The Musician

The Musician, The Dancer, and The Muse

The little boy took a quick glance behind him before turning back to open the wooden drawer. Once it was half way open he could see the small white peice of paper. He quickly grabbed it, closed the drawer, and ran back to his room. Once he had shut his door he went and sat on his bed, he put on his glasses before opening the wrinkled paper....

You finally found the courage to take this letter from your mother right? What a smart little lad you are, oh, how I wish I could be there to give you a hug and tell you how proud I am of you. Now, please don't think badly of me alright? There is a reason I left you and your mother, and I regret that choice everyday. You're tired of me telling you pointless things now right? Well then let me start from the begining...

Hello Kai, my name is Zhang Yixing, and I am your father. When a child meets his father he is usually greeted with a smile at the hospital when he is born. However, I was not and I am so very sorry for that Kai. If I could describe on paper how much it hurts me to know that I was not there with your mother I would. But you most likely wont care will you, knowing from what your mother has probably told you you must hate me right? If you do then let me ask you why you are reading this letter. Is it because you are curious, or you are angry and want to know why I did what I did? Either way, you'll find out, but, not right at this moment.

I am willing to explain everything to you. But, you have to be willing to listen Kai. That is all I will ever ask as a father to his son, if you could even call me a father. More like a stranger, how about that Kai? We are strangers to eachother, would that make things a bit more easy on you to think of me as such?

I understand that this letter is short, but there isn't much anything else I am able to say. I can promise you however that if you reply, I will respond. Then we can know more about eachother.

I am happy you found this letter your mother hid from you for so many years. I will be waiting to get to know my son more and more, Kai.


Zhang Yixing, your father.

The boy closed the paper and took in a shaky breath. "He doesn't give a , he never did, and he never will." The boy took the paper and threw it into the corner of his messy room. 

"He left, how could he possibly care?" He asked himself as he made his way over to his desk. The boy took out a peice of paper and a pen, he looked at the paper for a moment before he started to write.


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explorethewoods #1
Chapter 1: update soon!! the story sounds sooo interesting!