
Teardrop of Twilight

ONE: Worry



Life is just unfair.



In Ying, a city located at the east, the marketplace is bustling with people from all over the nation.

Three days from now is the Goddess festival.

It is a celebration commemmorating the legend of the pure-hearted goddess who gave up her life to stop the war of the ancients. It is said that her heart is divided into four runes, and these runes grant vitality to the nation. Once every ten years, the nation holds this festival as a sign of graciousness.

But another war broke out recently, and one of the runes has been lost.

In order to restore the balance, one woman, along with four others from the other cities, is chosen. Their lives is offered in exchange of another ten years of vitality.


"There she is!"

"Catch her!"

A hooded figure runs, ignoring the people's complaints when she bumps into them. All she cares about is to get away from her pursuers, to get home.

She glances at them mischievously, before sidestepping to the left to avoid a non-suspecting carriage that is moving towards her. As she turns to an alley, she hears a crash. With that, she giggles softly before removing her hood, catching her breath.

Cho Yoonhee just sighs, massaging her temple. "That was a close one."


She jumps at the sound of a voice behind her. Before Yoonhee can run for it, a pair of arms grabs her and pins her to the wall. The man just smiles maliciously at her.

"You're quite a smartass, aren't you? However, that little trick won't be enough to stop us, girl. Why don't you just return what was stolen from us? Or maybe," he surveys her body, his lips as he does so, "we could have some fun right here."

"Over my dead body, you freak!" She spits at his face and kicks his shin, before trying to make an escape.

The man grunts in pain. "Agh! You will pay for that! Get her!"

Yoonhee props her hood back on and runs again. She cannot afford to get caught. All she needs is to get home unscathed with her pouch at hand. She holds on to is as if her life depended on it.

Despite her strong willpower, her body is beginning to feel the signs of fatigue from running. She manages to turn into another alley, she briefly slows down to catch up her breath. For the second time, a pair of arms grabs her from behind. Yoonhee collides into a body and a hand covers before she can scream. Her mystery captor pulls her into an empty house, while Yoonhee just keeps on struggling. "SHHH! Stop squirming!"

Yoonhee freezes, recognizing his voice. Before she can speak, they hear a flurry of men running outside. They hear them talking amongst themselves. "Have you seen her?"

"Not yet, but she could not have gone that far."

One of them groans in frustration. "Curse that devil woman! I'm going to kill her for this!"

"Now, now, let us not be hasty. I'm sure we haven't seen the last of that girl. Once she steals again, we will definitely catch her."

"You better make sure of that."

Yoonhee waits for things to quiet down outside, before she is freed from her captor's hold. Suddenly, he whacks her head. "Ow! Luhan, what was that for?!"

"You're such an idiot"! Luhan screeches. "What were you thinking? You, of all people, know how stealing is a grave offense around here, especially when the festival is just around the corner! Don't you even realize your brother might be worried sick about you?!"

Yoonhee glares at him. "Do you really expect me to just sit there when I see Joohyun bedridden like that? I had to do something to help her!"

Luhan groans in frustration. "Alright! You wanted to help, I get it. But did you even think of the consequences of getting caught? You will be sent to prison for that, or worse, beheaded!"

"It's not as if I'm not aware of the risks, Luhan. Kyuhyun even forbade me to leave the house." Yoonhee sighs. "I just wanted to help my brother."

Life is just unfair, Luhan muses. He knows how much Yoonhee hates feeling useless. With the festival just days away, he can feel the tension in the air.

It is not festive at all. No one wants to die just because they were chosen to. No one wants to be on the sacrificial altar.

He can only heave a deep sigh. "Let's just get you home."


Even after all this time, Yoonhee cannot fathom how in the world do they get through the bustling marketplace without being recognized. It is always like that, when Luhan manages to rescue her when is cornered. They waltz through the streets as if they are unsuspecting tourists visiting the east.

"Seriously, how do you do that?" Yoonhee asks. "We even passed through those thugs looking for me. What's your secret?"

Luhan chuckles. "Some weird voodoo magic."

"Very funny," Yoonhee rolls her eyes. "Tell me, how do you do that?"

Before Luhan can reply, someone clears his throat, catching their attention. Yoonhee bites her lip nervously at the sight of her older brother. "Um, how's work?"

Kyuhyun raises an eyebrow. "After all that trouble you caused, that's all you have to say?"

She flinches at his tone. If Kyuhyun starts to talk like that, he absolutely means business, and she cannot do anything but obey him. Yoonhee turns to Luhan and says, "Thanks again for helping me. Bye!" and disappears into their house.

When Yoonhee's finally out of sight, Kyuhyun's strict persona quickly withers away, replacing it with an expression of relief. "I swear that girl is going to be the death of me."

Luhan just chuckles. "Being a firm older brother doesn't suit you at all, Kyuhyun. You're still very much a worrywart."

"I can't help it! She's being too reckless for her own good. With the festival around the corner, I'm just very worried about what will happen."

"You know she hates feeling helpless, Kyuhyun. I don't get why you won't let her help you with making ends meet. As far as I know, Yoonhee has potential of being quite the healer."

"I don't want to lose her, Luhan!" Kyuhyun finally snaps, surprising the former. "Can't you do anything about it? You are one of the guardians. Can't you do anything to save her?"

"W-What are you talking about...?" Luhan is taken aback by Kyuhyun's outbust. Before he could ask further, he sees Yoonhee watching them through the window. With that, he just whispers, "What do you know?"

Kyuhyun merely shakes his head in defeat. "Thank you for taking her home, Luhan."

With that, he retreats into their house, leaving Luhan suspicious and worried.

Just as he's about to leave, he hears a woman screaming in pain.




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{ToT} Updated Chapter 1


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Chapter 1: :D excited to see how this plays out
Chapter 11: As long as you dont leave us abandoned as a reader ;v; this storyline is one of a kind and awesome and ugh.... ;v;
bobjo1913 #3
Chapter 11: It was very good tho so im guessing you will prob stick with a hand few, boticing that d.o. hasnt made an appearance for a while lol.

Ps b4 or after u change the title, can u somewhere note the original title plz! I get mixed up a lot
Chapter 11: omg this story is really good. I'll be looking forward to the rewrite :)
bluebunny96 #5
Chapter 9: I think you may have confused luhan's power of telekinesis with telepathy, but it's really cool how it's used here
selukaisooOTP #6
Ahhh this is such a cool story author-nim!! I love stories that involve the gods and such and then... EXO hunnies ~w~ Please update soon~~
BackToMyHeaven #7
Chapter 10: Yehet! An updateu! Shirin and LuLu, huh? *smirk*
thekeytodestiny #8
Chapter 10: Really good story, I like the plot twists about the humans and their mortality. The EXO guys are pretty fun people to be around in this fic and I like the mysterious Sehun.

Update soon!
BackToMyHeaven #9
Chapter 9: Seriously, I'm in love with this story. The storyline is interesting, perfect spelling and grammar aaaand you're talented! I'm gonna check your other stories rrrright now~♡
BackToMyHeaven #10
Why does this story only have 7 upvotes?! It deserves wayyyy more for at least 101 subscribers! ♡