Part 7

On Rainy Days (Junhyung Version)

The Past 5

The weeks passed by smoothly and unconsciously, so did Hara and Junhyung's relationship. They were nothing more than friends, but they were suspiciously getting closer that draw suspicions from their friends in the group. Although she didn't show it very clearly, it was obvious that her smile was wider when Junhyung was around, and Junhyung was laughing more when she was around.

It was obvious they had feelings for each other, although they didn't make any move about it.

Soon the day to the perform came and went eventfully as they got a prize for their wonderful performance, and decided to celebrate it in the nearest grill meat restaurant.

"Woohoo!" Dongwoon pumped up his fist in the air as the group made their way out from the school.

Hara was just smiling, looking at the group with a satisfied feeling. She had never felt this kind of happiness. The happiness we felt when we achieved something, when we've hit the goal we've always been going for. That kind of happiness. A playful bump bumped her shoulder and she turned her head to see Junhyung standing beside her.

He was grinning at her as he observed her face. She was indeed stunningly beautiful than other girls he had ever met. She had these big bambi eyes that he'd always loved, and small reddish pink lips that always curled into a shy smile.

She reciprocated his smile and asked, "Why are you staring at me like that?"

He just shrugged. "I don't know." He replied while stretching his limbs out.

Once they neared the front gate, Nicole's whine was heard. 

"It's raining!"

Hara's ear perked up and she peered outside from the small gap between Nicole and Kikwang. The rain was softly falling, and she smiled. She had always been liking rain since she was a child. Rain calmed her from everything that happened, and it was really nice when it rained.

"Let's just run to the restaurant!" Doojoon suggested, taking off his leather jacket and putted it over his head before running through the rain.

Hyunseung and Kikwang looked at each other and sighed, before following the leader's action. Soon everybody left except for Hara and Junhyung. She was still staring at the rain as she tapped her feet childishly, and reached out one of her hand to feel the rain.

He looked at her in amusement before he took an umbrella from his backpack. He didn't let the group know about he had one umbrella; because even the stupidest person knew what would happen if he did. Boys fighting over the umbrella. And no, Junhyung wouldn't let that happen.

She was still staring at the rain when a hand slipped into hers, the one that wasn't playing with the rain. Her heart skipped a bit when she realized Junhyung was holding her hand, with his famous smirk plastered on his face. "Ready? Let's go." He tugged her softly to the ground where there were no more covering over their head.

He putted the umbrella over her head as she walked to his side. They smiled at each other as they walked.

"You like rain that much?" He questioned when he caught her staring off to the rain once again.

Hara nodded. "Yes. It felt nice when it rained." She simply replied, a bright smile on her face.

On the other hand, Junhyung was thinking. He didn't like rain that much, it had been chilly and annoying especially if he got drench from it. He wondered why was she liking rain that much. Not every girls like rain.

He felt someone poke his ribs and he looked down at her. "Hmm?"

"What are you thinking? You're thinking like Einstein." She faked a frown as if she was trying to mirror his expression from before.

He chuckled. "I don't look like that."

Hara giggled. "I think you do."

They laughed as the rain becoming heavier, but they didn't mind.

"What were you thinking?" She let out the question again. She was very curious.

He decided to answer. "I was thinking how beautiful you are."

His replied made her cheeks heated, and she stopped walking. He stopped too, turning to face her. The umbrella was still being hold by him. Suddenly he felt the urge to just tell her about his feeling, and no backing down.

"It might be a little rush." He heard himself speak. "Since we only know each other for one month and a week or so. But I have to say I've never felt this way to someone else." He sincerely confessed. "I don't think I could contain this feeling any longer. Would you be my girlfriend?"

His sudden confession threw Hara off the cliff.

She had a feeling for him too, of course, she felt a little shy to be opened up about it. They just knew each other for a month he said. She looked up and their eyes met. On that moment, Hara suddenly realized that Junhyung wasn't kidding. Not a bit.

He truly liked her, and despite the calm facade he putted on, she saw nervousness behind his eyes. He seemed a bit afraid of rejection because she was taking her time too long before deciding what to answer.

"...yes." Her answer came as soft as possible, and it was almost unheard by him because the heavy rain.

But he did. He almost did a jump because happiness took over his system, but he held the over-reaction and slowly leaned closer. Her eyes fluttered close, knowing what would come.

And when their lips met, butterflies flew in their stomach.

Just like the rain, he felt nice

I don't think I'll ever hate the rain after this 

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Chapter 13: Love this story... long update please... :)
JsDAutumn #2
Chapter 13: Owh, Hara please take him back again. Junhyung really loves you...
Thank you for the update, Author-nim! I'll do what I promised you too, then. ^^
harayoon26 #3
Chapter 10: Naaaaaaaaaaaw :')
rion_01 #5
Chapter 9: Nice chapter. I'm glad that they finally talked face to face with each other and poured everything that they kept in their hearts after all these while. Aw, Junhyung's words at the end <3 I love angst and I love this as well^^
Thanks for the update. Looking forward for more soon~! <3
Chapter 8: Nice nice!!!
Chapter 2: update soon plss....
Chapter 1: This is JunHara fanfic? whoa! I'm looking forward for your updates ^^~