Chapter Ten: Movie Date

Exo(ani)mal - Rewriting/Checking!

"I don't care who you date gege"

"I agree, Chanyeol seems nice enough and like I said before, I think that we got them all wrong, they haven't done anything bad to us or been nasty, so if you want to date Chanyeol, go right ahead"

Baekhyun smiled widely at the answers he had got. His friends approved of Chanyeol at this stage, so things can only get better from here. All that's left is to see how the date tonight with him goes.


School was over and Baekhyun was getting ready to go to the movies. Chanyeol was picking him up at seven so he had time to make himself presentable before then. Baekhyun did like Chanyeol and it was kinda obvious that Chanyeol liked him back. Even though Baekhyun had seen him around school with his friends, he never really payed attention to him, but that has all changed, thanks to the club. Baekhyun had to admit that Chanyeol looked really good up close, and that his opinion of him changed when they met. This change of opinion made Baekhyun feel confident with Chanyeol.

Baekhyun turned around slightly and looked over his shoulder to see his reflection in the mirror, smiling at what he saw. Baekyun had decided to wear black skinny jeans, a white shirt and a white jumper that he had borrowed from Tao a while back.

"I should probably give this back to Tao on Monday" Baekhyun said to himself quietly while rolling the sleeves up to his elbows, only for them to slip right back down again.

"Hm, what's the time?" Baekhyun looked at the clock on his desk that read six fourty.

"Still got time" He placed himself on his bed and reached his hand out to pick up his eyeliner from his nightstand, along with a small mirror he kept there.

"Right, let's look good for Chanyeol"

Baekhyun began running the stick along his eyes until he was happy with the results. Baekhyun got up from the bed and checked himself in the mirror again, sorting out his fringe, just as the doorbell rang. Jumping at the loud sound, he made his way out of his bedroom.

"Good thing I had finished my eyeliner, could of poked myself in the eye"

Baekhyun winced at the thought of stabbing himself in the eye with his eyeliner stick. It had happened before and it had hurt, he didn't want to relive that pain again.

Baekhyun opened the front door to see Chanyeol standing there.

"Hi Chanyeol" Baekhyun gave Chanyeol a once over before stepping out the house and shutting the door behind himself.

"Hi Baekhyun, uhm, you look nice"

Baekhyun turned to face Chanyeol who was dressed in a light blue button up shirt and dark blue skinny jeans.

"Just nice?" Baekhyun asked playfully. Chanyeol starred into Baekhyun's smoky eyes, cheeks heating up.

"You look perfect, are you wearing eyeliner?" Chanyeol's eyebrows creased together as he asked Baekhyun his question. Baekhyun blushed a little and brought a hand up to his face, pushing his fringe to the side.

"Yeah, I don't normally wear it at school a lot, but since it's a special occassion I thought that I'd wear it. It looks okay doesn't it? I don't look weird do I?" Baekhyun raised his eyebrows at Chanyeol waiting for him to respond.

"No you don't look weird, It suites you, and uhm, here I got you this" Chanyeol reached behind himself and pulled out something from his back pocket, and held it out for Baekhyun to take.

"Oh" Baekhyun looked at the yellow rose that Chanyeol was holding before reaching for it and taking it in his own hand. He brought the flower up to his nose, smelling it and kept it there, trying to hide the blush present on his cheeks.

"Thank you Chanyeol"

"You're welcome, uh, I think that we should get going or we will miss the beginning of the movie"

"Oh yeah, I kinda forgot all about the movie" Baekhyun laughed to himself as Chanyeol led him towards his car.


The two of them were sitting in their designated seats, watching the movie. They did not miss the begining, just some of the adverts that play first. Chanyeol had decided that he would pay for the movie and everything else. Baekhyun wasn't complaining, but he did suggest that they share one popcorn bucket.

It was about half way into the movie when Baekhyun felt eyes on him. He turned to his right to see Chanyeol watching him.

"Is there something on my face?" Baekhyun brought his hand up to his face. Chanyeol broke out of his day dream and looked at Baekhyun shocked, turning away from him.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to stare, uhm, It's just, uh, nevermind"

Baekhyun narrowed his eyes at Chanyeol, bringing his hand down from his face.

"What is it Chanyeol? You can tell me"

Chanyeol swallowed, feeling his palms getting sweaty, and turned to face Baekhyun again. Chanyeol closed his eyes and took a deep breath before speaking quietly.

"You look really pretty today and for a moment there I really wanted to kiss you"

Baekhyun's eyes widened slighty at this. Would he mind if Chanyeol kissed him?

"But you probably don't want to kiss me, so we should get back to the movie"

Chanyeol opened his eyes and began watching the movie once again.

"I'll give you a kiss Chanyeol, that's if you want one" Chanyeol's head wipped round to his left, eyes wide, cheeks a hot pink.

"Here, I'll give you one okay?"

Chanyeol nodded his head slightly to show that he understood what he was saying.

Baekhyun brought his right hand up to his lips, kissing his palm before laying his hand out flat, blowing towards Chanyeol. Chanyeol stared at Baekhyun, not moving, eyes locked on his lips.

"Quick Chanyeol, before someone else gets it! Catch it!" Chanyeol looked up from Baekhyun's lips to his eyes.

"Grab it Chanyeol"

Chanyeol brought his hand up and closed his hand, making a fist in the air.

"There, happy? I gave you a kiss, just like you wanted" Baekhyun smiled at Chanyeol who was looking at the palm of his hand that he had caught Baekhyun's kiss in.

"Yeah" Chanyeol heard Baekhyun laugh before looking at the screen playing the movie.

"I have no idea what's going on in the move"

"Me neither"



I really wanted to write Baekyeol's date to get it out of the way haha It's short cause I wrote it quickly.

Anyway now this is done I can start to add the characters stated previously.

Next chapter will be up during the weekend some time.



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06/05/14 I'm going to try, but I can't promise anything...


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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 58: Love all the couples~♥
EXO-l_army1 #2
Keaoix #3
Chapter 58: Hey, I was wondering if you're still continuing this story. Its been years since this was update.
Keaoix #4
Chapter 58: Please update~ I am looking forward to your new chapter~!!
Lenulani #5
Chapter 58: Hi ...uhm I wanted to ask if you're going to upload a new chapter soon. :D I really really love this fic so I just wanted to ask so don't feel pressured or something like that ^.^ I just wanted to know
Hi, I wanted to ask if the rewritten chapters are going to follow the old chapters? I want to know so I know I should read it or not. Thanks :)
Chapter 58: Awwww ❤❤❤ (just read all of this!!) update soon~
Chapter 58: I glad that you back :) I really like this fic so thank you for back!