Chapter 4

Infinite! You're My Oppa Season II


Jisoo's P.O.V

I could have been packing with Hahnbee for our three month trip to Korea, but here I am, in our school's auditorium, listening to our principal blabbing about how proud she is of us. She's also mentioned that she's really excited to see us next year. It's kind of funny, since she doesn't know half the student's name that attends to W2PS. I looked over at Hahnbee and she was yawning. She looked over and we exchanged looks and started to giggle. I started tracing infinity sign with my index finger. 

"59...58...57..," I heard some kids counting down behind me. I started counting down with them inside my head. 

"Guys! Have a great break and see you all on September 10th!" my principal yelled over the mic. We all stood up and cheered, not because she gave a heart touching speech, but because we were all happy that it ended. The students all ran to the exit nearest to them and squeezed themselves out. I was the first one to walk out the exit in the north because I sat right in front of it. I ran to my dorm and opened it. I got out my suitcase from my closet and zipped it open. It already had some of my clothes neatly folded in. I ran to my white bookshelf that held Hahnbee's and my cds. I got mine and carried it to my desk. I went to my closet and looked for my roll of bubble wrap. When I found it, I wrapped it around my cds individually and secured it. While I was in the middle of wrapping my last cd, Hahnbee came in our room, exhausted. 

"Why are you so late?" I asked her. 

"The witch made us sit back down and listen to her blab about how we aren't being responsible... You're so lucky you were the first one to get out of the auditorium," Hahnbee mumbled. 

"FORGET THAT! LET'S PACK! WE HAVE 15 HOURS UNTIL WE HAVE TO GO TO THE AIRPORT!" I yelled. We screamed and started jumping up and down. She got out her purple suitcase and started stuffing her summer clothes in there. "Here, you can wrap your cds with this," I told her as I lifted my roll of bubble wrap. 

"Wait... How are you going to get your cd signed? They can't know that you're an Inspirit," Hahnbee asked. 


I stopped wrapping my cd and looked at her. “Can you ask them to sign this and pretend that it’s your other friend’s cd?” I asked her. She thought for a moment and nodded.

“No problemo~” she said as she continued to fold her clothes.


It was 12 AM and we were still talking about what we wanted to do in Korea. “I can’t believe that you get to be Infinite’s sister… I want to be their sister as will!!” Hahnbee whined. We were sitting on my bed, drinking banana milk

“I can’t either… It’s like magic ya know. I never thought that a day like this will come. I always thought that it will only happen to fans in Korea, but I guess having an uncle that works in Mnet can come in handy with these stuff,” I said as I sipped on my straw. 

“I also can’t believe that it’s tomorrow. The day you first told me, I thought that it was going take forever for the day to come. But here we are!” Hahnbee said as she laughed. I laughed along and stared at our posters. It was beautiful. Hahnbee and I decided to hang our poster like a time line. We bought all their album posters and hung them in order. It was from Come Back to Me Again to The Chaser.

“I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep today,” I laughed. Hahnbee laughed along and we looked at each other.

“I’m ready to rub on Dabin’s face that I met my bias and she doesn’t,” I proudly said. Hahnbee laughed and she nodded.


“WAAAKKKEEEEEEEEE UPPPPP!!!” Sungyeol’s voice screamed. I shot opened my eyes and put my right hand under my pillow. I got out my phone and turned my alarm off. It was 8:32 AM and I have to get ready soon. My mom told me that she’ll buy me breakfast and drive us to the airport.

“I love your alarm!” Hahnbee laughed.

“I didn’t know you were awake!” I told Hahnbee.

“You’re alarm woke me up!” she laughed as she got out of her bed.

“You’re welcome,” I said as I got out of my bed too.

Hahnbee hit the shower first and I picked my clothes. It can’t be too uncomfortable because I’m going to be stuck 20,000 feet in air for 14 hours… I can’t also wear too comfy clothes like sweats because Infinite’s going to be waiting for me…

I decided to wear blue skinny jeans from Abercrombie and Fitch, black converse that came up to my ankle, a necklace with a ribbon dangling on a silver chain, and a gray cropped shirt


I threw my outfit on my bed. Hahnbee wasn’t done with her shower, so I check my suitcase. I checked if my cd was in there and it sure was. I got out my black Kipling backpack and started putting in my wallet, itouch, phone, notebook, charger, makeup pouch and pens in it. I threw that on my bed as well. Hahnbee finished her shower and she opened the door for me. She had her outfit on and was drying her hair. I could feel the steams and it was making my skin clammy.

I walked in the shower and took my clothes off. I folded it neatly and placed it on the toilet seat. (It was closed so my clothes didn’t get wet… okay… XD) Hahnbee had her music on so I listened to it while I took a shower. It was a bit hard because she was using the blow drier, but it was fine. I know the song well enough to sing them in my head.


I took a good one last look of my dorm and smiled. I’ll see you in three months. Hahnbee and I exited our school while we dragged our suitcase. We saw some kids with suitcases too. They were all heading home for the break and they waved goodbye at us. We waved goodbye and waited for my mom. Then I realized that she already pulled over, but she didn’t notice that I was waiting for her cause she was too busy staring at her phone. “Over here,” I told Hahnbee and pointed at my mom’s car. We laughed in embarrassment and I opened my mom’s car door. It was locked. I knocked on the window and my mom looked over. I heard a click and I opened the door. “Mom! Can we put our suitcases in the trunk?” I asked.

“Oh! I forgot!” she said as she pressed the trunk button. I shook my head and opened the trunk. My mom drove us to Burger King.

“Mom… Seriously?” I asked her.

“What? You guys won’t be able to eat this for like three months!” my mom said as she parked her car.

“WE NEVER EAT THIS!!” I practically yelled at my mom.

“Lower your voice young lady! Come on, hop out,” my mom said as she turned off her engine. I sighed and hopped out of my mom’s car.

“Jisoo ah~ what you’re mom’s saying is true! We won’t be able to eat this like same yucky taste for three months,” Hahnbee comforted. I nodded because what she said was true..

“What do you want?” my mom asked me. I scanned through the menu and decided to eat icee with large fries and a cheeseburger. We decided to make it a to-go so we’ll be able to eat it in the car.

“Jisoo ah, when you’re in Korea… BEHAVE!!!!!! I’m going to tell your uncle to keep a close eye on you and Hahnbee. Whenever you two are together… You guys turn strange,” my mom said. Her attention was glued to the road so she couldn’t see me laughing silently. What she said was true, again.


We arrived at the airport and my mom helped us with our stuff. She handed us our tickets and gave us a huge smile. “I can’t believe my little baby is going off to Korea on her own,” my mom said as she wiped her fake tears away.

“There, there mom… I’ll keep in touch with you when I’m in Korea!” I said as I gave her a hug. Now she was really crying.

She walked us to the gate and handed us our suitcase. I took my suitcase and gave her a huge smile. “Mom let’s take a picture together!” I said as I took my phone out. “1…2…3!” I said as I clicked on the button. The picture snapped and I turned off my phone. I hugged her goodbye once again and walked with Hahnbee inside the gate.

The security checked us to see if we had any violent things. When they finished, they let us go. We walked to the gate for our airplane and he had thirty more minutes until they’ll let us in. Hahnbee and I walked to a market to buy some snacks. We picked white cheddar cheetos and a plastic water bottle.

We looked at our ticket to see what class we’ll be sitting in. I was scanning through my ticket with Hahnbee when she yelled “OVER HERE!” I looked where she pointed and it said Prestige Class.  "NO WAY!!" I yelled. I felt people staring at us, so I looked behind me. Everyone near us was looking at us. Even the securities. 

Hahnbee and I looked at Infinite's The Chaser music video for the 100th time when my uncle called me. "Yeobosaeyo?" I said. 

"Jisoo ah! Okay this is going to be kind of sad but Hahnbee and you CANNOT come out together in Incheon Airport. I think it'll be the best to keep her out film cause she's not technically their little sister.." my uncle spilled out. I repeated what my uncle said to me to Hahnbee and she just shrugged.

"I'll do anything, I just want to see Infinite and spend my time with you!" I told my uncle what Hahnbee said. We talked more about filming and how he wants me to put on some makeup. I rolled my eyes my but did as my uncle told me. I applied some natural looking makeup and a little bit of mascara.

"PRESTIGE CLASS!!! CALLING PRESTIGE CLASS!!" the security called over the mic. We stood up, got our suitcase and walked to the gate. We handed them our ticket and our passports. They let us in and we were jumping up and down. 

We found our seats and it was next to each other. We put our suitcase above our seat in the cabinet, and we tried to get comfy. I looked at music and saw Infinite's paradise album. "ERMAGWAD!!! LOOK AT THIS!!" I yelled to her. She looked at it and started to spazz. We clicked on it and played the whole album. Then, I noticed that B1A4's Ignition album was here. I was supposed to be their fan... I took out my notebook and showed Hahnbee all the notes I took about B1A4. 

  • They're from the country side, so they're known as the country idol
  • Their fans average age is 14
  • Jinyoung is the leader
  • Baro is the rapper
  • Sandeul is the main vocal
  • CNU is the sub vocal, sub rapper, and "the main dancer" <--- not sure about this
  • Gongchan is the visual

"Not that much..." I said as I closed my notebook. 

"Who's your bias in this group?" Hahnbee asked.

"Baro! He's super cute!!" I said as I clicked on their ignition album on the plane's little touchscreen tv.

I listened to their song and it wasn't that bad! It was actually pretty catchy! Except for the part when their Engrish doesn't make sense... I mean... Seriously? BABY I'M SORRY!! WE GOT THE BETTER~! What is that suppose to mean?? Well.. Their songs are catchy so I'm going to let that slide. I closed my eyes and admired the music. This was going to be a bit awkward that I have to start spazzing about them in front of my ultimate bias group. Baro... Baro... Baro... Baro...


Myungsoo's P.O.V

Our dorm was in a huge mess. We were cleaning up our dorm for our new little sister. I hope she won't be clingy like Jiae. Woohyun and SungGyu decided to sacrifice their rooms for her. Sunggyu hyung will be sleeping with Dongwoo and I. Joy. Woohyun will be sleeping with SungJong, Sungyeol and Hoya. Their room is big enough to stuff four people in. 

"Hyung! Let's have a meeting," SungJong cried. Everyone agreed and we walked to the living room. We had an hour before our next schedule. 

"What are we going to do with her? I mean I always wanted a sister that'll be younger than me!!" SungJong said as he started to blush a little. 

"The PD is going to tell us everything. Meeting dismissed," Sunggyu hyung said as he stood up. 

"WHAT? Already?" Everyone except for Sunggyu hyung yelled. He nodded and walked in my room that I share with Dongwoo hyung. We just shrugged and turned the TV on. I walked in my room and lay on my bed. Sunggyu hyung was listening to music. I looked at my phone and tapped on Jisoo's picture. She was sitting on her desk and she was smiling. She's really pretty...

"MYUNGSOO AH!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING??" Dongwoo hyung asked me as he walked in our room. I quickly locked my phone and pretended I was just relaxing. 

"N-nothing.." I lied. I looked out the window and smiled. Soon, I'll be able to see her in real life. I want to teach her how to play In the Summer with a guitar...


Sorry it took me forever to update!!







So finally, Jisoo and Hahnbee gets to meet Infinite :) 

My next chapter, they're going to meet and I'm going to make it long like this chapter :)

Thanks for reading and I apologize that I didn't update a lot...

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Sorry for the late update T__T I'll try doing a double update today!


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Chapter 19: Are you ever going to update this? I was enjoying it
Chapter 5: Dongwoo is my bias too <3
Kim_L-Apz #3
Chapter 19: Update soon!! :)
nikkihatz #4
Chapter 2: I love this so far!! :)
Chapter 19: Update soon!
Chapter 18: I love it!
MsDaehyuntokki #7
Chapter 17: Please update soon ahh !!!! ^^
ExoticBeaSehunnie #8
Chapter 17: Fudge you.... I actually believed you for a second there....
ExoticBeaSehunnie #9
Chapter 16: Oh man... Poor Jisoo
inspiritsinfinite91 #10
Chapter 16: Please update soon! I really like this story! I wonder who will be the boyfriend of Hahnbee? Is it L? Lol! Author-nim Hwaiting!