
8 A.M Crush


Breath hitching in his throat – checked.
Mind going completely blank – checked.
Nervous feeling at the pit of his stomach – checked.
These were all the symptoms Kim Kibum experienced every day at exactly 8 A.M. He couldn’t really explain why or how to anyone, so he kept it all to himself. It was a rather new experience for him to actually keep something to himself since Kibum was usually very vocal about everything and everyone – himself included. He had started working at a local coffee shop as a way to earn money for his art supplies and clothes, two of his greatest hobbies. It was supposed to be simple: take the order, get the money, give change. Kibum could do it all without a hitch.
Except for when it came to 8 A.M and a certain brunette stumbled into the store, books in hand, money always at the ready. “8 A.M,” as the boy was now known to Kibum, smiled and greeted everyone politely before making his way to the counter, knocking into a few chairs in the process. He beamed at Kibum in a way that started the first symptom: Kibum’s breath backed up in his throat, clogging his pipes. He couldn't speak and looked like a fool clearing his throat over and over whilst his customer watched with a confused but polite expression.
“Iced coffee, please?”
His voice which was soft and low, reminded Kibum of…well, he couldn’t think of anything in particular because this was around the time that his mind blanked – the second symptom.
“Uh,” “8 A.M” tried again, “Please?” 
“Two forty five,” Kibum mumbled, secretly squealing over the cute “please.”
“Here,” “8 A.M” always handed him the exact amount, which Kibum was grateful. He wasn’t sure if his brain could handle the simple math of counting. It seemed like he couldn’t really focus on a task, just on the person in front of him. Today he was wearing a dark blue vest and dress pants. His glasses, which were too big for him, were sliding down his nose as usual. Kibum resisted the urge to push the glasses back on that lovely face, or throw it away altogether so he could get a better look at the face that was bothering his glands. 
His wish was granted when the glasses slid right off the other guy’s face and landed on the counter with a thud. “8 A.M” gave him a grin before commenting on the situation with something witty, but Kibum was no longer listening. 
At the sight of the slanted eyes, full lips and smooth skin, Kibum almost lost it. The nervous feeling turned into a full stomach churning moment and he felt sick. He in air to keep calm, but his pounding heart and light-headedness made his surrounding spun, the world tilted. And Kibum wasn’t sure when it happened, but he was now sitting on the ground, the object of his fascination peering down at him with a worried expression. 
“I…I’ll get it,” Kibum finally managed. “Your drink.”
“No!” “8 A.M” jumped over the counter and landed too close to Kibum’s head; he gave Kibum and the other workers an apologetic smile before scooping the cashier up in his arms. “You need some rest.”
“Are you crazy!?” Kibum tried to kick his feet. “I’m working!”
“You’re no help to anyone like this. You need to sit down.”
Normally, he wasn’t the type to follow orders, but Kibum couldn’t argue with those pools of brown eyes. So he meekly nodded and allowed to be carried princess style to the nearest booth. Once settled, “8 A.M” took a seat across from him, still smiling politely.
“Are you okay?”
Kibum nodded, “Fine.”
“Say, I’ve been meaning to ask you,” A hand was extended in Kibum’s direction, “I’m Jinki. What’s your name?”
Jinki. Jinki. It sounded so much better than “8 A.M” – Kibum’s smiled was automatic, “Kim Kibum.”
“You must work a lot, I always see you.”
“Do you ever get days off?”
“Of course!”
“What do you normally do?”
Kibum considered the question, “Shop? I shop a lot.”
“Do you eat dinner?”
It was odd as far as odd questions went, but he shrugged, “Yes. I eat dinner.”
“Me too!” Jinki’s expression brightened. “In fact, I’m going to eat dinner at five today…”
“Wanna…go with me?”
Kibum gasped was audible. Was this a dream? He felt a grin etched across his face and himself nodded before he could fully grasp the situation. This was a date! His 8 A.M crush just asked him on a date, and he was sitting there nodding like an excited child. This was definitely a good start to the day. 
8fUEF(*HG&*#T! Happy Onkey makes me happy! LOL.


I take requests for fan fics (ask.fm/TNATAMA)

Leave info: (SHINee, EXO, INFINITE/pairing/rating/situation)


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Chapter 1: So cute. Kekeke.
Chapter 1: thanks for the fluff!
Chapter 1: Aw, this was so fluffy! Good job Author-nim :)
Chapter 1: kyaaa~~ adorable key is adorable! XD
xoxogossipgoat #5
Chapter 1: ugh cute Onkey are cute :)
Chapter 1: It's so fluffeeeeeeeeeh!
oneweez #7
Chapter 1: I must say this is really good XDDD

So sweet <3 <3