Happy Birthday

Mianhae, I didn't know

Thank you so much Mary517 for helping me with some of these ideas. Like, how to start it in a few weeks, etc etc. Or else, I would've still been in that state of a writer's block. ^-^ She said that I didn't have to credit her help/advice/opnion, but I still believe that I should, I would feel uncomfortable if I don't do so. So, if you're reading, this, cam on chi alot alot!

Let's all fast forward to. . .a few months later. . . .

Time has passed by quite fast since the first day ______ and Joon met. As the days come and go, they've gotten to spend more time with eachother, and soon became good friends. The three did pretty much everything together; movies, parties, bbq, amusement parks, swimming, you name it. Things slowly change ever since Ki Kwang started his training under Cube Entertainment. He and ______ don't get the chance to hang out as often as they do before. He barely has any free time. He tries his best though, to spend as much time with her as he can. Yet, as time goes by, Joon seems to be taking Ki Kwang's place as her best friend. They hang out with each other on a daily basis, like how Ki Kwang and ______did before. Joon and ______are almost always seen together, just like how they were. So, will their friendship fade. .or perhaps. . abruptly end?

She has fallen for him. She never planned on doing so, but here she is, head over heels for him. Will he be able to catch her? She knows that he has her, but she can't control her own heart, because she really has fallen.

There was a repeated knock on ______'s door. It was already late at night, why would someone even be here at this time?

She tried to ignore it, but the knock continued. She slowly got out of her bed, and towards the front door.

"Who is it?!" she yelled as she got closer to the door.

"It's me ______-ah, Ki Kwang!" he looked into the security cam. (Is that what you call it? Sorry, I have no idea what you call those things)

"Ki Kwang?" she mumbled, as she took a closer look. She finally opened the door once she was sure that it was him.

"Ki Kwang-ah, what are you doing here? It's already late" she checked the clock hanging on a nearby wall, it was already 2:27 a.m.

He was hiding something behind him. "I've just got out from practice, and just wanted to drop by" he told her.

"Wow, you seem tired Ki Kwang, you should go home" she said to him.

"Ani, hold on" he said as he set the bag on the coffee table.

"What is it?" she wanted to know.

"______-ah" he said as he slowly got the mysterious object from the bag. She went to switch on the lights. "I wanted to be the first person to tell you, Happy Birthday" he said as he set the birthday cake on the table. Where could he buy a birthday cake at this hour? Ah, it doesn't really matter. Today was her 21st birthday. He put the candle sparklers on top of the cake one by one, 7 total, and lighted it.

She stood there as he brought the cake over towards her.

Saeng il chook ha hamnida~
Saeng il chook ha hamnida~!
Sa rang ha nuen ______-ah....
Saeng il chook ha hamnida!~

"______-ah, make a wish!" he said to her. She closed her eyes.

I wish that Ki Kwang and I can be best buddies forever, until we grow old.

She opened her eyes and blew out the candles.

"Komawoyo Ki Kwang" she said to him as he set the cake down. She gave him a quick hug and let go.

"It's nothing, ______-ah. So, what are you doing tomorrow, ani, today for your birthday?" he asked her.

"What are you talking about? I thought that we were going to hang out" she looked a bit sad. She had the whole day planned out for the three of them.

"Mianhae. I can't. I have to practice even more now, since our debut's only a few months away" he tried to explain.

"Oh" she seemed disappointed.

"You won't be upset, right?" he looked at her.

"Huh? Ani. It's only me and Joon for today then-" she said. "It's late, you should really go home and get some sleep" she told him.

"Remember to put the cake in the fridge, ok?" he said to her as he slowly headed towards the door. "Happy Birthday ______-ah" he gave her a goodbye hug.

"Komawoyo. Goodnight Ki Kwang" she said to him.

"Goodnight ______-ah, sorry for waking you up" he said to her before he turned around to leave.

She closed the door behind her.

______'s thoughts- Wah, that was pretty random. That's a first for any of my birthdays so far. Pretty thoughtful idea, but why go through all of this? A simple text would've been fine. Wait, how could he buy a cake at this time? Aren't all the shops closed at this time? Hmm...

She stiill smiled at the thought of Ki Kwang appearing at her home during the middle of the night.

Short update, but will try to update soon. Please comment and/or subscribe. What do you think of this fan fic? Like, hate, or?

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madesunre #1
I love it!
aw what happened to the update?
Hasya_Izya #3
update sooooooooon~!!!
cute story! please update soon ^^
yay... more votes for kikwang. wooot
winterprincess #6
Hi this is **princess** form kpop-fanfiction.<br />
I just want you to know that your trailer request is ready for pick up.<br />
And i hope you don't mind that i use Kim So Eun as the main girl in the character, I can't find a video of the main girl that you want for the trailer.<br />
Sorry about that...
awesome chapter!! :DD<br />
update when you can. :)
naomi777 #8
good chapter please update soon thanks !!!!!!!!
NICEE! :)<br />
btw, school is quite important so yeah.. it's alright if you can't update every week..