
Dream of a Kiss.. Alia and Leeteuk


                After Alia’s duty, she went to her favorite restaurant. She always go there whenever she wants to be alone or she needs to think. The chef in that restaurant is also her friend.

                “Hello Miss Beautiful! What’s your order?”

                Alia turned and smiled to the guy who asked her.

                “Luis! It’s you.. how are you?!” as Alia kissed him on the cheek. A friendly kiss.

                “Long time no see..! it’s been a month since you last came here. What happened.?” Luis is really happy to see her again.

                “Just busy.. Also Tiana is already here.” Alia explained.

                “Oh really?! Regards me to her.. so you’re complete now huh?! I’m happy for you.. anyway, you must be hungry. What do you want to eat? Your favorite?” Luis asked.

                “Yeah! Same as always.. I miss it.. make it yummy okay?!” Alia smiled at him.

                “Okay.. just wait a bit. I’ll make it special..” Luis winked at her and head to the kitchen.

                Luis is a Chinese, he studied in the Philippines on his college year, they became schoolmate, he  had been Alia’s crush when they were still in college. She thinks Luis knew about it but didn’t say anything. Even her friends like him. Alia first met him during their university week. While she was standing, Luis looked at her side and when she also looked at him, he smiled sweetly at her. That was the start of her growing fondness of him. She searched for his phone number, his facebook, and others. She started texting him and they became friends in "text". She and her friends are the one who introduces theirselves to him. Alia still remember that embarrassing moment.

                “Alia, is that Luis?!” Crissa asked looking at the man passing by outside the canteen.

                “Yeah! It’s him!” Joana said.

                “Hey! Let’s introduced ourselves to him.. com’on..!” Tiana said hurriedly.

                “Yah! Aren’t you ashamed?!” Alia said while she can’t believe what Tiana and Crissa are planning.

                When Tiana and Crissa thought of something weird things to do, they’ll do it and no one can stop them. While Joan and Maley just go with the flow.

                “Oh! Com’on.. You have always wanted him to know you, and besides he told you in his text that we can approach him, so we're going to do it now.” Crissa said forcing Alia to go with them.

                “It’s our only chance. Let’s do it while we’re still shameless.” Tiana trying to pull her.

                “Alia.. they’re right.. we want to meet him too.” Maley said taking side with Tiana and Crissa.

                “Yeah! You know we also like him.. we want to be friends with him before we graduated.. so can you just agree?!” Joana trying to persuade her too.

                “Okay! Okay! fine! Where is he?!” Alia trying to look for him.

                “He’s going out! Let’s follow him.” Maley said.

                Luis stayed outside the school, taking his cigarette. Maley, Joana and Alia stand far away from him but Crissa and Tiana stand at his back.

                “Hey!  Alia! Come on!” Tiana whispered. But no one move to come closer.

                “Are we going to talk to him or not?!” Crissa is eyeing the three of them. Then suddenly, Luis look at the two of them and  went inside the school again.

                “Ah! It’s so embarrassing. I told you to come near us?!” Tiana exclaimed.

                “It’s so humiliating! I think I can’t do it..” Alia really felt embarrassed.

                “Hey! He’s gone!” Joana said.

                “Crissa! Let’s go. We need too find him. You three, can you just go with the flow?!” Tiana said already running to find Luis with Crissa.

                “Girls! Second floor! Let’s hurry. We need to catch with him.”

                Luis is walking too fast as if he knows that the girls were following him.

                “Luis!” Crissa’s calling him. “Luis! Luis!” But Luis didn’t turn to look at them.

                Maybe he’s not yet used to “Luis”. Tiana thought. “Yang! Hey Yang!” it’s when Luis look at them. Since Luis real name is Yang Yuxiang.

                “If you hadn’t called him Yang, he won’t look back. Huh!” Crissa said.

                “Hahaha! We’re really shameful.” Maley said laughing. They were all very tired chasing Luis.

                “I’m also tired.” Joana said.

                Luis only stared at them. “do you need something?”

                “Alia! Come!” Crissa said looking at Alia. Alia blushed as she looked down.

                “Alia wants to introduce herself to you. Is it okay?!” Tiana asked him.

                “Yeah..” Luis said smiling, he’s also shy.

                “Hi.. I-I’m Alia. Can we be friends?” Alia asked shyly.

                “Yeah. Sure!” Luis extended his arms to her as Alia held it.

                “Hey!” Joana exclaimed. “Introduce us too.. we also want to be friends with him.”

                “Yeah, right! Anyway, this is Crissa, Joana, Maley, and Tiana.” Alia introduced them.

                “Hi!” Maley said smiling. “Nice to meet you!”

                “Nice to meet you too.” Luis said nicely. “Sorry, but  I need to go.. I still have class..”

                “Oh! Sorry! We’re really sorry for the  disturbance.” Alia said apologetically.

                “No. it’s okay. I’m happy to meet you all. See you around later..” as Luis bid goodbye.

                “Yes! See?! See?! He’s our friend now. If we hadn’t chased him then we’re still looking at him from far away.” Tiana said proudly.

                “Wohoo.!” The girls shouted as they get excited. Since that day, they always see Luis and became friends with him.


                “Hmmmm.. it happened a long time ago but still.. it’s really embarrassing.” Alia whispered as she remembered the time when she first met Luis.

                “Alia?! Is that you?!” a guy from the table near her asked. “Oh! It’s really you..!”

                “JC?! Hey! How are you?! It’s been long.” Alia replied while the guy is transferring to her table.

                “I’m fine. It’s good to see you here. Do you work here in Korea?!” JC asked. JC is Alia’s past admirer, who was obsessed with her, but it’s already in the past.

                “Yeah! I work at a hospital near here. Why are you here?!” Alia asked curiously.

                “Just a business trip. How are you?! I didn’t know that you work here. It so good to see you.” JC said.

                “I’m fine.. it’s more than 5 years since I last saw you. You look different.” Alia is impressed by his new look.

                The two of them chatted for minutes when Luis came.

                “Miss Beautiful,.. here’s your ord—“ Luis brought her favorite pasta.

                “Oh! Luis, thank you.. by the way.. Luis, this is JC my high school friend and JC this is Luis my friend.” As Alia introduced the two men.

                “Hey! Nice meeting you man.!” Luis extended his hands to him.

                “Me too.. hmm.. Alia, I think I need to go now. I still have a meeting.” JC looking at Alia.

                “Oh! Sure! Sure! See you again.” Alia said.

                “Ahmm.. Can I get your number? So that I can text you..” JC handing his phone to Alia.

                Alia typed her number and JC bid goodbye. “Bye! Hope to see you again. Nice meeting you again.” JC said while looking at Luis.

                Luis just nodded and look at Alia again when JC already left.

                “Your high school friend huh?!” Luis said smiling.

                “Yeah..” Alia replied. “He is. And I don’t like your smile.”

                “Ha? Why?” Luis said knowing what she really meant.

                “I know what you’re thinking. We’re only friends.” Alia explained stressing it out.

                “I didn’t say anything. You’re the one who’s thinking too much.” Luis said.

                “Fine.. fine.. is this my favorite pasta? Why does it look different?” Alia asked.

                “I made it special.. just for you.. taste it, then tell me if you like it.” Luis is excited at Alia’s reaction.

                “Hmmmm.. it’s delicious! Is this new in your menu?”

                “No! I didn’t put it in the menu. I want you to taste it first but since you liked it, I’ll add it in the menu.”  Luis said really thankful that Alia liked it.

                Luis and Alia chatted some more about the menu when suddenly Alia felt like someone is staring at her. She looked around but didn’t see any familiar face. When she looked outside the door, someone caught her attention. Is it him? She stood up and head to the door when the guy outside walked fast. When she was outside, she looked for the man who was standing at the door awhile ago but he disappeared. Huh! Maybe just my imagination. So she went back to her seat inside the restaurant.

                “Hey! What happened?” Luis asked.

                “Oh! Nothing! I thought I just saw someone I know.” Alia explained. “maybe just my imagination.”

                “Okay. But are you alright?” Luis asked worriedly.

                “Yeah! Yeah! I’m fine!” Alia replied and they continue they’re chatting.

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