Chapter Eleven: Xiumin and Lay

Exo(ani)mal - Rewriting/Checking!

"There, happy? I gave you a kiss, just like you wanted" Baekhyun smiled at Chanyeol who was looking at the palm of his hand that he had cought Baekhyun's kiss in.

"Yeah" Chanyeol heard Baekhyun laugh before looking at the screen playing the movie.

"I have no idea what's going on in the move"

"Me neither"



"Okay class, this is Lay and he is going to help me out in class" Xiumin scanned the faces of the children that were sat on the floor, standing in front of them, Lay next to him.

"Nice to meet you guys, my name is Lay, I hope that we can all be friends" Lay smiled at all the little children staring up at him. A boy with curly hair decided to speak.

"Hello Lay hyung! Are you special?"


"Yeah, Channie hyung said that I'm special, so is Jessica and Yoona, oh and Channie hyung and Gukkie hyung are too and so is Xiumin hyung" The boy pointed at Xiumin.

"Zelo don't point, it's rude" Zelo brought his hand down and pouted.


"What do you mean by special Zelo?" Lay had identified the boy to be named Zelo from Xiumin adressing him just now.

"People that can become animals! I can, can you hyung?" Lay's mouth formed a little circle at this before replying.

"Yes I can" The children on the floor suddenly became loud, chatting to one another. Lay turned to face Xiumin, a confused expression on his face. Xiumin just smiled at him.

"They're just excited to have another teacher that can transform" Lay nodded his head at this, it made sense.

"Class please quiet down, shhh" The class turned back towards the front at Xiumin who had his finger on his lips.

"Now, who want's to see Lay transformed?" The whole class started to make a racket once agan at Xiumin's suggestion, Lay starring at him with wide eyes.

"We do! We do! please show us Lay hyung!"

"Yeah please, please, please"

"Okay, okay, Lay will show you, but you have to be quiet" At this the whole class went silent.

"Right everyone stand up and line up by the door, we will be going outside onto the field" The children started getting up from their positions on the floor and making their way over to the door.

"Oh! Lay hyung are you a big animal?! I will be when I grow up, I'll be as big as Gukkie hyung!" Zelo was standing in front of Lay while his classmates were lined up neatly by the door.

"Yeah, what are you Zelo?" Zelo grabed onto Lay's hand and held it as they walked outside with the class, Xiumin at the front, Lay at the back.

"I'm a jaguar, but I look different to Gukkie hyung, but Channie hyung said it's because I'm extra special" Zelo smiled up at Lay, showing his teeth. Lay didn't know who these people were, but nodded his head anyway.

"What does he look like?"

"Well he's light and I'm dark" Lay thought for a moment about what Zelo meant but decided that it would be best to ask Xiumin later.

They where on the field and Xiumin had instructed the children to turn around so that their backs were facing Lay.

"Zelo come over here" Xiumin waved his hand at Zelo, motioning him to join the rest of the class. Zelo let go of Lay's hand and went to stand next to Yoona.

"Lay's going to transform so I will tell you when you can turn around" Xiumin nodded his head at Lay for him to transform, only to get a nervous look from him.

"It's fine Lay, they just want to see what you are and play with you, It'll be fun" Feeling reasured by Xiumin's words, Lay closed his eyes, opening them a moment later fully transformed.

"Okay class, you can turn around" The children quickly turned around to look at Lay.

"Ahh! He's a horsey!" A girl squeled, placing both hands on her cheeks.

"So pretty!"

"Can we him Xiumin?" Jessica asked politely, looking up at him with her big eyes.

"Yes, but be careful okay? Don't scare him away, he's new, we need him" Jessica nodded her head and walked towards Lay, the class following her. She stood in front of him and Lay lowered his head so that he was level with her. Jessica reached out a hand and put in on top of Lay's head.

"I like you Lay, your the same colour as me" Jessica smiled at Lay as he lowered his head all the way to the ground, eating the grass.

"I'm gonna play with your mane okay?" Jessica started to brush through Lay's white mane with her fingers, separating it into sections. Xiumin was supervising the children that were crowded around Lay, smiling at the scene. After a while it was time to go back inside.

"No we want to stay out here and play with Lay more!" Xiumin looked at the little girl who had pig tails in her hair.

"Sorry Yoona, but we have to actually do some work today, there will be plenty more opportunities to play with Lay in the future" Yoona huffed at this but stepped away from Lay, along with the other children.

"Right, we will be going back in so when you turn back you can meet back up with us inside the classroom" Xiumin had to admit that it felt wierd talking to a horse. Xiumin led his class back into their classroom, Lay deciding to join them five minutes later.

"Nice hair"

"Huh?" Lay raised his eyebrows at Xiumin's statement.

"You have a plait in your hair" Xiumin laughed a little as he looked at Lay's hair. Lay raised a hand a placed it on his head, feeling a bump in his hair.

"Oh, there was this little girl playing with my mane"

"Yeah I saw, that was Jessica, she's very well mannered, get's it from her father, you'll get along with her"

"Mhm, she said that she liked me, so I will keep the plait in my hair just for her" Lay smiled widely at Xiumin who was smiling back.

"You'll like it here Lay, I promise"



I can't stop writing I said that I would update on the weekend but I've managed to update twice since then, haha

Another quick chapter introducing Lay and Xiumin along with the children, hope you like it!



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06/05/14 I'm going to try, but I can't promise anything...


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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 58: Love all the couples~♥
EXO-l_army1 #2
Keaoix #3
Chapter 58: Hey, I was wondering if you're still continuing this story. Its been years since this was update.
Keaoix #4
Chapter 58: Please update~ I am looking forward to your new chapter~!!
Lenulani #5
Chapter 58: Hi ...uhm I wanted to ask if you're going to upload a new chapter soon. :D I really really love this fic so I just wanted to ask so don't feel pressured or something like that ^.^ I just wanted to know
Hi, I wanted to ask if the rewritten chapters are going to follow the old chapters? I want to know so I know I should read it or not. Thanks :)
Chapter 58: Awwww ❤❤❤ (just read all of this!!) update soon~
Chapter 58: I glad that you back :) I really like this fic so thank you for back!