Babysitting the Grown Idiot Luhan

Once I got to my house, I stopped to take a breath. My hair was sticking to my face from all the sweat, not that my house was very far or anything. It was just that it took so much energy to run away from Luhan. I took in another deep breath before I stood up.

"Man! I'm so out of shape! Thanks for the exercise Luhan." I mumbled to myself as I went to grab my keys from my back pocket. I put in the key but just when I went to turn the knob, someone jumped infront of me and blocked the entry way to my house.

"Yah! What's the big idea? Trying to get rid of me? I'm hurt, really, I am." Luhan said with a sarcastic pout and a fake tear. I grumbled and took a step away from  him. 

I looked him over, and actually looked. His hair was a light blonde, and his face was very round. His teeth were wide, his smile very nice. Now that I actually took a good look at him I concluded that he wasn't ugly, at all. In fact, he was the exact oppisite, but I can't let him know I think that way. 

"I don't have a choice do I?" I asked, crossing my arms. Luhan nodded his head with a huge smile, I sighed and walk over to open the door. Luhan ran inside and jumped onto the couch. Throwing his items elsewhere.

"Ah! Your place is really nice babo, now get me some food will ya? I'm starving!" He smirked as he turned towards the television with the remote in his hands.

* Babo? That little...*

"Yah! Who you calling babo? You can't even be trusted to stay at home by yourself!" I shouted as I made my way to the front of him. He sat up with a smile on his face, "And you're the one who made a deal to put up with me." He laughed.

I could feel my hands clench on my sides, I took a few deep breaths before speaking again. 

"If you want food, make it yourself." I told him as I started to walk to my room, then just before I got to the door, I froze.

*Where is he going to sleep?* 

"You don't have any food! Aish, oh well, I'm tired where is your shower J.J?" He asked as he closed the fridge and made his way over to my side. 

"J.J?" Luhan asked as he put a hand very lightly on my shoulder, I jumped and stuttered, I could feel my face turning red. "I-it's through there." I said pointing to the door to our left, avoiding eye contact with him. I could feel him smile as he looked back at me.

"Okay, thank you!" He ran off to grab his things before going into the bathroom.

"Now I just have to figure out where he is going to sleep while he's here. Cause he sure in hell isn't sleeping with me." I said as I walked to grab some blankets from my bedroom.


I finished putting the food on the table right before Luhan walked out of the bathroom. I turned around but quickl turned back once I caught a look at him. He was wearing a white tank-top and sweats. And the fact his hair was still wet, well all of him was, and it was hanging in his face didn't help. It just made him look more cute.

*Don't think like that!* I yelled at myself.

"This looks great, I didn't know you could cook J.J!" Luhan exclimed once he saw the food on the table, he walked over and took his seat and he waited until I took mine also before he began eating.

"There's a lot of things that you don't know about me Luhan." I smiled as I took a bite of food. Luhan look up at me and gave a serious expression. 

"Hold on." Before I knew what to do, Luhan was leaning over the table towards me, his face getting closer and closer. I didn't breath as I let him inch closer to my face.

"Don't move." He whispered, a knot formed in my stomache and I closed my eyes. But instead of lips, I felt a finger run across the side of my mouth. I opened my eyes and saw him sitting back down in his chair.

"You had food on your face." He said simply before putting rice into his mouth. 

"Then why did you do that! You could have just told me and I would have taken care of it myself." I yelled, Luhan smirked.

"But then what fun is there in that? You're so easy to tease J.J." He laughed. i slumped back down into my seat and said nothing for the rest of dinner.


"So where am I going to sleep?" Luhan asked as he eyed the blankets on the floor and my bedroom. 

"In my room. But hold on a second okay?" I said as I made my way over and shut the door to get changed. Because it was just me living by myself I didn't really have any long pants I could put on, or any shirts that covered me. So I just had to deal with what I had, I put on a pair of panda shorts and a black tank- top. I brushed my hair with my fingers before opening the door to go to the living room.

Luhan gave me a smile and met me half-way to my new bed on the floor and my bedroom. "Thanks for letting me use your room J.J." He smiled as he walked away. Then, just as I walked over to the cushions on the ground, I felt a pair of hands wrap around me. My face went red as the hands squeezed tighter, Luhan put his chin in the crook of my neck. His hot breath against my cold skin made me shiver, he placed a trail of kisses up and down my neck before making me turn to face him. His hands still on my waist.

"I just wish you could share the bed with me." He smirked as he placed his lips on mine. 

"Um, goodnight J.J!" Luhan yelled, I snapped out of my mind and gave him a smile, "Goodnight Luhan." I sang a little to happily.

As soon as the door to the bedroom shut I threw myself onto the blankets.

"What's wrong with me!" I screamed into the pillow.

Yay second chapter is done!!! Don't forget to subscribe and comment if ou like it! :D I might update again tonight since I don't want to do homework xD

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exoisalways1 #1
Chapter 2: please update soon
DadaTify #3
Chapter 1: A great beginning! Update soon! ^^