
In Love with my Step Brother


“Nara, wake up. We’re going to be late for school.” Junhyung lightly shook me. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. “Good morning Jun.” I yawned as I stretched my arms in the air and dragged myself to the bathroom.

I wore my school clothes and made my way to the kitchen. I poured syrup all over my pancakes and cut a strawberry and placed it on top of the piece of butter.

7 minutes passed already. I checked my watch, “Jun we’re going to be late! Come eat your breakfast!” I yelled.

Suddenly, Junhyung walked in. Omg he looks handsome in his school clothes. Aish what am I thinking?!

Junhyung took the seat next to me and gracefully cut his pancakes and took one bite at a time. I laughed seeing him like this.

“Ya what are you laughing at?” He smirked as he grabbed his backpack. I followed him out the door.

“You looked funny when you were eating.” I chuckled.

“Yea well you always look funny.”

I playfully hit his arm, “I do not!” He laughed.

“Omo! Nara! Is he your boyfriend?!” I noticed Tiffany running towards us.

I didn’t realize, but I blushed. “No, he’s my brother.”

“Your brother? But isn’t your brother in the US? And I thought he was older…” Tiffany looked confused.

I giggled, “No silly, he’s my adoptive brother.”

“Oh…” Tiffany smiled.

“I’m Junhyung.” He bowed politely.

“Oh my, what a gentleman.” She gasped.

“I’m Tiffany by the way.”

“Nice to meet you.” Jun grinned.

“Nice to meet you too.”

Tiff put her arm in mine and we happily skipped to school. Junhyung tagged along with us too.

“Omg, Nara! You’re so lucky! Junhyung is so cute!”

I raised an eyebrow, “Are you hitting on my brother?” I laughed.

“No, but he’s really handsome. Do you like him?”

I smiled, “Of course I do. He’s my brother.”

Tiff face palmed herself. “You know that’s not what I meant. Do you like him…more than that?”

I was stunned by her sudden question. “Of course not! Now stop imagining stuff and let’s just go!”


“Class, we have a new student.” Mr. Hong exclaimed as Junhyung walked in.

“Annyonghaseyo. I’m Junhyung. I hope we all get along.”

Junhyung examined the room. His eyes stopped and landed on mine.

“I want to sit next to Nara.”

My eyes widened. He wants to sit next to me?

The class, especially the girls squealed.

“Okay then. Junhyung, take the seat next to Nara.”

I raised my eyebrow as he sat down. “What?”

“Why did you sit here?” I asked confused.

“Because I don’t know anyone else. And besides, you’re my little sister.”

Once again, I felt weird when he called me that. What’s wrong with me? I’ve been like this since yesterday...

“Omg, why did he want to sit with her?”

“How does that hot boy know her? She’s so ugly!”

“She probably seduced him. Just look at that .”

I felt like crying once I heard what they were saying about me. Jun gave me a concerning look. I made my hand into a tight fist. Jun noticed this.

“Mr. Hong. Nara is sick. May I take her to the nurse?” Mr. Hong nodded.

He grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the classroom.

“Calm down Nara, please. I don’t like seeing you angry. Just ignore them.”

“No, Jun. How could I just ignore them? They said I seduced you! They called me a !” I poured all my anger out of me.

“But you know you’re not! Just because they called you a , doesn’t mean that you are! You’re better than them! Their just jealous!”

I didn’t notice at first, but a tear trickled down my cheek. And before I knew it, I was hugging onto Junhyung and crying my eyes out.

“Shh, it’s okay.” He patted my back.

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Ydvvfjkch #1
Chapter 5: Please update
9SoshiAngelsHwaiting #2
Chapter 5: Update soon please!!!