Chapter 3

{ Sweet Sweet BodyGuard }

"COME TO YG BUILDING RIGHT NOW OR I WILL SLASH YOUR THROAT." Despite the screaming from Yang Hyun-suk on the other line, GD was still sleeping soundly.



"WAKE UP YOU IDIOT." Yang Hyun-suk screamed again but sighed when there was no reaction from GD.



Yang Hyun Suk searched menecingly for something that was loud enough , he clenched his fist while finding the suitable ''alarm' to wake GD up. Being a heavy sleeper is not a good thing.



"Don't worry, i got it from here." Another voice was heard. Yang Hyun Suk picked up the phone as he sighed of relief.



"Wake him up. Make him come my office RIGHT NOW." Yang Hyun Suk slamed the phone down and messed his hair, he already had enough trouble and now this?



Taeyang, Daesung , Seungri and TOP was in GD room, all of them had worried expressions on.



"Wake him up you!" Seungri pointed at Daesung.



"Wake him up you!" Daesung pointed at Taeyang.



"Wake him up you! Since you told Hyun-Suk that." Taeyang pointed at TOP.



TOP shook his head regretfully , oh why oh why did he do that....


They all know what GD loves most other than Music is sleeping. He kicks anyone who disturbs his beauty sleep and might even nag at them the whole day non-stop. Seungri was once a victim of that, GD nagged him about being the youngest and needed to be respectful blah blah blah, Seungri almost slapped GD mouth.


"YAH WAKE UP." SeungHyun shouted into GD ear and all he got in return was just a slight move from GD.



"Forget it Hyung." Daesung laughed.



SeungHyun turned to glare at him as he darted his eyes back. "WHY DON'T YOU DO IT DAESUNG?" Seung Hyun screamed, causing Daesung to shut up and cringed.



Seungri rubbed his two hands together thr and fro and his eyes showed michevious, Uh-oh. This is not good. He looks like a evil villian thinking of a brillant plan on hurting the super heros.



"What the hell are you thinking?" Taeyang stared at Seungri actions as shivers went down his spine.



"WATER." Seungri pointed a finger up, showing that he had a idea. Before his hyungs could stop him, he ran to the bathroom in fast speed, he took a bucket and filled it with water. While waiting for the bucket to be full, he kept laughing evily.



"REVENGE HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAH." Seungri laughed like a mad scientist.



Seungri ran back to the room carrying a bucket full of water. Daesung , Top and Taeyang laughed as they eyed Seungri, they did a thumbs up , prasing him. Seungri smirked as himself was proud.


"Finally our maknae matured." Seung Hyun patted Seungri's back.



"yah, help me." Seungri requested.



Taeyang and Daesung helped Seungri to lift the bucket of water. Their eyes met with a glint of happiness, yes happiness. Seungri mouthed, '1' . Daesung mouthed '2' and expected Taeyang mouthed '3'.




Seunghyun bursted out in roars of laughter, not even thinking how GD would reaction, he fell onto the floor, hitting it with his clenched fist to stop himself from laughing. Tears almost dropping from too much laughter.



"FIRE ALARM FIRE ALARM." Daesung screamed with his voice.



Seungri and Taeyang continued laughing, they had lived long enough to see GD in this state. They decided not to even beg for forgivness, because GD might even kill them.



"WHAT WHAT ? FIRE ALARM? WHY AM I WET? AHHH YOU GUYS, ITS FIRE ALARM AND YOURE STILL HERE." GD screamed as he abruptly stood up from his bed. His eyes shouted anxiesty.


And it only took him 3 seconds to realized everything. Luckily, Seungri covered his ears before...





"We are just waking you up." Taeyang crossed his arms, hinting that he was angry that he received nothing but screams when he helped him.



"You call this waiting up?" GD reasoned. Steam can already be seen coming out of his ears, he bit his lip to remind himself not to burst out and beat the hell out of them.



"We tried screaming into your freaking ear GD! ARE YOU FREAKING DEAF?" Seung Hyun shouted after recovering of laughter earlier. He still wanted to laugh , you could see it by his lips trembling.



"I'm not deaf hyung, stop screaming or my eardrums will burst." GD covered his ears.



"What brings you here?" GD groaned.



That question reminded Big Bang why were they here... They stiffened on their spot, froze their thoughts. Their laughter turned into worriness. Taeyang bit his lips before clenching his fist to prevent himself to hug GD.



"Ehh??" GD was completely taken aback from their reaction. He wiped his face with his wet clothes and groaned, his whole body was soaking wet.



"Hyung..." Seungri uttered.


GD found this very very weird. This kind of scene only happens when something really bad happen, and i meant really bad. GD felt fear growing and growing pass each second.



"YOURE GOING TO DIE." Seungri bursted out crying as he ran towards GD to hug him tight. His tears soaked GD shoulder even more.



"Is this a joke?" GD laughed, but his voice still cracked, half of him wanted to know the truth and the other felt the opposite.



"No." Taeyang said.



"What-t?" GD removed Seungri from him and he started into Seungri's wet eyes.


"How do you know I have cancer?" GD worriedly asked , his tone said that it was suppose to be a secret.



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Chapter 11: Owkieee authornim
xxAiX009xx #2
Chapter 11: Okay author...
jennabui #3
Chapter 11: yeah...authornim...i'll wait for you...kekek
xxAiX009xx #4
Chapter 10: I really feel that dara is taking a blame she is not supposed to.. I wonder what is the whole story...
Chapter 8: Aish! GD! >.< Move on from the past, neh?! Dara, be strong!
Chapter 8: why so arrogant GD?? Sshheees
daramaegon #7
Chapter 8: wth!!! ji is a proud and arrogant man here, whatever differences with her from the past should be buried in order to move on hope he will forgive her,but it seems ji still had a grudge to dara,,,update soon:)
Chapter 8: GD should give Dara a chance to explain .
Chapter 7: Ughhh. Jiyong! That was in the past. I'm sure it was a mistake and Dara probably changed! I know you'll grow to not hate her anymore eventually, but please...Just give Dara a chance!
Chapter 6: Eh? I am so confused..Did Dara finally confess to him, so he hates her? Wait, no..That doesn't make sense..Did Durami and GD break up, and Dara comes in somewhere in that situation and he hates her? Ughhhh, I'm so confused..I'll be patient and wait for you updates to clarify.