Babysitting the Grown Idiot Luhan

7 March 2013

I can't believe everything that's happened within a twenty minute time period. I move into my new house and help get things set up, like a good daughter should once she moves out right? Well, I did that because I am that sort of child, but then I get a call saying that I'm need back home, like, right then. So what do I do? I listen to my mothers pleading voice and walk back home since the house is in walking distance from my new studio apartment. Once I reach the old ugly baby-bue colored house I picked the key from my pocket and unlocked the door. And what do I ssee when I get inside? I see my mother and some boy standing around the large island in the middle of the kitchen. Right now I am  in my old bedroom, claiming that I need to change becaus of the walk,  I'm kind of scared to go back down, my mother has a habit of doing strange things. I can only wonder what she wants....

I closed the book and quickly picked out some different clothes from the small walk-in closet, instead of the denim shorts and white shirt I was now wearing a light pink dress with my grey fadora. I checked myself in the mirror before walking back downstairs.

"Oh sweetie, I'm glad you're back. I want you to meet someone, this is Luhan." She said, pointing to the boy eating at the table. He stood and waved, "Hello!" He said with a mouth full of food. I gave him an uneasy look and waved back. "Hi."

"Aish~Why can't you be a bit more enthusiastic?" Mother said as she put her hands on her hips and tried to scold me. This was her biggest weakness in parenting, you just could not take her seriously. I chuckled and turned back to Luhan. 

"Hi Luhan, my name's Jang Jung. But call me J.J.-" I turned back to face mother, "-Better?" I smirked. 

She sighed and nodded her head. "J.J. I need a favor from you, and because you are an adult you can choose to say 'yes' or 'no' alright?" I nodded and waited for her to continue. 

"Luhan's parents are old friend's of mine, they own a buisness and they need a break from all the work. So they invited me to go on a trip with them, but the thing is they can't leave Luhan by himself." Mother started to fiddle with her hands.

"Okay? Is there more?" I asked. She nodded and took a breath.

"Luhan is going to be staying with you until we get back, alright?" She smiled. 

I could feel my mouth drop and gape at her as she jokingly laughed. This kid I don't know is going to be staying at my house? No way! I closed my mouth and cleared my throat. 

"NO! Absolutly not mom! Get someone else to do it!" I yelled as I threw my hands in the air to trry and get the idea across. "Too late, I've decided this and you can't back out." She said firmly.

"What happened to my choice about this matter?" I asked as I took a quick glance at the boy who was still eating quietly. Obviously listening in on your conversation.

"Well about that, this matter is something I shouldn't have given you a choice too." She walked away and went to the hall closet, she came back with a bag. "Here is his things. I have to go, so take good care of him alright?" She smiled, handed me the bag, and walked towards the door. "Don't give her too much of a hard time alright Luhan?!" She yelled just before she shut the door. 

I stared at her as she quickly  ran to her car and got in, waving at me as she pulled out of the drive. I could only glare at her, my mother had her ways of making my life . And she had a plan for this, I just knew it.

"So it's just going to be you and I huh?" I could hear Luhan smirk in the kitchen. I scoffed and turned to him, he was now infront of the stairs and was looking at me with a 'look'. "Sadly yes, are you done eating? I need to get home and start working." I started for the door and got my hand to the knob when I felt a pair of hands on my shoulders. I turned around and saw Luhan looking at me with a smile that made me want to punch him.

"Get off me!" I yelled as I threw my hands up and pushed him away.

"Oh, feisty I see, that's perfect." He snickered as he started to walk towards me again. I put my hand up to stop him, "Let me tell you something. You touch me, you're getting your kicked so hard, you will not be able to have children in your next life. Got it?" I gave him a small smile as I turned back to the door knob. 

"Fine, you're not the pretty anyways." I heard him mumble under his breath. I took in a deep breath as I turned the door knob. Once the door was open I ran out as fast as I could,, hoping to get away from him as soon as possible.

"Yah! Slow down!" I could hear his voice get more and more quiet as I ran home. Once I knew he couldn't see me anymore I stopped running and started to walk again.

"Let's see you try and find me now. There isn't any possibility I'm the one who's going to end up babysitting you." I groaned.

"Hey wait up!" I heard him yell. 

I turned to see him running fast behind me, and I started to run again.

Yay frst chapter!! Like it? I hope you do ^^ Subscibe and comment!!

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exoisalways1 #1
Chapter 2: please update soon
DadaTify #3
Chapter 1: A great beginning! Update soon! ^^