Chapter 18: Reverse Psychology

It Has To Be You

Abruptly, Sunny stood up, trying to understand the situation fully. "What? Did you plan all of these?"

Sungmin stood up as well, supressing the grin on his face. "Sunny I--"

"You guys are so mean." Sunny wiped her nose with the back of her hand and as Sungmin tried to hold her, she pushed him down. He fell to the bench, calling out "Sunny! Wait!"

"Ha! What? Was he playing with me? Aissssh!" Sunny muttered to herself while walking away. Suddenly, someone grasped her wrist, turned her around and pulled her into a hug. "Sunny, let me explain." 

Sungmin. She wanted to get mad for what he's done but... the way he's holding her now, her back gently while his other hand is firmly holding her hand. She burrowed her head in his chest... sighed. "Go on. Try and explain."

He smiled. "Well, I... How do I start. Uh." 


"Um, I sort of asked Sooyoung for advice" 

"Advice..." she repeated.

"Yes. Because no matter what I do, you don't fall for me. Other girls in this school all like me. I don't know if you're tastes are that bad or --"

Sunny pulled away, glared at him from under her glasses. "I thought you were gonna explain."

Sungmin snickered, not letting go of her hand. "I'm sorry." 

She gazed at him blankly.

"I'm... I'm sorry if I had hurt you. You see, Sooyoung had adviced me to act cute -which I did; to be your 'savior' -which I did; and even confessed straightly in front of a lot of people -which I obviously did. But nothing happened..."

At that point, Sunny slowly understood everything. A flash of realization on her face. 

"So... We. I. Had no choice..."

"But to hurt me?" She raised an eyebrow. "No, Sunny-sshi, I actually told him to use Reverse Psychology" Sooyoung stood up, beaming at the couple. "You know... He sort of, turned things the other way around. Because he was always beside you, so I thought that he had to use a change of tactics." she shrugged and patted Sungmin's shoulder while giggling. "He's a good actor" 


The two were silent as Sooyoung walked away, thinking she has done her part well and happy that she has helped Sungmin. For a moment they were just standing, around them were still about 10 people or more -staring, watching, talking among themselves... jealous.

Sungmin glanced at his hand which was still firmly holding Sunny's. He smiled as he saw that her hand was also firmly holding his. "So it did work, eh?"

Sunny blinked... and then pouted. "Shut up." 

Sungmin laughed aloud. "Sunny-ah" 


She glanced around, avoiding Sungmin's gaze which had an undeniable spark in his eyes... because for the first time she felt her heart racing at the way he looked at her. But she was greeted by glares, girls who had their eyebrows either raised or crumpled... all of them frowning. One even rolled her eyes at her. She felt her knees tremble a bit; she was feeling uncomfortable with the stares. 

"Sunny-ah" Sungmin repeated, willing her to look at him. He had a slight smile on his face. A triumphant and joyous smile. She bowed her head and he let go of her hand to put both of his palms on her face. He tilted her head eve so gently and made her look at him before whispering "Don't mind them. Sunny." And then he smiled a radiant smile as he continued with a voice as soothing as a spring breeze. "I love you."


A couple of girls groaned and sighed and mumbled words of annoyance but Sunny kept her attention fixed at the man standing in front of her. She slowly took of his hands from her face and held them tightly in between hers. She inhaled, her eyes fixed at Sungmin. 

And then she said the words. "I love you too, Sungmin." 


She smiled as she saw Sungmin blinked and swallowed. She continued, blurting out words, everything she wanted to say. "I. I'm sorry I took so long to figure it out. I'm sorry you had to go through all the trouble. I'm sorry if I hurt you. I'm sorry I didn't realize your feelings earlier. I'm sorry I--"

But she was cut short when Sungmin suddenly leaned over her and planted a quick kiss on her lips. Her eyes widened and her hands let go of Sungmin's hands. He pulled away just a little to look at her expression. He smiled and again, kissed her. This time, more passionately and longer than the first. At that moment, Sunny closed her eyes and kissed him back. 


When he pulled away again, she puckered her lips shyly. Sungmin said, "You don't have to say sorry. I don't care if it took you long to figure it out. I don't care if I go through that much trouble. I don't care if I get hurt. As long as it's you Sunny." 

His eyes are shining but his tone is calm and serious. "As long as it's you Lee Sunkyu, I'm willing to wait no matter how long, I'm willing to go through troubles no matter how hard, and I'm willing to get hurt no matter how much. If it's because of you Sunny, I know it's worth it.

I... love you."




Oh did you like it? I hope you do! Hahaha. Oh my. Comments pleaseee! 


By the way, I have a new story. It's called THE SPY THAT I LOVE. (Yes, heavily inspired by Super Junior's song SPY. Haha) It's a KyuToria story because I also like that couple so if you have time, please check it out here: It's a totally different plot and writing style from this one. Haha. :D


So yeah, I love you all. Haha. ^^



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dannySunny #1
Chapter 20: kyaaahhh!! kyeopta ^^ love the story <3 yiiieekkksss :D:D well done :))
Sumaiya_Sultana #2
This is going to be one of my top ranked stories! Sorry, if I'm not subscribing because I already finished reading the story before I had an account but I just came here to give you credit for being an amazing author ^_^
Naathy #3
Chapter 3: adoreiii muito obrigado :)))
EveNiN #4
Chapter 20: Waaaaaaah! Daeback! Author-nim jjang!
jonginies #5
Chapter 20: aww, he's so sweet. he changed into a nerd just for her. (': nice fanfic, Author-nim! ^^
Chapter 20: aww, he's being a nerd...
the last part, near the river is so sweet~ ^3^
Chapter 20: awwwww this is sooo cute!!!
Chapter 20: awwwwww its too cute :3 gonna miss this story tho. KEEP CALM and SHIP SUNSUN O/
They're so cute!!!!!!!
Omg, sequel please!!
Chapter 19: oh my god, sungmin´s words at the end are just amazing I almost melted <3 very nice story ;)