The Martyr




A warning: to the soldier, the civilian, the martyr, the victim; this is war.


The people of Inner Seoul were shocked by the death of Kwon Yuri.

The people of Outer Seoul were outraged by the death of Kwon Yuri.

One of the most horrifying things was the way she had been treated. Her distraught mother - widowed for thirteen years, mother of seven - wasn't able to give a proper burial.

Two horses rode through Outer Seoul that morning. Kwon Yuri's ankles had been tied with a long rope to those horses, so as they cantered through the cities, her limp body was dragged through the dirt behind them. Now her body hung just outside the Inner Walls, dirty, messy. The crows were beginning to land around her.

Many in Inner Seoul were shocked and disgusted at the treatment of the girl. They realised that she had been involved in "criminal activity" they didn't approve of such a young girl being humiliated and executed without a trial. Rumours even spoke of her visiting the Hall of Mirrors. The nobles such their heads at each other and silently damned the notorious Kim Heechul. But if anything, the latest turn of events left them feeling even more intimidated than before.

Most of the Outer Seoul citizens didn't know Yuri personally. But they were outraged at the treatment of her.

Outraged was an understatement, Junhong thought as he hurried along the street.

The Inner Wall was swarmed with crowds. When so many people become angry in an enclosed space it was a mob, a mob with a mind of its own. People hollered and yelled. "Justice!" They screamed as one voice. "Bring us Kim Heechul's head!"

Even the Imposers were struggling. There were so many crowded around the Inner Wall. On the battlements of the Wall were the gallows. Yuri hadn't been hanged, but she was swinging in a noose anyway. The Imposers tried to keep people away from the walls. Women, teenagers, men alike all pushed and shoved, roaring for justice.

Junhong pressed himself against the wall of a building on the corner so he wouldn't get crushed by the crowds. Craning his neck he looked to the roof of the building, where Hyukjae stood. Junhong himself felt numbness, and guilt inside of him. He told himself there was nothing he could do. It wasn't his fault. Heechul and his men could have found Yuri from anyone's tip. He did have spies everywhere, after all.

But if Junhong had not hidden in Yuri's place that day, would her dead body be hanging above him?

Her death felt like a hundred pounds of weight on his shoulders. But now wasn't the time to grieve.

Jungsoo had been devastated too. He had found Yuri on the streets two years ago. She was looking for a job to help feed her family. Jungsoo showed kindness to everyone, it was why everyone was so loyal. Junhong knew that if it weren't for Jungsoo, he and Hyukjae would have died of Frobish.

Junhong caught Hyukjae's eye and nodded. Turning around the teenager sought out Sungmin who was standing on a rooftop across the street. Sungmin was looking out for Junhong. The two males locked eyes and nodded.

Junhong took a deep breath, looking up at the massive wall. Jungsoo said it was about five metres thick. A huge door was laid into the stone, but on the other side. On the Outer side, there was a heavy iron portcullis. If that was up, a sort five metre tunnel brought you to the door.

Two imposers manned the portcullis and about twelve others stood guard in front of the wall set distances from each other. Two small staircases (either side of the portcullis) led up to a ledge in the wall. The ledge was above the portcullis, a half-way point between the top and bottom of the wall, about twelve feet from the ground. On occasion an official would speak to the crowd from the ledge. Three Imposers stood here at the moment. Another staircase led from the ledge to the top of the wall. More Imposers patrolled the top of the wall. The gallows were on the top of the wall as well. Right now the Imposers on the ledge and wall observed their comrades on the grounf trying to calm the angry crowd.

It was the perfect time. Junhong ignored the cries of “We want justice!” as he looked at Hyukjae. Traveller and Shin Donghee were standing beside him. Hyukjae dropped a dark bag to his feet and searched it. He took out a flare gun. Things like flares were so rare now, virtually none were found in Outer Seoul. The Resistance only had one, and it was a precious item. Hyukjae prepared the flare gun and Junhong looked back at Sungmin and nodded a second time. He could only see Sungmin on the roof, but Jungsoo and Youngwoon were doubtlessly nearby.

Hyukjae aimed the flare to the sky and pulled. A loud crack was heard (loud enough to grab the attention of the majority of the mob) and a crimson streak shot up through the sky.

It served two purposes; to get everyone’s attention and to signal the attack.



Three. They were to run five seconds after the flare,

Two.  Junhong’s heart hammered in his ribcage.


Junhong pushed himself away from the wall of the building and hurled himself into the crowd. The mob had no idea what was going on and there was a loud buzz of questions. Some yelled and screamed as Junhong and the others began to push and shove their way to wall.

Junhong ran as fast as he could. People saw him and darted out of his way, or he pushed them away. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Traveller and Hyukjae following his suit. Hyukjae soon passed him out.

The Imposers at the portcullis began to realise something was happening. They didn’t carry automatic weapons, instead the weapons of the Imposers was a scythe. 

The Imposers were about to raise their scythes when Lee Hyukjae jumped from the crowd. He jumped and swung his foot out before landing in a crouch. His foot connected with one’s nose and he dropped his scythe. Immediately Hyukjae had grabbed the collar of his uniform and punched him in the stomach twice. The other Imposer was about to make a swing at Hyukjae, but then Traveller was there. She ducked under his outstretched arm and kicked him hard in the crotch. He immediately doubled over and she sent an elbow to his face.

The crowd realised that they were on their side. The other Imposers began rushing to aid their comrades, but the crowd didn’t part as easily for them.

Junhong reached the portcullis as Traveller kicked her Imposer into the ground and Hyukjae knocked his out cold with a powerful punch.

“Junhong!” He said with a grin, hyper from adrenaline. “Glad you could make it!” 

Jungsoo came running up, Sungmin and Youngwoon behind him. “So far, so good,” he said. “But our job isn’t over yet!”

Imposers were fast approaching. “Sungmin, Youngwoon; stay here. Traveller, Junhong; staircases. Hyukjae, you’re with me.”

Junhong nodded and ran with the two men up the staircase on the right. Traveller took the staircase on the left. Half-way up, he stopped and turned around. Traveller did the same, but the two men went right up to the ledge. Junhong’s job was to make sure nobody got up to Jungsoo.

Imposers were approaching fast. They’d have Sungmin and Youngwoon to deal with before they even reached the steps. Junhong had thought that they should have brought more of their fighters on this mission, but Jungsoo disagreed. After this they would be known members of the Resistance.

Yells increased in volume as the Imposers lost patience and brutally pushed aside anyone who got in their way. On top of the wall, Imposers looked concerned, but were afraid to leave their posts.

The three Imposers on the ledge ran at Jungsoo, but it was a very narrow space. Jungsoo pushed one back. He hit the second one and they both tumbled off of the ledge. One landed hard, the other had a slightly softer landing (the first’s back). Jungsoo ducked under the third’s scythe and kicked his legs from underneath him. With a harsh push the third fell off of the ledge and hit the ground with the unmistakeable sound of breaking bones.

Jungsoo turned to face the ground. “People of Outer Seoul!” he roared. Screams died down as hundreds and hundreds of hopeful faces tried to hear what he was saying. “They – those of Inner Seoul – have wronged us! They have mistreated us! They have killed us! They shot into a crowd of us and killed some of us, they threw young girls into the Hall of Mirrors and killed her! That isn’t the beginning! They have withheld food and education from us! They beat us! They tax us! They take advantage of us!”

The crowd grew noisier as they voiced their agreement. “Not all of them are bad. But if we ever want to live happily, the Queen needs to give up her crown!”

The mob roared their agreement, more and more paying attention.

“Where was the Queen when we were starving during the famine five months ago? What did the Queen do when we were dying of Frobish? Did she give us the vaccine? No, she burned our friends and families alive!”

Jungsoo had touched a sore spot with the crowd. There were tears and sobs heard.

“We’re better off without her! My name is Park Jungsoo, and I’m the leader of the Resistance. But we can’t do much without your help. Help us, help yourselves! Fight with us, earn your own freedom!”

Jungsoo could barely be heard over the crowd now. Junhong smiled in relief, he had half expected this mission to fail and for them all to be captured.

“We will avenge Kwon Yuri! We will avenge those killed by Kim Heechul! Down with Kim Heechul! Down with the Queen! Down with the Queen!”

“Down with the Queen!” Hyukjae echoed.

“Down with the Queen!” Junhong roared so loudly his throat hurt.

“D-Down with the Queen,” Traveller stuttered a bit.

“Down with Queen Hyoyeon!” Jungsoo yelled.

The crowd took up the chant. “Down with Hyoyeon! Down with the Queen! We want the Queen’s head!”

The Imposers atop the wall began rushing down the steps. Junhong bit his lip; they had focused on protecting the ledge from below, not above. Hyukjae cracked his knuckles. Jungsoo took a long knife out of his pocket jacket. 

“The Outer is Closing In!” Jungsoo howled as the first Imposer reached him, and the fighting began.





“Hold still!”


“It hurts!”


“It will hurt more unless you quit moving!”


Traveller applied some special disinfectant to the cut on Junhong’s arm. A drop or two would clean out the wound and help to stop the bleeding but it stung. Junhong hissed at the pain. “Noona!” he whined.


Despite herself, Traveller grinned.


She dressed the cut in bandages. Junhong has been cut with an Imposer’s scythe as he fought. The wound was deep, but not life threatening.


After the fighting began earlier, the place went wild. The normal citizens of Outer Seoul attacked the Imposers. They weren’t armed, but when thirty adults suddenly try to hurt you in any way possible, a scythe doesn’t help much.


It had been going quite well. Jungsoo’s plan was to harness the anger of the people and use it against the Queen. It had gone splendidly. They hadn’t expected to get such a reaction; the people yelling “The Outer is closing In” and “Down with the Queen” while attacking their oppressors.


Then he arrived on the scene.


Kim Heechul, the master of whisperers, the murderer.


He stood at the foot of the gallows (the cheek of him) and fired his gun three times into the air. The gunshots had gotten everyone’s attention.


Seeing him with a gun, a few people fled, fearing he’d shoot into the crowds. More people yelled, yelled for his death, yelled for justice. After another shot, they listened to what he had to say.


“You support these people, and you’re condemning yourselves. Everyone who isn’t loyal share the same fate as Miss Kwon above me.” That drew angry murmurs. “To the members of The Resistance; come to me before dusk and you shall be rewarded and spared. If not you will be killed. And to the leader of The Resistance,” Heechul’s voice gained a false-polite tone. “Jungsoo-ssi, pleased to meet you. I have a question; can you order people to give their lives for this Resistance? Can you send people to their deaths? If the answer is no, I suggest giving up now.”


Heechul straightened up and yawned. “To everyone, I just have one final thing to say to you. Kwon Yuri’s death was the Resistance’s fault. They encouraged her to engage in criminal activity and one of their own told us about her. Yes, one of their own members is a traitor, and they don’t even know who.”


Jungsoo had glared at Traveller, who had looked shocked at the revelation. Heechul smiled and bowed. “Have a good evening everybody,” he said, walking off.


That was a few hours ago. Jungsoo had been furious, presuming Traveller to be a traitor. Junhong had come to her defence though, reasoning that Traveller didn’t even know Yuri. Seeing the logic, Jungsoo apologized.


The four were in the Cavern. In one corner Jungsoo and Hyukjae were discussing something in hushed voices, their heads bent together. Traveller was tending to Junhong’s wound in another.






Traveller tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “Do you know the history of the Royal Family? Like, how they came to be?”


Junhong nodded. Not many people in Outer Seoul knew the full story but Jungsoo had studied history in Inner Seoul. He had explained it to Junhong not so long ago. “Years and years and years ago, in 2013, Korea (that’s what this country used to be called) was split into two. South Korea was a democracy, North Korea was a communist country.” Junhong frowned. “I know what democracy means, but I don’t know what communist means,” he admitted. Traveller nodded. She knew what they meant. “Continue, please.”


“Well, North Korea declared war on the South, and soon after that came Lightless Days. Jungsoo said nobody really knew what the Lightless Days were, but it killed a lot of people and since then, the whole population was in New Seoul. Once the city was rebuilt, there were elections and a scientist named Kin Jinsoo was elected president. He had helped the people through the Lightless Days, he was a very good man. But he had a heart attack seven months later.” Traveller visibly flinched. “Although it was meant to be a democracy, political parties hadn’t organised themselves. Kim Jinsoo didn’t even have a deputy.”


Junhong continued. “Nobody knew who should replace him. He didn’t have any children. His brother ended up replacing him but that was a mistake. He declared himself King, and established what Jungsoo called a dictatorship. He also called it an absolute monarchy. I’ve no idea what either mean. He bought the armies to his size and the people didn’t have the strength to disagree. His son became King when he died, but his son’s first child was a girl. They say that the King and his wife were going to try for a boy, but the teenage Princess killed them before they could, and she became Queen.” Traveller winced again. “People also say that Kim Jinsoo, who is the Queen’s great-uncle had been working on a special project. After he died other scientists finished his research and were able to build the Hall of Mirrors.”


“Wow,” Traveller said breathlessly. “That’s quite a history.”


Junhong nodded. He stood up, stretched and yawned. It had been a long, scary, tiring day. Historry made him sleepy. “I’m going to take a leak,” he said, moving off to the bathroom.”


“Ew, too much information Junhong!” Traveller squeaked.


Traveller sighed, leaning back in her chair. She was exhausted but things only got more and more complicated for her. It seemed the harder she tried to make things right, the worse things got.


Were they footsteps she heard?


She sat up, attracting the attention of the two men. “Is something wrong?” asked Hyukjae.


“I thought…I thought I heard footsteps,” she mumbled.


The sound of something clanking down steps could be heard, following by a hissing noise.


“What the hell is that?” Jungsoo asked, standing up.


Grey smoke started to pour into the Cavern from the crack under the door.


“What’s this meant to be, some kind of magic trick?” Hyukjae scoffed.


Too late, Traveller realized what was happening. “Sleep gas!” she yelled. “Don’t breathe it in!”


It was too late.


Hyukjae first, he thudded to the door. Jungsoo next. He fell unconscious slouching in his chair.


Traveller prayed Junhong had enough sense to stay in the bathroom. She realized that whoever the traitor Heechul spoke of had probably told the Imposers the location of the Cavern.


Lock the door, she thought. Too late. It was the last thought that formed as her mind went blank.

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Doing some editing. Putting this as private during said editing.


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Chapter 7: daebakk~~ just finished this story..
i have to carefully and slowly read so that i didn't missed out any part ( plus, i'm imagining the situation)..
still..good story...

WARNING: Contains spoiler for those who haven't read this.

Even if you've given me the notice, when I first read it I was like 'isn't it Zelo-centric?' but I read further and like 90% sure that the queen was Hyoyeon (I was half-true though. xD). When she shared her story to Donghae about her parents, I was 100% sure she was the queen. But why would she help them if she was the evil? Was she trying to lure them into her trap and kill them at once? I was really curious that I read really fast to get to the end faster. LOL. I have to say that the ending was a bit rushed (dw, I do that a lot too. xD). I actually would love to read more about the alternate timelines; maybe a flashback on how she first arrived on that timeline, watching the sad condition and then realized that it might be her other self who did the evil deeds, until she met Hyukjae.
This story has really good twists; I kept on guessing and kept on mistaken. xD At the end I thought she would die together with the Queen because they were the same person, but it didn't happen (I like your happier ending more, btw. :)) I have never thought about the possibility of timelines though thinking about it back you've given some clues about it. xD

Anyways, I really enjoyed reading this. Definitely worth the win. Thank you for this story, and good job! ^^
Chapter 7: Awwwhhh this story is to sad :'(
but I really like the idea and the plot :)
keep up the good work :)
Chapter 7: I really love this story!!!!!
SilenTmE #5
Chapter 7: I knew donghae was the sneaky bastard.. But can't blame him for being selfish..
This was definitely an interesting and different story. Different dimensions coexist is an intriguing concept..
It does seems rush but all is wel.. No more answers..
Chapter 7: I've got my HyoHyuk as well LoL thanks for the story once again dear~
Chapter 7: Dear~ you totally blowing me off with the ending.. I was shocked to see its completed and even with the rush you're doing great and I'm so loving this.. I'm not gonna lie that I'm not confused but heck you wrapped it well :D
Chapter 6: So Time traveller Hyo is from the future?
From Ireland?
I'm Irish!
Visted Ireland once before!! :D