The Leader




A warning: to the leader, the pariah, the victim, the messiah; this is war.


Junhong was regretting his rash decisions.

The surrounding walls gave a groan and he could hear a low rumble behind him as he hurried along the passageway. At one point part of the tunnel had collapsed. He had to stop, squeeze through the crack in between the rock and continue running at top speed.

The walls got narrower and narrower so that there was only about an inch of space between the walls and each shoulder. He had to stoop so that he didn’t scrape his head off of the ceiling. The tunnel was dark and he could barely see a thing. At irregular intervals stone would jut out of the ceiling or walls and would scrape him as he ran by. The ground was uneven and running on it was crazy; it was way too easy to fall and crack his head open. But he had no other choice.

He stumbled over an unseen stone and nearly went flying, but he regained his balance at the last minute and continued sprinting down the corridor.

After seeing Hyukjae, Jungsoo and Traveller knocked out by that gas, he had hidden in the bathroom. Through a crack in the door he watched helplessly as Imposers busted down the door and carried the unconscious rebels away.

Jungsoo had saved Junhong’s life. Junhong had been sick with Frobish, he still had the scars. He had been sent by the Imposers to the square in Outer Seoul, where he had been told he would get a vaccination. In reality, the place had been burned to ashes. He would have been killed if he hadn’t met Jungsoo along the way. Jungsoo gave him a real vaccination, as well as food, clothes, a place to stay and a purpose.

The Resistance worked in teams of six. Although Jungsoo was The Leader, Hyukjae was the leader of Junhong’s team. They had both lost loved ones to Frobish, they had both suffered at the hands of the Queen. Hyukjae was more than a friend or a leader to Junhong. He had taught Junhong how to fight, how to run, how to take the skyline. Hyukjae had always looked out for Junhong, he had always been there for the younger boy. Hyukjae was an older brother to Junhong. Hyukjae was his leader, but he was also family.

And now Hyukjae had been taken captive by the Imposers. At this very moment, he could be dead. He could be executed, he could be tortured. In a worst case scenario, he could be in the Hall. Junhong couldn’t abandon him. Family looked out for each other.

If Junhong had considered his movements, he would have alerted other members of the Resistance. But he hadn’t thought, he had just acted on his own.

He was their only hope of rescue now. The others wouldn’t realise they were missing for many days.

He had waited until the Imposers were gone before going to Jungsoo’s Cabinet.

Jungsoo’s Cabinet was the nickname given to the press where Jungsoo kept all his plans and personal items. Nobody rifled through Jungsoo’s Cabinet without permission. But this was an emergency.

In the Cabinet was a rough map of the catacombs. Jungsoo had tried his best to map them out. He had dreamed of using the catacombs to invade Inner Seoul. Jungsoo thought that the Palace’s dungeons were in the catacombs. He thought the rebels could slip into the catacombs and dungeons unnoticed and take the palace. But the catacombs of Inner Seoul were in a shakier condition than those in Outer Seoul. They were narrower, smaller and shakier. There was a high risk of a cave in.

Regardless, Junhong grabbed the makeshift map and ran to the nearest entrance to the catacombs.

At first everything had been fine. He had walked for two hours maybe, following Jungsoo’s awkward map by the dim light of a candle.

As he went further into the maze, doubts began to cloud his mind. He was considering turning back when his surroundings started rumbling.

A cave in.

Junhong began to run, as the ceiling behind him collapsed. He ran as fast as his long legs would carry him, trying to escape the death of crushing rock falling behind him. And that was where he was now.

 Eventually the rock had stopped falling and he stopped to catch his breath.

He leant his back against the hard rock wall and breathed hard, trying to calm his pulse. In his haste he had dropped his candle, but his eyes adjusted quickly to the darkness. He could just about make out the blurry lines of the map. But he was trapped in the catacombs unless he found another way out.

Junhong sighed.

There was no turning back now.


When Traveller woke up, she was in a beautiful bedroom.

It was wide and long. The walls were a pearly grey and dark blue drapes hung on them. One of the walls was simply a window, with cerulean curtains pulled open. It offered a spectacular view of Inner Seoul. Outside of this window was a balcony.

She was lying on a four poster bed. It was a big bed; it seemed much too big for one person. On the far end of the room was an ornate mirror surrounded by furniture, a dressing table, chairs, and a chaise lounge. Beside that was a huge mahogany wardrobe. A rich grey carpet lay on the floor.

Traveller sat up, feeling a cloud of dizziness. She remembered seeing the sleeping gas and after that, everything went black. She didn’t know where she was. She had expected to wake up in some dark dungeon somewhere, but instead she lay in this room.

She grasped onto one of the bed’s posts and pulled herself into a standing position. Her feet were bare, but apart from that she was wearing the same clothes that she had been wearing earlier. She checked her pockets; her knife was gone, but her fingers brushed against a useful device they hadn’t taken away from her and she smiled. Traveller guessed it was a few hours after midnight, judging by the sky.

There was a door. Silently, she padded on the soft carpet and rested her hand on the knob. She tried to turn it. It was locked. She checked the balcony door on the other side of the room. That was locked too. Traveller sighed, but turned, seeing something out of the corner of her eye.

On one of the chairs lay a dress.

It was a beautiful dress, no doubts about it. Where Traveller was from, it would be called old fashioned. It was still pretty though. It was a long gown, its skirts reached the floor. It had long sleeves and a high neck. It was linen and velvet, Traveller realized when she ran her hands down it. A pale lilac colour, cobalt leaves were embroidered around the bodice, hem and sleeves. A pair of white shoes lay on the ground beneath the chair the dress rested on, beside them a delicate comb and a hair clasp.

Traveller frowned. What was going on?

A soft knock sounded through the room. Traveller looked at the door in amazement. Why was someone knocking on the door? She was a prisoner, yet why was she here?

“May I come in?” came a smooth voice.

Traveller said nothing. She heard a click as the door unlocked. Traveller gasped.

The woman who walked in was a little taller than herself. She wore a dress similar to the one beside her, but it was black. A veil covered her face. Her blonde hair was styled in an extravagant up-do. A glittering gold crown rested on her blonde locks. Kim Heechul followed her in.

“When the Queen enters a room, you should bow,” Queen Hyoyeon said. Her voice was way too familiar for Traveller’s liking.

Traveller spat. Heechul rolled his eyes.

“What are you doing with me?” Traveller asked immediately. “What have you done with Jungsoo and Hyukjae?”

The Queen waved her hand dismissively. “They’re fine, for now.”

Thoughts ran through Traveller’s mind, each one fighting for attention. The Queen seemed unarmed, and Traveller had a strong grip. If she could reach her neck in time-

“Before you do anything stupid, know that we have fourteen Imposers outside of this room, ready to kill you at a signal,” Heechul cut in, as if reading her thoughts.

Traveller couldn’t see Queen Hyoyeon’s face, but she could hear the triumphant smile in her voice when she spoke. “Do you really think we’re imbeciles?” she asked. “Kim Jinsoo; a scientist who became president. My great uncle. Or should I say, our great uncle?” Traveller saw a flash of white teeth through the veil. “We know about what he was studying before he died. We know all about the alternate timelines. And believe me; you won’t get away with your little heist. What was it? What did Lee Hyukjae call you? Traveller?” The voice turned mocking. “Could you be any more obvious?”

Traveller growled. “What do you want?” she asked.

The Queen tutted. “One should have more respect when talking with royalty,” she said.

Traveller scoffed. “If you think I’m going to bow down to you, you’ve got another thing-”

A jewelled hand as quick as a viper struck Traveller. She stumbled backwards slightly, bringing her hand to her stinging face.

The Queen had slapped her. Nobody slapped Traveller. It took all of Traveller’s self-control not to launch herself at the Queen. But she knew that it was a fight she wouldn’t win, not unarmed when there were many enemies just outside. And anyway, if she behaved there was a small chance of survival.

So she said nothing.

The Queen placed her hands on her hips. “Soon, you will be brought to the throne room. You’ll be able to reunite with your precious rebels before we decide your fate. Oh, and wear the dress.”

“Why the hell should I wear your ing dress?”

“If you don’t wear it, we’ll cut Park Jungsoo’s right hand off and I’ll feed it to my cat.”

Traveller glared. The Queen laughed. Heechul rolled his eyes.

The Queen gathered her skirts before gracefully walking out of the door. “I’ll see you in an hour,” she said.


“Well, well, well. Isn’t this a site for sore eyes?”

Hyukjae opened his eyes. He was in a tiny cell that he was sharing with Jungsoo. It was damp and cramped and he was worried to death about Traveller and Junhong.

He and Jungsoo looked up when they heard the voice. Kim Heechul stood above them.

The memory of Yuri’s death flashed before his eyes and rage kindled in his stomach.

Heechul laughed. “Someone’s angry. But don’t take it out on me! It was one of your own who betrayed you after all.”

Hyukjae helped Jungsoo to his feet in the small cell. He walked slowly to the bars, trying to keep his face neutral. Heechul was a master at reading expressions. He stood just outside of the cell, his hands in his pockets, and an amused expression on his face. He gripped the bars so hard, his knuckles turned white.

“Who betrayed us?” Hyukjae’s voice shook.

Heechul smiled. It wasn’t a nice, reassuring smile. It was a smile that sent cold shivers down Hyukjae’s spine.

“Why don’t you join us?” he called to someone Hyukjae couldn’t see.

Someone hobbled out of the darkness of the corridor. Hyukjae could make out his silhouette, but not his face.

The silhouette walked towards the cell with a limp.

“No,” Hyukjae breathed, his heart stopping. He felt his knees weaken and would have fallen if it weren’t for Jungsoo’s hand on his shoulder.

“Hello hyung,” said Donghae, stepping out of the shadows.

He looked relaxed and content. Instead of the ragged clothes he wore the luxurious soft garb of the Inner Seoul elites.

Hyukjae stared at his brother. “You told them about Yuri?” he croaked.

Donghae nodded. “I also confirmed the Cavern’s location,” he said proudly.

“Why?” Hyukjae asked.

He didn’t understand. Donghae was technically a member of the Resistance, even though he didn’t fight. Hyukjae had spent his life protecting his little brother. Time and time again he tried to do what was right for Donghae. One of the reasons he fought in the ing Resistance was to try and win a better future for his younger brother. And now, that brother had betrayed him.

“Why?” he asked again, his voice louder.

Donghae shrugged. “I’ve always been smarter than you, Hyukjae. But nobody ever realised that because I had a funny leg.” His voice grew hard. “No one ever appreciated me! No one ever cared about me just because I couldn’t walk properly! I was ignored, looked down upon, I was never an individual, I was always just Lee Hyukjae’s brother!” His voice was a yell now.

A tear formed in Hyukjae’s eye. Donghae was the only family he had left. “I always cared for you.”

“Well, it didn’t seem like it,” Donghae said. “So I took control of my own future.” Donghae turned around and hobbled off.

Hyukjae grasped the bars. Jungsoo was stunned. He had saved Donghae’s life, but he hadn’t realised he had become so bitter.

Jungsoo cursed. He should have saved someone more trustworthy.

“Don’t you just love family reunions?” Heechul asked cheerfully. He clapped his hands and four Imposers came down the corridor. “We’re going for a trip, gentlemen,” he said. “The Queen is expecting you.”


The tunnel ended surprisingly.

One minute Junhong had been travelling in between rock and stone and the next there was a heavy wooden door in front of him. It had been mostly rotted through, so it was easy for him to break through.

When he moved through the door he was inside a large hall. It had high ceilings and torches burning on the walls. On the wall opposite him there was a huge oak door (which wasn’t rotten). To his left was a smaller door.

The bigger door could only lead to one place; the Hall of Mirrors. There was no way Junhong was heading in there, so he crept over to the smaller door. Fortunately, it was unlocked. Sliding through the doorway he was in a tiny stairway. A narrow spiral staircase led upwards. Unsheathing his knife, he began climbing.

The stairs went on for what seemed like forever. Junhong tried to count the steps, but he lost count somewhere around 235. He was about to give up and take a break when once again, his path ended abruptly. Another small door was in front of him. Junhong slowly pushed it open a crack and gasped.

Looking out he could see a huge hall, much bigger than the one below. Imposers lined the walls. It had a high ceiling and stain-glass windows. Beautiful statues and tapestries decorated it. The floors were marble and there were huge marble columns along the walls.

There was a huge throne made out of gold sat upon a pedestal. Soft cushions lay on them. At the foot of the pedestal stood none other than Queen Hyoyeon herself. She wore her crown on her head, covered her face with a veil and she wore a lilac gown. At her right stood Kim Heechul. The sight of him alone angered Junhong.

Flanked by Imposers in front of them were Jungsoo, Hyukjae and Traveller. Junhong frowned; Traveller was wearing the exact same dress as the Queen…

“What you don’t realise is how badly she’s been lying to you,” the Queen was saying. Junhong frowned and strained to listen. “I see my reflection every day, of course I’d recognize myself even if I am a little younger!”

None of this made sense to Junhong.

“What are you trying to say?” Jungsoo demanded. The Queen gave a dramatic sigh.

“Well, why don’t I show you?” she asked, her hands reaching up to pull the veil off of her face.

Everyone, even Heechul looked surprise. Junhong’s eyes widened – they said the Queen hadn’t shown anyone her face for years.

The veil fell to the floor as Junhong studied the Queen’s features. He bit his lip to stop himself from laughing.

She was identical to Traveller. Maybe a few years older, but apart from that they could have been twins.

“May I introduce Traveller, also known as Kim Hyoyeon,” Queen Hyoyeon said gesturing at Traveller. Traveller looked down at her feet.

Junhong’s brow furrowed. His brain was whirring overtime trying to make sense of this.

Jungsoo looked from Traveller to the Queen to Traveller again. “There are two of you?” he croaked.

“Not quite,” said Queen Hyoyeon. “We’re two versions of the same person. I am Hyoyeon the Queen, while she is Hyoyeon the Traveller. And not just any traveller. She is Kim Hyoyeon the Time Traveller.”

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Doing some editing. Putting this as private during said editing.


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Chapter 7: daebakk~~ just finished this story..
i have to carefully and slowly read so that i didn't missed out any part ( plus, i'm imagining the situation)..
still..good story...

WARNING: Contains spoiler for those who haven't read this.

Even if you've given me the notice, when I first read it I was like 'isn't it Zelo-centric?' but I read further and like 90% sure that the queen was Hyoyeon (I was half-true though. xD). When she shared her story to Donghae about her parents, I was 100% sure she was the queen. But why would she help them if she was the evil? Was she trying to lure them into her trap and kill them at once? I was really curious that I read really fast to get to the end faster. LOL. I have to say that the ending was a bit rushed (dw, I do that a lot too. xD). I actually would love to read more about the alternate timelines; maybe a flashback on how she first arrived on that timeline, watching the sad condition and then realized that it might be her other self who did the evil deeds, until she met Hyukjae.
This story has really good twists; I kept on guessing and kept on mistaken. xD At the end I thought she would die together with the Queen because they were the same person, but it didn't happen (I like your happier ending more, btw. :)) I have never thought about the possibility of timelines though thinking about it back you've given some clues about it. xD

Anyways, I really enjoyed reading this. Definitely worth the win. Thank you for this story, and good job! ^^
Chapter 7: Awwwhhh this story is to sad :'(
but I really like the idea and the plot :)
keep up the good work :)
Chapter 7: I really love this story!!!!!
SilenTmE #5
Chapter 7: I knew donghae was the sneaky bastard.. But can't blame him for being selfish..
This was definitely an interesting and different story. Different dimensions coexist is an intriguing concept..
It does seems rush but all is wel.. No more answers..
Chapter 7: I've got my HyoHyuk as well LoL thanks for the story once again dear~
Chapter 7: Dear~ you totally blowing me off with the ending.. I was shocked to see its completed and even with the rush you're doing great and I'm so loving this.. I'm not gonna lie that I'm not confused but heck you wrapped it well :D
Chapter 6: So Time traveller Hyo is from the future?
From Ireland?
I'm Irish!
Visted Ireland once before!! :D