

She opened her eyes to the sounds of chirpy birds outside the windows. The sun shone brightly, shooting rays of golden lights through the glass on the walls.

Scratching her head, she sat there on the bed for a few minutes replaying what happened yesterday. target...

And him...

But she didn't want to think about all that now; it was a sunny morning, and she didn't want to let herself be immersed in a cloud of worrying.

Sighing, she swinged her legs over the bed and stood up. It was funny how your normal everyday life could turn upside down in a matter of days. Now she truly experienced what that feels like.

She opened the windows, letting in the fresh air and the sunlight. Such a cheerful scenery, and yet she felt heavy and anxious.

In 2 months' time, she was going on a very dangerous mission. If she succeeded, then everything would be alright and she could just return to her normal life, albeit she would be scarred. If she failed...well she didn't want to think about that. But definitely the consequences would not be pretty.

How did she get involve in this again?

Right, it was his fault.

And yet she just had to...

No, no Bom snap out of it, she told herself. He is your enemy now, and if you don't fight him you will die.

Her mind flashed back to yesterday, when Lorraine was on the way out the door. The old woman turned back to Bom, and said.

"I don't want you to make the same mistake as Jenny."

The words resounded in her ears and lingered on her mind. Little did Lorraine knew, she was close to committing that mistake had she not discovered what she did.

But things are going to be different now, she resolved.

With that fresh determination, she made a promise to herself to not get caught up in his seduction nor charms. It was a hard one to keep, but she was determined to uphold it because the cost could be her life.

Make that very hard to keep, she thought as her mind played back to when they were together. 

She shook her head violently, and slapped the sides of her head to erase the memories of him.

She went downstairs to make coffee, and the doorbell rang.

Who could that be? She asked herself as she made her way to the front door.


A sheepish Jiyong stood on the other side, he fidgeted his feet and made scuffling sounds with his head down not noticing her presence.

"Ummm helllloo?" She deliberately used a singsong voice to pull him out from whatever world he was in.

"Oh hi Bom." He was embarrassed, and scratched the sides of his head.

"What are you doing here in the morning?"

"I just...wanna..."

"Yes?" She watched in amusement as he stuttered.

"I just wondered....if you want to....take a stroll in the park with me?"

She was suprised, and stood staring at him as he hurriedly offered his explanation.

"Cause I know all the stuffs that happened yesterday....must be a lot to digest...So I just want to....take your mind off things...If you don't want to that's fine." He was ready to run away from her. She laughed.

"Oh calm down I don't bite. And I would love a stroll in the park thank you. Let me get changed first."

She didn't want to stay home and continued thinking excessively about things that would end up make her even more anxious. She needed to get away for a while. She thought it was funny, though, that she would go to the park when her house was right smack in the middle of a forest.

She didn't even know there was a park in town. Guess she was too caugth up with everything that she never bothered to explore her environment. The grocery store was located near, therefore she never had to go to town ever since she moved here. Note to self: get out more.

And that was how she ended up walking with Jiyong to the park in town.

"How are you feeling? About the news, I mean. You don't seem to be very shocked or what I expected others would be if they were in your shoes." Jiyong said, she heaved a sigh as she walked with him side by side among the green trees and grass.

"Well, my life is already crazy. I guess this would just add to the list. Besides, call it an intuition, but somehow I just felt that life would take a turn when I moved here. That doesn't mean that I expected all this scary stuffs though."

Jiyong smiled reassuringly, and she curved slightly. On the inside though, she knew that she was way more troubled than what she let on. Jiyong seemed to know that, but he decided to let it go.

"You've never been to town ever since you moved here?" He asked in amazement.

"Yep. Too lazy. Besides, I'm a busy person." She said matter-of-factly, causing him to look in amusement.

"More like a pig."

"Hey what did you just say?!" She hit him on the head, and proceeded to chase after him as they ran around the green park.

"Come on I'll show you around." He caught her wrist and dragged her with him.

Why not? She thought. She had time to kill anyway. And maybe doing something fun would get her mind off the major problems she was facing.

The wounded up in a clothing store, where they laughed their butts off as they tried on silly clothes.

"How aboutttt this one!" Jiyong turned, and she was looking at the most biazzre looking hat ever.

"Nope!" She smacked the hat off as he laughed.

"Ooh this one!" She put on a pair of bunny ears. "I'm eeyore!"

He made giggling sounds and bursted out in laughter.

"More like an ugly bear!"

"Hey!" She smacked his shoulder and smiled as he put on the most ridiculous wig ever.

As they took a walk down the streets, she realized that the town, although small, was not bad. It was pretty and serene, just what you expected in a little backwoods town.

She sighed, once again thinking about the fact that her life couldn't be anymore messed up. She knew she shouldn't burden herself, but looking at the cheerful and optimistic people walking and chatting down the streets made her feel melancholy.

She looked up when she realized Jiyong was looking at her with concern.

"I'm fine." At least for the moment, she felt better and was grateful that Jiyong showed up. It was a comforting reminder that she was not alone in this, and that there are others who knew the story.

And so, she remained as light-hearted as possible throughout the time when she went here and there in the town with Jiyong. She tried not to think too much, and maintained a smile to brighten up. They went eating, sightseeing, shopping, and somehow she ended up competing with him against a soccer game with the local kids. Their laughter could be heard everywhere on the bright sunny morning.

She returned with him back to her home. 

"Thanks Jiyong, I really appreciate you for the good time I had." She smiled at him sincerely as he stood on the doorstep.

"Hey, that's what friends are for right?"

"Right." She nodded her head, and smiled.

"Anyway...see ya! Be careful! Stay safe!" He said, and with that ran away quickly not leaving her even a chance to say bye. She waved at his back in the distance.

"That Pabo..." She shook her head and smiled amusingly closing her door.

Little did she know, a pair of eyes was watching her, seemingly angered...







STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT UPDATE, where a certain someone is getting jealous...








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crabbybatty #1
Chapter 32: This is beautiful. creepy but not so much. I love it and you gained a new fan ms authornim.
crabbybatty #2
Chapter 4: Good lord this is so creepy.
seoinae #3
Chapter 9: Wheres top duh..
seoinae #4
Chapter 4: Yes u did..
Chapter 32: Hmm, how interesting...I'm actually a little confused about how I feel about this ending. Is reincarnated Seunghyun like the demon Seunghyun: dark and mysterious and y? ;) And as pilyangsweet pointed out, what if Bom just agreed to be with demon Seunghyun as is, since she wouldn't be like Jenny? The story between Jenny and d.Seunghyun wasn't really clarified either. Anyway, I enjoyed your writing immensely, like with all your other stories. Your descriptions are absolutely gorgeous.
YGlover_myRi #6
Chapter 4: I just started reading it and it's a little...scary.But I really like it.I'm sure this strange shadow is Top but what is he exactly ???ooooh my god I'm scared .
pilyangsweet #7
Its always a bliss for a reader to come a cross with a unquie story that stimulate ur imagination and give a nice break from a reality....and this story is one of those. story that give those nice impact....

One of the most unique plot/genra....very nicely written. Its me think that not all demons are bad and hope for someone like seunghyun can have a happy ending and have wings plus halo....crazy right?.....but what if bom listen to listen to her heat and choose seunghyun what could possible happen?????....different scenario are playing in my kind right now and i like it...

Totally love ur story authornim....thank u for the experience.

p.s if all demon looks like seunghyun i think living in hell will be like haeven....haahaahaaa!!!
Chapter 32: WARGHHH KIOT >.<
eymann #9
Chapter 4: Creeps me out here hewwww
Chapter 10: well ing then......that was just...... i really have no words....