
The MYSTERIOUS Black Knight

I woke up by spurting water.

“Are you okay?” I heard a fuzzy voice and slowly open my eyes but the image was fuzzy too.

“I-I’m fine…” I replied coughing more water out.

“Thank God I know CPR.” The guy muttered softly. My eyes flew wide open as I saw a grinning Jaejoong.

“Y-you know w-what?”

“Hey!” a tiny voice boomed beside me.

“Omo!” I held onto my chest seeing the talking tiny flying thing flew next to me. It was furrowing at us. Even though it was small it looked fierce so you can’t blame me for hiding behind Jaejoong’s back. And I really hate bugs!

“Jaejoong, get the bug away from me!” I demanded panicky.

“Hey! I’m not a bug! How dare you call me a bug? I’m a fairy! A high ranking fairy, I might add.” The hideous thing said frustrated.

“Well, hello Mr. Fairy. What’s your name? It’s so pleasant to meet you.” Jaejoong said calmly.

“Why are you even asking for name from a idiotic bug!” I cried and wanted to hit him when he painfully nudged me on my side. You’re so gonna get it, you stupid bodyguard!

“I’m not a bug!” the little thing shouted.

“Yeah yeah—“and before I could say anything else, Jaejoong has to clamped my mouth. Ugh!

“My name is Jaejoong.” He waved and then pointed to me “just ignore her.”

“I’m Jonghyun, Fairy of Protection.” He held out a tiny bug hand. Jaejoong shook it with two fingers.

I was laughing but it was muffled up so it sounded disgusting.

“And who is she?” Fairy Jonghyun pointed a rude finger at me. I glared at him and he glared back.

“I’m Prin—“Jaejoong clamped my mouth shut once again as I pulled at his hand to let go but his grip just got tighter.

“She’s my umm… uh…”

“Lover?” Jonghyun suggested and we both stared at him wide eyed. “I’ll take that as a no.”

“She’s my s-sister.” Jaejoong finally said and eyed me a look to tell ne to shut up. If I can fire him now, I would.

“Hmm… hard to believe but oh well, come, follow me, you must be cold.” He gestured us, Jaejoong to be specific.

“I’m not following a mad flying bug.” I said loudly, Jaejoong tried to shush me but that Jonghyun already heard it. He turned around dramatically and glared at me.

“Well, I didn’t ask you to come, I asked your brother to come. You can stay out here for all you want. No you must stay here. Jaejoong, you must follow me if you don’t want your sister to be dead.”

My jaw hung wide opened. Is he ordering me what to do?

“Hayul, stay here.” and did Jaejoong just commanded me to stay where I am?

I shake my head as I stared at Jaejoong following the idiotic bug deeper into the magical forest. I kicked a nearby stone and walked down the stream.

“Stupid Jaejoong. Stupid talking bug.” I muttered unhappily.

“That’s mine!”

“No, that’s mine!”

I heard fighting voices as I neared a blueberry bush. I took a peek and saw…

“More flying talking bugs.” I gasped. The two little things stopped fighting and turned to where my voice came from. Uh-oh, should have listened to Jaejoong.

I quickly ran behind a red cherry bush and hide but…

“Hello there pretty?” I heard a tiny yet deep voice from behind me. I bit my lip and turned around to see two cute bugs…?

“Are you talking to me?” I questioned unsure. I looked around but there were nobody else.

“Why yes, beautiful. Are you here on a vacation? Oh and before anything else we’ve gotta hide you before Jonghyun hyung finds you here.” Bug number two said.

“Duh. Where shall we hide her?” Bug number one asked looking around.

“Hmm… good que—“

“Hello? Uh, excuse me?” I said waving my hands at them to get their attention. They both raised an eyebrow at me. Don’t ask me why bugs can raise their eyebrows?

“Who’s this Jonghyun hyung?” I asked curiously.

“Oh, he’s Fairy of Protection, nothing much. I’m more important, I’m Fairy of Perfection, Choi Minho.  And this little maknae fairy of ours is Fairy of Personalities, Lee Taemin” Fairy number one smiled seductively. Aww, he's so cute, I wish he was real, meaning real life size. I’ll definitely hook up with him then.

“Oh I met him alright.” I said.

“You did? And he just let you stay here?” Fairy Taemin asked disbelief.

I’m calling them fairies but for that Jonghyun one, he’s still a bug.

“Well, he didn’t let me in and told me to stay out here instead.” I replied annoyed thinking of how I was instructed.

“I see… hmm… wait a sec…” Fairy Minho said and suddenly he shone brightly and I had to shield my eyes to avoid getting blind.

And before I knew it, I was lying against a tree with a life size Minho and his both hands trapping me. He his lips seductively.

And then another bright light shine, a life size Taemin was walking towards us. And I couldn’t deny he’s cute too.

“Ugh, guys…” I said uncomfortably.

“Choi Minho! Lee Taemin!” a voice boomed from nowhere and I saw an elf…?

Oh my god, this place is definitely not normal…

“L-leeteuk h-hyung!” they stuttered and transformed back into their old tiny cute fairy size and flew away, leaving me alone.

“Um… I-I…” I was tongue-tied and scratched my head not knowing what to do.

“Who are you?” Leeteuk asked and I could feel his eyes scanning me head to toe. God, why am I even here?

“I’m Prin—“

“Oh, there you are!” somebody exclaimed behind me and s his arm around my waist.

“What’re you doing?” I asked Jaejoong.

“Oh, darling are you alright? I’m sorry sir did she bother you?” Jaejoong asked me then Leeteuk. Wait, first I’m his sister and now I’m his darling!

“No, she did not but may I ask why are you two here?” Leeteuk asked politely.

“Oh, about that you see my wife here is pregnant and she needed rest and then we end up here.” Jaejoong explained pulling me closer to him. Wait, what?!

“Mwo?” I couldn’t believe what I’m hearing.

“O…kay…” Leeteuk said slowly digesting the information too.

“They won’t let you stay if I don’t say that.” Jaejoong whispered into my ear.

“But I don’t wanna stay!” I whispered back harshly.

“We have nowhere else to go! So, shut up!” Jaejoong whispered angrily.

“Are you two… fine?” Leeteuk raised an eyebrow at us.

“Oh, perfectly fine but can I ask for a favor?” Jaejoong asked. Not fine at all! I screamed inwards.

“Nae,” Leeteuk replied.

“Can we stay?” Jaejoong asked something that ought to be killed. NOOOO!!!

“Sure, follow me. We elves love companies.” Leeteuk smiled kindly and led the way.

“Kamsahamida,” Jaejoong bowed and pulled me along.

I’m so gonna kill that bastard…



{A/N} hey guys another update =] comment, subscribe and up vote yeah~~~

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toukyo #1
seems interesting
Chapter 6: Bad Changmin. How could you cheat Hayul with her bestfriend??
Chapter 1: aish... Jihae =.=
Chapter 1: can I kill that Jihae :( -_-