School Day

My Handsome Neighbour

Sooyun POV

I woke up very early this morning. I had to prepare everything alone since now. That's why i needed to wake up very early. I prepared my breakfast then took a bath first. After taking a bath, i had my breakfast right away. Actually, it was still very early but i decided to just go to school at that time. I went to the nearest bus stop and waited for the bus. When i was waiting for the bus, there was a boy stood beside me. The uniform is the same as me. I looked at his face. Oh! I know this guy. He is L. Joe. My classmate. I forgot his real name but i did remember that all of my classmates called him that. He was wearing headset and listening to the music. I was pretty sure that he didn't look at me. Finally the bus came. L.Joe looked at the bus and looked at me too. I thought he finally see me now. I smiled to him. He just nodded. Yeah, he was some kind of bad boy anyway. Then, i went in to the bus.

After 20 minutes journey, i finally arrived at school. I went to my locker and took some books from it. Then, i went straight to my class. There was L.Joe there. He was sleeping right away he arrived in the class. By the way, L.Joe is one of the handsome guy at my school. He has blonde hair that made him more attractive. He is also a basketball captain in my school. There are some girls like him too. Usually juniors liked him. Talking about junior, suddenly there was a junior came to the class. She was pretty cute. She brought something in her hand. Maybe it was food. Then, she placed it on L.Joe's table with a note on it. She looked at me. Then she gave me a sign. Well, it must be mean that i couldn't tell anyone about who the sender was. Like i would very care about that anyway.

My friends started to coming. There are Jimin and Eunjin.

"Hey, you come earlier today?" asked Jimin

"Well, new place. i need to adapt well," i said

"So you really moved? How can you live alone?" asked Eunjin

"Just that ... don't worry about mee. I'm pretty sure that i will be fine,"

"Where do you live? Let us go to your place,"

"Not now, i will of course tell you but just not now. My place is still dirty a bit. I don't want you guys to be uncomfortable in my place,"

"Okay then, we will wait ...,"



Why is it so noisy? Who is this girl name anyway? How can i meet her at the bus? Where does she live? Aish... i don't care. But they just disturbed my sleep. I couldn't sleep anymore. I heard a bit about the conversation between her and her friend. Oh... so she moved to a new place. Can it be near my place? What was her name again? How can i not know the name of even my classmate ... I need to ask someone.


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Chapter 33: So sweet....they are really kind. Both of Ljoe and Chunji really have a strong bonding. Indeed they are bestfriend ^^
HyeYoungFan #2
Chapter 1: Hello new reader here, starting to enjoy the chapters, thanks for your hard work dear author-nim ^^
Chocoholic_Exo-L #3
Chapter 28: If he does find a girl in London she will strangle him if he tried this on her. I know I would. Hehehe.
harlibug #4
OO I can't wait to read this
swaggeyy98 #5
Chapter 33: Lol. Omg...what a good conversation!!!! I swear im too happy to read this chapterㅋㅋㅋ 1000000 thumbs for you author-nim!♡
swaggeyy98 #6
Chapter 30: Changjo why do you have to let it out??? Pabo-ya!!ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ seriously author-nim... your story, really...mix feelingㅋㅋㅋ omg how to describe.. anyway you really did a gooood jobㅋㅋ
swaggeyy98 #7
Chapter 21: Mental breakdown!!!! I thouht sooyun wouldnt accept it....<//3 and i find it cute and soooo funny when ljoe wake up at 1pm ㅋㅋㅋㅋ innoncent...poor you ljoe:(
Chapter 33: finish already? aigoo why so fast? nevermaid at least l.joe dating with sooyun now. btw this story is nice =)
Chapter 33: finish already? aigoo why so fast? nevermaid at least l.joe dating with sooyun now. btw this story is nice =)
kwistal12 #10
Chapter 15: I dont see colors...