

She paced around the kitchen, arms crossed and in deep thought as she waited for the person to come.

She had to admit that it was a of luck on her part to remember about that person when she did; except for that particular someone, no one she knew would probably had the answer. Hell, others would think that she was a nutcase.

She could only hope that this person would provide some answers, and if possible, some sort of solution to deal with the situation at hand. She could not face any more dead ends; the clues were already few in numbers as they are. 

She wondered how did she get caught up with all this in the first place. All she wanted was a fresh new start, and what she got was being targeted by a dangerous  demon who wanted to kill her and getting tangled in a massive web of mystery. She didn't even know if her life was normal now, and could only hoped that everything would at least return to peacefulness. That is, if she could get past this fatal predicament.

Her mind ventured, and she thought back to the mysteries that seemed to surround this house.

First, it was the issue of Jenny. The abnormal activities occurred in the house after Jenny moved in, so was Jenny already involved even before she moved into the house? Was it possible that the demon followed her here? She resolved to get out that diary and do a little more digging.

Second, it was the demon himself. Where did he came from? Who exactly was he? Was there a way to exterminate him?

And third, just how the heck was all this connected together? The house, Jenny, the demon,...They all seemed to share a tie, and she had a feeling that an explanation was definitely behind it. The problem was, she just couldn't, for the life of her, figured out how to unravel the mess and find a solution.

She fervently hoped that the person she called for would be able to know. It was not just for solving the mystery and bringing the issue to light, it was her life that was at stake; and Bom had a feeling that the consequences would be dire if she didn't figure out something soon.


The doorbell rang, and she rushed to the doors without a second to spare.

Standing on the other side was Youngbae, and the specific person that she asked him to fetch. There was also someone else alongside.

"Hi Miss Park." The timid voice of Heather called out, and Bom smiled.

"Thank you very much for coming." She opened the door wide and let them in, but her gaze was lingered on the old woman whose sharp eyes seemed to scrutinized her back.

"I figured I was probably the only one who could be of any help to you. And ever since that day, I feel that if I did not do something soon you will be another victim." The old woman stated.

"I feel very glad to have your assistance, Miss..."

"Call me Lorraine." The old woman said, and started to gazed carefully around the house, her sharp eyes never seemed to miss any details.

Bom and the others were silent as the Lorraine peered at every nooks and corners of the house.

"This place is filled with dark energy." The old woman said, her jaws set as if in deep inspection.

"May I have a tour?" Lorraine aimed her eyes at Bom.

"Of course." Bom directed the woman slowly to the kitchen, and then up the stairs. The rest silently followed, their eyes never leave the old woman as said woman continued to examined the house in great details.

They stepped inside the bedroom, and Bom reached for the light switch.

"Leave it off." Lorraine waved, and Bom did as she was told.

The rest filtered in the doorway of the room as Lorraine and Bom pressed further. Lorraine looked around the room, then approached the nightstand. The woman pulled out the diary inside one of the drawers, and started flipping through the pages. Bom was a bit suprised that the woman knew where it was, but then she had the feeling that Lorraine was not ordinary. Silence covered the room as the old woman flipped through the diary, her brows knitted together in concentration and her jaws set in a hard line. Lorraine suddenly stopped reading, and fished out the old photograph that Bom put between the pages. The old woman seemed to be astonished as she examined the photo, and she passed it to Bom.

"You should see this."

Bom looked down at the photo in her hand, and almost dropped it due to shock.

In the photo, there was the woman-who she figured was Jenny. The last time Bom remembered, the photo was not very clear and there was only a blurred shadow behind Jenny.

But now, the photo was clear of any marks or damage; and standing behind Jenny was him.

There was no doubt it was him. He was black from head to toe, and his hair that stood out, his visible jawline,...

But what caught Bom's attention the most was his eyes. His eyes seemed to be glowing, with a red blood color that seemed to pierce through the picture straight into her heart.

"He's the one isn't he?" Lorraine asked, after watching Bom's reaction.


The old woman gazed at Bom for a few seconds, then took the diary in her hands and walked out of the room calling over her shoulders.

"Gather in the dining room. I will tell you the story behind all this."

Bom was at a loss for words, and she stood there for a few seconds until she finally put the photograph in her pocket and followed the others into the dining room.


Lorraine stood facing the windows, her back to the others as they patiently waited for her to start talking. Bom sat on a chair, and stared intently at the old woman. Heather stood in a corner, and somehow Bom was under the impression that the girl knew everything that her grandmother was about to say.

Lorraine finally turned to the others and sat down on the sofa, her legs crossed as she took a deep breath. Bom momentarily forgot that the old woman was ill, and she wondered if that was going to affect her role in solving the mystery.

"5 years ago, when Jenny moved into this house, that was when it all started."

"You's not...." Bom said, waited for the old woman to finished the sentence.

"Yes, it's not the house. It's Jenny." Lorraine stated.

"What are you saying?" Youngbae asked.

"It means," Lorraine stared straight into the others' gazes on her."that the house is not haunted itself. It's Jenny who was cursed."

Complete silence greeted the statement, and the old woman went on.

"In this world, there are extraordinary people. People who have the ability to literally detach their souls from their physical bodies, and travel to places."

"I heard something about that, about the out-of-body experience wasn't it?" Jiyong said.

"I prefer to call these people 'travelers', but yes that is exactly what it is." Lorraine continued."Anyway, travelers have the ability in them to travel to places that only their souls can venture upon. Now Jenny, she was a very accomplished traveler. But it was that ability that led her to her despicable fate." 

"What do you mean? And how did you know Jenny was a 'traveler'" Bom asked.

Lorraine held up the diary.

"I can see that through reading some of the entries in this diary. For instance look at this one, 'I see shadows....mists...a hallway filled with red candles. I see...a red door...' Even through just a glance, I can tell that she has this ability."

Bom wondered how could she had miss what Lorraine pointed out.

"Anyway, back to your previous question. Jenny was able to leave her physical nobody and travel; and it was that ability that led her soul to a place called...

...the Underworld."

No one said a thing until Jiyong broke the silence.

"You mean like Hell?"

"Something like that. The Underworld is a place where demons and tortured spirits resided, it is a dark place where hatred and vengeance filled the air...Now Jenny, she unfortunately ventured upon this place. And that brought her misfortune.

Most people thought that Jenny died because she had no energy left, but that was just on the surface. The real reason was because her soul was trapped in the Underworld."

Lorraine took a deep breath, and stared out the windows at the receding evening light in the distance. Bom unconsicously fished out the photo in her pocket.

"Of course it doesn't mean that Jenny was trapped immediately. But rather, her strength and will were weakened overtime. The demons and evil souls in the Underworld desired for energy of the living, but at the same time they wanted life itself.This..." Lorraine pointed at the photo in Bom's hand. "particular demon was the one who seduced Jenny and probably trapped her soul in the Underworld. In doing so, he feeded off her energy, at the same time..."

"What? At the same time what?"

"When the soul is trapped in the Underworld, the person may be as good as dead. Only their physical body remained. And this body, is very tempting and desirable for the demons and souls of the Underworld. They are sinister, and they will do anything to possess a physical body in order to become alive again. Fortunately, before they could get to it, Jenny's body decayed and withered away due to the lack of living energy. Even so, her soul remained in the Underworld, that is if the demon who has her didn't crush it. The longer the soul remained detached from the body, the weaker the barrier between the Underworld and the physical world. Jenny was lured by this demon, she unfortunately developed feelings for the demon and as she ventured further to meet him, she unknowingly fell into his trap. He was the one who had the strongest chance of taking over her physical body. But like I said it didn't happen."

Everyone was solemn as they digested the story. It seemed like this story was known to few people. And Bom was still deep in thought as she thought everything over. If what Lorraine was saying is true, then Bom was the demon's next target. But why?


She turnedand met Lorraine's sharp eyes.

"Whether you know it or not, you are also a traveler yourself. I sense it the first moment I saw you."

Wait what? Okay she did have dreams-admittedly strange dreams-but never would she thought she had that kind of ability.

"Wait how?"

"You have dreams, do you not?"

"Yes, but....not that often."

"That is because you are not an accomplished traveler. To put in simple you are sort of in the intermediate level. The experience came often to you, but just not very clear. And you can't travel to the Underworld."

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing in this case?" This was too much to absorb.

"Well, in this situation, it would have been a bad thing."

"What do you mean?"

Lorraine met Bom's eyes, and stared straight into them. Bom had a feeling like she was seen through the heart by the woman.

"There is only one solution for this predicament. And that is for another traveler to go to the Underworld to get Jenny's soul out of there and let it cross over."

"How does that help me? And you said I couldn't travel to the Underworld if my ability is still not that developed."

"By rescuing Jenny's soul, you restore the barrier separating the two worlds that had been severely weakened when Jenny's soul is held captive. Doing so would prevent this demon of any chance to cross over and make your soul his captive. Not only that, it would also prevent your physical body from being taken over by the demon, or anything else in the Underworld." Lorraine stopped for a moment, and continued."You wouldn't have been able to do this, but the demon gave you a link. He did something to you didn't he?"

Bom touched her stomach.


"He transported into your body a link; this link acts like a micro chip, it lets him know where you are, what are you doing, ect. But don't freak out yet, this link can help us. When the demon gave the link to you, he didn't expect you to know but, this link also connects you to him. Meaning that you are able to travel to the Underworld and seek this demon out."

Bom frowned, the idea of having him following her around was something she did not want to think about.

"But, it is not easy Bom. The journey is extremely dangerous. And if you are not careful you will end up like Jenny. Only this time, your body will also be a liability. There are a high chance that once you get to the Underworld, they will capture your soul. But alas, it is the only solution if you want to get out of this predicament."

Everyine was silent as they thought over the solution. Bom was definitely scared more than ever. Hearing Lorraine telling the story, it dawned upon her that this battle would not be easy. And that the consequences were very dangerous if she was to fail. A part of her grieved over the fact that now it was clear that he was her enemy; and that if she wanted to live she must banish him and never see him again.

She felt a hand on her shoulder. It was Jiyong.

"We will help you Bom. You can do it."

Looking around at the others, Bom found new strength and optimisism as she saw the reassuring glances that they gave her.

"We will be right here Bom."

"You can do it!"

"Kick his !"

"Like I told you, it's very dangerous. But I don't think you have a choice if you want this demon to stop." Lorraine said looking intently at Bom.

Deep down, she admitted that she was dangerously developing fatal emotions for the demon himself; but, as she stared at the others who looked at her with confidence even though they were probably scared out of their minds, she was determined to do what needed to be done. She wished the circumstances were different, but fate was twisted that way.

"I'll do it." The words left .

Lorraine blinked, and leaned back.

"It's settled then. On the night of the full moon 2 months from now, you will have to venture upon the Underworld and free Jenny's soul. That should give us enough time to improvise a plan."

"Say, how do you know all this 'traveler' stuff and the mystery that surrounded Jenny's death?"

"Because I have encountered similar situations before. People have asked me for help, believe it or not. Some lived through it, some....well ended up like Jenny."

Somehow, Bom felt better that there were others who faced the same situation and survived. It gave her little bit more confidence.

"Now, the first thing we need to do." Lorraine said.

"We need to communicate with Jenny's soul."



















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crabbybatty #1
Chapter 32: This is beautiful. creepy but not so much. I love it and you gained a new fan ms authornim.
crabbybatty #2
Chapter 4: Good lord this is so creepy.
seoinae #3
Chapter 9: Wheres top duh..
seoinae #4
Chapter 4: Yes u did..
Chapter 32: Hmm, how interesting...I'm actually a little confused about how I feel about this ending. Is reincarnated Seunghyun like the demon Seunghyun: dark and mysterious and y? ;) And as pilyangsweet pointed out, what if Bom just agreed to be with demon Seunghyun as is, since she wouldn't be like Jenny? The story between Jenny and d.Seunghyun wasn't really clarified either. Anyway, I enjoyed your writing immensely, like with all your other stories. Your descriptions are absolutely gorgeous.
YGlover_myRi #6
Chapter 4: I just started reading it and it's a little...scary.But I really like it.I'm sure this strange shadow is Top but what is he exactly ???ooooh my god I'm scared .
pilyangsweet #7
Its always a bliss for a reader to come a cross with a unquie story that stimulate ur imagination and give a nice break from a reality....and this story is one of those. story that give those nice impact....

One of the most unique plot/genra....very nicely written. Its me think that not all demons are bad and hope for someone like seunghyun can have a happy ending and have wings plus halo....crazy right?.....but what if bom listen to listen to her heat and choose seunghyun what could possible happen?????....different scenario are playing in my kind right now and i like it...

Totally love ur story authornim....thank u for the experience.

p.s if all demon looks like seunghyun i think living in hell will be like haeven....haahaahaaa!!!
Chapter 32: WARGHHH KIOT >.<
eymann #9
Chapter 4: Creeps me out here hewwww
Chapter 10: well ing then......that was just...... i really have no words....