Chapter 2

High School Love Story


The next day, you went to school early as always and walk straight into the Basketball court. You’re not in the mood so you didn’t say a thing. You picked a ball and start shooting. All the members realize it so they look at you quietly. You score every ball. People in court are amazed by your skill. Suddenly, you missed a ball. Someone catched the ball, it was Xiah Junsu.

Heechul: Aha! What a precious guest. Xiah Junsu the football leader enters the basketball court.
Y: What are you doing here? We haven’t prepare a thing yet, you don’t have to spy on us.
J: I’m not spying on you, do you think I have much time to do this?
Y:Then why are you here? We have a match next week, and so does you. Do you have much confident you can win? Are you sure? The EXO highschool ranks 2nd which mean their ranking are right behind us out of all the schools in Seoul and Incheon. Don’t make our school ranking goes down, Xiah Junsu.
J: I won’t, and never will let the ranking goes down. I wanna go to the washroom, that’s all. It’s not me who put the washroom near the court. Or it is you who wanna to meet me often so you requested to put it near the court?
Y: Just go, I don’t have time to quarrel.
YongHwa: Yah Xiah junsu, go away quickly before Ying calls you to practice together with us!

Junsu threw the ball back to you and walk to the washroom.

Ara: He’s overly confident.
Yan: Okay maybe he’s a lil bit of arrogant, but don’t you guys think he’s cute?
Clossy: Yeah! I totally agreed with you Yan!
Amber: Both of you are gross. Really!
Yonghwa: What’s so good about him Yan? I’ve know you since elementary school and your taste still haven’t changed.
Jongsuk: Yeah! I’m a lot better than him okay?
Heechul: OMG! Look who’s jealous??? Yan stop praising Xiah Junsu already, these both ( yonghwa and Jongsuk) might go and kill him.

You smiled abit and they looked at you surprisingly
Taeyeon: Ying! You smiled! It looks like your mood had been better now!
Y: Yeah! I’m in better mood now. In fact, I’m in a mood of practicing.
Onew: So is that a good thing or bad thing?
Qi: What if I told you that we’re gonna practice until school’s end that means no recess and no CHICKEN?
Onew: Okay that’s bad. TOTALLY BAD
Suet: *laughs* stupid chicken maniac.
Y: Okay guys let’s run the court for 200 round and after that, 200 times of skipping rope, 100 pushups, and 50 sit ups for warming up. Then we will go on to the basketball training. Mir, help me look after them. I’m going to the junior side to look after their preparation. Don’t be lazy, if I catch anyone did not did well all of you will be doing double.
Yoonhee: Will the  coach come today?
Y: Don’t you know him? He’s always absent .
Jonghyun: Again? We’ve been training without coach for 2 months. What is he up to now?
Y: I’ll try to contact him okay? OK start training now.
Members : ye.

After training, school almost ended.
Y: Everyone did quite well today. Go back and rest well, we’ll be doing all these again tomorrow.
Members: WHAT?
Donghae: Give us a break man!
Kyuhyun: Ying, you’re nuts.
Y: Or we should double it?
Amber: Shut up guys! We’re nice with the original one, Ying.
Y: Good ^^.
Mir: How’s the preparation going?
Y: It’s fine. They are doing quite well today. By the way, are you guys hungry? Wanna eat? I’m on a treat!
Everyone followed. You guys went to a barbeque shop.

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