! ^^
Bikyoyoyo1234 #4
update soon~~!!!!!!!! aish i'm crazy now thanks to u haha
bombomi #6
this seems interesting :)
update soon authornim ^_^