Chapter 2

Be Yourself or Act


Chapter 2

The classroom became silent for about a minute. The students were probably waiting him to add something, but he didn't. The teacher ended up speaking :

-Okay... Well... You'll get to know each other later. You can seat... Hum... Over there, next to Sunghee.

Kyuhyun looked again at the students, searching for the girl. She raised her hand so then he could see where she was. He stared at her for a few seconds, looking indifferent, and sat at the desk on the right of Sunghee.

She indeed sat in the back of the classroom, near the window, and nobody dared sitting at a table next to hers. Result : she found herself alone, with two empty desks in front of her and on her right side. But from now on, they were occupied by two new students.

Yungjae turned round again, but this time it was to talk to Kyuhyun.

-Hey ! I'm Yungjae, where do you come from ?

Kyuhyun looked up at the young man, and answered on a cold tone :


-Busan ! It's pretty far ! I love this city ! I used to live there for a few years, what a great memories !

-Oh aye...?

-Yes ! By the way, this is Sunghee. She doesn't know it yet, but she'll soon fall for me ! Therefore, you'd do well not to pinch her from me ! Ouch !

The girl had just slapped him on the top of his head, not really agreeing his statement.

-Since when do you decide for others ??

-C'mon, don't be like that ! It's just between the three of us, don't be so shy !

-I remind you, we are in a classroom, and there are 30 people around us. And I don't know where you heard that I am shy, since I don't even blush while talking to you, Sunghee said as she took a glance at the girls in the classroom, who were blushing as soon as they saw a little part of Yungjae's face. But I wouldn't say the same for them.

-Hm ?

Yungjae, who had his elbows leaned on Sunghee's table, turned around ans saw some girls widen their eyes before looking elsewhere, as if nothing had happened, starting gossiping as usual. But some of them still admiring him without noticing that they weren't discreet at all. The blond-haired guy, embarrassed, passed a hand through his hair, while Sunghee sighed in exasperation. Staring at him won't help them seduce him nor at least catch his attention. Unluckily, for both her and the girls, he seemed like he had already chosen his next conquest. But, unluckily for him as well, he may not get it for some time.

Yungjae looked at Kyuhyun, and said :

-I hope that it's not going to be like that the whole year, because it could embarrass our couple...

-I hope that I am not part of the couple that you are talking about, because I would be the embarrassed one, replied Sunghee.

-No, definitely no, don't say that ! You just don't want to face the fact : you'll soon be under my spell !

-I will soon be under your stupidity, yeah...

The teacher, who has been waiting for a good quarter of an hour, interrupted them one more time.

-As I can see, you guys look like you are getting along, so I suggest Miss Shin to make visit the school to Mr Choi and Mr Cho.

-But... I don't have anything to do with this... guy ! Sunghee said, indignant, glaring at Yungjae who made as if he didn't notice it.

-Any objection ? asked the teacher.

-None, sir ! Yungjae smiled. It was planned in our schedule !


-Any objection ? Repeated the teacher.

-I... no. I don't have anything else to do, anyway...

-Right. You'll have some free time after the lunch. Well, now, we're going to begin the class.



After another few slaps on his head, Sunghee managed to dissuade Yungjae from turning around.


The three other hours of class passed more calmly, despite the blond-haired boy who, sometimes, couldn't keep still.


At lunch-time, Sunghee succeed in shaking off Yungjae, and was now going to the high school's cafeteria. While walking, she noticed Kyuhyun, alone, seemingly going to the same place as her.

Speeding up, she caught up with him and said, smiling slightly :

-Hi, are you eating alone or with your friends ?


-Would you mind me eating with you ?

He looked at her while walking and, amused, said :

-I would not want to be attacked by your admirers after the school ends...

The girl frowned, visibly annoyed.

-Hey, if I am asking you, it's because there is no risk. Besides, they would be too afraid of me avenging you, she added with a sadistic laugh.

Kyuhyun chuckled. It was the first time she saw him smile since he arrived.

-You should do it more often, it makes you look more sociable... advised Sunghee.

-Do what ?

-Smile, she answered as she smiled herself.


Kyuhyun smiled, but Sunghee shook her head in disapproval.

-No, no. Like you did before, not a fake one !

Kyuhyun stared at her, then shrugged and said :

-I'm alright with it. I don't care if I do not look... sociable.

-But... Mmh, you are right... Do as you wish, after all.

They continued walking silently as far as the cafeteria, and a few minutes later they sat at a table away from the others, for a peaceful meal. Besides, it was the only free one. At first, they ate without saying anything, but suddenly Kyuhyun seemed to think about something, before breaking the silence :

-Tell me... (Tell Me, Tell Me, Te-Te-Te-Te-Te Tell Me... XD)

-Hm ?

-You were talking about sociability earlier...

-Er... Oh yes. And ?

-Well, today when I arrived at school, I overheard a group of girls speaking ill about someone, and it turned out to...

-Be me ? Sunghee cut him short. I'm used to it, don't worry.

-All right. But why ?

-Why what ?

-Why don't you have any friends here ? They are all fake, Sunghee said, detached.

-You're straight.

-Ain't I ? Anyway, people here know what everyone think of each other.

-Okay... But why don't they like you ?

-They are just green-eyed.

-Jealous ?

-Yes. According to them, I take myself for the richest, the most beautiful, the luckiest, the wisest, the most appealing, and so forth...

-But you really are, aren't you ?

-Hm... Maybe. Anyways, they don't like it, so they always try to harm me, or make me reveal some flaw... But within two years, they haven't found anything compromising. Poor things... she added on a fake sympathetic tone.

-Do you mean, there's something compromising to find out...?

Sunghee slightly started at Kyuhyun's question, but quickly got a grip on herself.

-No... No ! What could they find out... That I use the rest room like everybody ? Hahaha...

-Hum... Kyuhyun said, thoughtful.

The girl tried to find another subject, and noticed some girls sitting not far from them, talking "passionately" about Yungjae.

-I don't get what they like about him.

-Whom ?

-"Fairhair". He's got big eyes, big nose, too fleshy lips and... you just can't shake him off !

Kyuhyun chuckled for the second time today.

-Perhaps they, would love not to shake him off ? You may be a girl, it doesn't mean you think like them... It's certain.


They went on eating silently when a voice that was becoming familiar to them rose in the cafeteria.

-Sunghee ! Kyuhyun ! You could've waited for me before starting eating !!!

-Oh no... Not him... Sunghee mumbled, letting out a sigh.

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Loving this story~ why ddnt tell u wrote 1? It's really Gud! Update soon~ ^.^
Nana-Kudo #2
Haha thanks ^^, but nothing interesting so far :/<br />
Yeah, Kyuhyuuunn !!! XD
AH :D<br />
Kyuhyunnnnnnn~<br />
Nice story =D