I'm on a Rollercoaster

Sacrifice: Work or Love?




Eva’s mind drifted off as she counted the falling raindrops on the black tinted windows. She sighed unconsciously, and felt a hand on her shoulder bringing her back into reality. Turning around, her dazed face was met with a concerned Nara.


Hey, you okay?


She took a quick intake of breathe, and bopped her head numerous times, “Mhm- yeah yeah.


Nara gave her a questioning look with her lips pursing together to form a line, and Eva placed her hand on top of her boss’s assuring her that she was fine. Nara’s expression softened back to her normal stunning look that she carried, lightly patting Eva’s shoulders.


Sending a smile of gratitude to her boss, Eva turned back around to lay her head on the window, closing her eyes to let her mind ponder.


It was already Wednesday, and she felt stupid for not being over JiHoo entirely. If it was any other person in this situation, Eva as a friend would have told them that it was completely normal to still have those lingering feelings, and that it would take a bit of time to get someone out of their heart.


But as the saying goes, one’s advice is the hardest pill to swallow.


At least she knew that she had people there for her, when she needed them. Taekwoon and Lina, had been her right and left emotional support duo. There were many internal things bothering her, that she was still hesitant to show them both. But even so, having a friend like Taekwoon, someone who seemed more cold and reserved than most; was actually trying to get her to open up, showed her that she had to really make an effort. 


Eva had on and off days, and today was starting out to be one of those off days.


Stay strong Eva.


She repeated in her mind, opening her eyes to look down at picture of her mother and her on her Sweet 15. In her gorgeous dress that had blush pink petals forming all around the upper body, paired with light mint green tulle popping out at the waist Cinderella style, Eva chuckled at the picture; she remembered how much she hated that night. Her Sweet 15 should have been beautiful and magical, as she was becoming a young woman, but two train tracks of metal braces, with 2 pairs of clear rubber bands stood in the way of that happy night. She had been so ashamed of going out to her party with her braces on, and even went as far as asking her dentist if she could take them out for a one night the week prior.


So silly-


Regardless, her mother made her smile; bright and wide when the photographer yelled “say cheese!” And as a couple immature tears spilled out afterwards, her mother took her aside to fix up her makeup.


-What a brat.


Eva’s fingertips traced over the phone’s screen, as she thought back on one of her mother’s wise sayings,


Eva, Chiquita, one day you’re going look back at this night and remember how you thought having braces on your birthday was the worst thing that could ever happen to you in the whole wide world but in actuality it was nothing.


Remember that even when you’re at your darkest, things that seem so bad eventually as you grow older will become childish worries.


Reminiscing about the fond memory, Eva rolled her eyes- as usual, her mother was right. One day she would look back at this very moment and think how childish she was.


She shouldn’t have this eat her up inside.


A faint chuckle escaped her lips. Without her mother, being there physically in her presence, Esme always knew what to say and at the right moments.


Jah- finally here.” Nara stretched her body and stepped out first from the van. Following her, Eva stepped outside taking in the city’s scenery. While her eyes roamed over the distant mountains, she brought them back down to the building in front of her.


Eva smiled at the person standing two meters away, with his hands in his pockets.


Annyong Taekwoon-ah


Nodding his head, she walked over to him to give him a light pat on the back. “Have you ever been to this city before? It’s my first time here.


Leo shook his head, “Anni. It’s mine too.”


. . . . .



The screams of females (with some occasional male screams) of all ages flooded large auditorium as the six men of VIXX walked inside. Standing in front of their assigned seats, they took their microphones and introduced themselves as a group, then individually.


Standing off to the side of the stage, Eva laughed as the roars of females increased tenfold when N made Leo show the only excuse for aegyo he had in his body- which was putting his fingers together to form a little heart.


Leo’s forehead hit the desk, and he stayed there for a moment or so, as his other members did their daily rounds of fanservice. Eva looked out to anxious fans, and her eyebrows rose up recognizing two girls in the sea of women and sprinkled men.



In that instance, the taller of the two, looked over to Eva’s direction- automatically recognizing her from that night in the coffee shop. The taller one excitedly shook her friend next to her, turning both of their attentions towards Eva.




Eva animatedly waved her hands to the girls, as the other girl’s mimicked her actions. Recognizing the girls’ faces, her mood brightened up even more.


. . . . .



“Unnie!” The girls shouted as they got close enough to main table where VIXX were sitting down and Eva walked over to them. She smiled brightly, forgetting her earlier grey feelings. Eva went to go hug them, and caught them off guard at her form of greeting. Regardless, they accepted her embrace, and Eva awkwardly laughed when she asked for what their names were.


It should have been the opposite way.


The shorter one was named Eunji, and the taller one was named SoRa. Surprisingly, they remembered her name from the time that she showed them her company ID badge at the coffee shop months ago. All three shared some small talk; before they were up next to greet the first member, Hyuk.


Ah- so your aunt and uncle live here Eunji?


Ne unnie.


Nodding her head, Eva saw that their turn was next and walked over to Hyuk- “Hyukkie- treat my friends Eunji & SoRa well~ ne?” The girls were ecstatic, squealing over Eva’s bold move.


Oh your friends Eva noona?” The maknae asked with risen eyebrows and a twinkle in his eyes. Eva hummed in response, and he smiled widely at the two girls.


As Eva was crouched down eye level with Hyuk, she glanced over and could see Leo looking at her. A tiny smirk turned his lips, and she responded with an eye smile.


An annoyed click of the tongue, caught Eva’s attention- and she looked back at the sounds originator. Standing back up, she looked over the two girls who were happily shuffling onto the next member and a couple other fans to a girl and what seemed to be her boyfriend waiting in line. The girl had clicked her tongue again, and playfully pushed his shoulder- “Oppa!” She teasingly called, and he laughed at her cute actions as he wrapped his arms around her smaller stature.


Not that there was anything in particular that reminded Eva about JiHoo when she saw the two- besides the fact that they were in an actual relationship-


And everywhere in the city, there’s couples, ones that are dating, getting to know each other, married ones- but for some reason this particular couple got her feeling back in the dumps. She bit her inner lip, as they turned downward.


Her nail dug into her finger in a self-wake up call, and Eva feigned a cough. She turned back around, with her gaze falling to the ground.


Eva walked off to the side, and she was handed six Vitamin Waters, then told to give them out to the members. Her long brown hair covered her face while she bowed spinning back around towards the table. Placing the colorful water bottles in front of each member, N got a look at Eva’s wistful expression. His eyebrows knitted together, but before he could say anything, another smiling fan crouched down in front of him.


Leo caught N’s expression, and followed it to Eva’s pale face. When she around to his side, he went to grab her wrist but caught himself before doing it. After all, he was in front of fans. Instead, his soft-spoken voice called out her name- “Eva.”


As she already knew what he was going to say, she brittlely responded- “I’m okay.” He frowned at her quiet shaking voice, and looked around to see what could have possibly triggered her emotions. Looking at the couple in front of HongBin, Leo figured that must have been the reason.


Cheerfully making their way over to N, Leo felt his face harden at the two. His eyebrows were furrowed together; he was mad.


Irrationally putting the blame on them, as they shuffled in front of him- his senses came back. It wasn’t their fault. It wasn’t Eva’s fault either.


Just hurts me that she’s feeling down.




[2 Days Later]



Blowing on the hot dark liquid in her mint colored coffee cup, as they walked, her eyes looked down to her feet. “I feel like I’m on a rollercoaster everyday.” Eva’s shallow sigh made Leo tilt his head towards her.


The trees rustled its changing leaves against one another, with critters taking refuge in their abodes. The earlier morning rain, left small puddles, with damp leaves on the sidewalks.


Shaking her head, she opened up her lips, “Sorry, I’ll stop talking about it.” Apologetically, her lips twisted up, showcasing the small dimple on her left cheek along with her risen full eyebrows.


Today would mark one-week incident-versary, and Eva couldn’t help it cloud her anxious mind. Leo looked down at her face, which had resumed its original position staring down towards the ground; he parted his pink pillows-


“-You know, I wish we could have had dinner or something last weekend.” Cutting him off with little effort, Leo closed his mouth. She probably already knew what he was going to say, or she had already picked intuitively his thoughts like she always had.


 “That would have been fun.”  She lightly shrugged her shoulders.


Leo gave her a small eye smile, and went to add something to the conversation.




Cutting her off this time, the silvery voice of his sang out, “-We could do that today.” She picked her face back up, transforming its earlier woeful expression a 180. A wave of a full cheerfulness washed over her, and she scrunched up her body- “Chincha?


Doing those little Leo nods of acknowledgement, he took another sip of his latte before continuing, “We’re free for the rest of the day.” Her eyes grew even larger, and her colored lips parted, forming a tiny ‘O’.




Leo chuckled at her humorous face, he was happy to see her in such a good mood. “We could ask our manager.”


Eva walked in pure joy, her head bobbing to a soundless song- “Oh wait-” Rummaging through her white leather cross body, she took out her phone extending it over to Leo. “-Here.” He understood what she meant, and he quickly took the large phone into his hands.


He opened her flip case and his eyes were met with a sticking-out-tongue Leo, his eyes turned into smaller half crescent moons looking at the lovable pup. Swiping his thumb across the screen, his eyebrows vaguely pinched together unconsciously, an amused grin creeping on his lips.


With Eva’s cheeky face, she looked at Leo’s change of facial expressions, and her eyes instantly grew. Her face froze, and the pink watercolor tint inked across her cheeks. Bringing her hand behind her neck, she rubbed the smooth area. “Yeah, I had braces. We all can’t have perfect teeth like yours.” She told him playfully bitter with a half smile on as her head resumed its lowered position.


“M-mwuh?” Leo stumblingly snorted out wearing his half smile that showcased his perfect pearly whites.


Eva looked back up at Leo’s smiling face, and playfully hit his shoulder, “Yah! You don’t have to brag about it, all you idols have perfect teeth!


“…Or had veneers or something.” Bashfully, her voice became smaller, and she took another sip from the mint cup; trying to distract herself.


Was the a-a compliment?


Leo looked at her with his mouth stationed in that teeth bearing half smile, and rapidly blinked his eyes.


You know Eva; you were as beautiful then as you are now


. . . . .



The earlier exchange of text messages between N and Leo on the topic of getting the ‘ok’ from their manager for all the members to come over for dinner was a complete success. Sending over Eva’s address via text, they set the time for the rest of s to come over.


Walking into the international market, Eva had already set the dinner menu for tonight: Tapas, Spanish Paella, and white wine. Tonight the boys of VIXX would have a little taste in Eva’s culture. Turning her head over to Leo, she voiced her worries about making a traditional Spanish dish, but he assured her that s would like anything that was food. 


Leo peered into the colorful, bustling market- he hadn’t ever seen one quite like this before. With the numerous amounts of foreigners coming to Korea, whether for school, work, or anything else, he figured that the foreign community had come together putting a splash of their culture in Korea.



Her eyebrow arched up looking at his amazed expression. “Cool huh?” She flashed him a toothy smile and he nodded his head in agreement.



Leo hadn’t flinched when she grabbed him from the wrist and pulled him to the vendor’s stations. He was used to the skinship between them, though his physical body didn’t have a surprised reaction to her, his inner self melted completely.


Coming in front of a tan bald headed man, Eva happily greeted him in his native tongue and a kiss on each cheek. Leo stood besides her as she talked in Spanish ordering the needed ingredients and looked down at the various foreign foods. Traveling his eyes through the different meats, fish, and vegetables, his black orbs landed on a little cozy restaurant that was placed next to the vendor.


The intoxicating smell of whatever made his mouth water, and stomach grumble- painfully loud. He blushed at Eva, who turned around completely deadpan. Her face snapped back, towards the man and her words came out even faster. The man chuckled, and looked over to Leo who embarrassingly bowed to him. The tanned man waved to Eva while she moved to grab Leo’s wrist again.


We’ll be back, he’s getting the stuff ready.” 


Standing in front of another vendor, an older Caucasian woman, Eva greeted her in English. The woman carried golden blonde hair with vibrant chartreuse green eyes. They chatted in English for a moment, before Eva handed Leo her phone.


Confused he looked at her while she sheepishly smiled at him.


What are you planning Eva…


“You have to practice your English, so go~” She flipped over the white case, and there on her phone was the grocery list written in English. His eyes narrowed at her- she always has something up her sleeves.


Eva patted the small of his back- “C’mon Sassypants, you can do it!


Again with that name. He chuckled at her, before inhaling a large intake of breath. Shrugging his broad shoulders up and letting them fall harshly into place, he his dry lips, *“Ko-kosher sal-tu,”* He paused to his lips again, *“uh- jumbo shrimp, lobster tail, mussels, little neck clams, clam juice”*


The woman repeated everything he said, and looked at Eva for approval. Bobbing her head, Eva looked up at Leo’s tinted cheeks, “You’re really improving.”


“Gomawo.” His plush lips told her.


Eva shook her head, “Don’t thank me- thank yourself. You’re the one doing the work.” A smile pulled on his lips at her blunt response. Giggling softly, she turned back around going back to the old man’s post.


They ran around the market, Leo staying glued to Eva’s side as she greeted her usual vendors with laughs, hugs, high-fives- everything. He hadn’t seen her this happy in a while, and inside a warm feeling took over his heart.


After 45 minutes, they had finally finished getting everything on her grocery list. 8 large brown paper bags full of packaged goods, meat, fish, alcohol, vegetables and other foodss, they stopped at the front of the entrance.


Definitely, getting a taxi.” Eva grunted gripping onto 4 of the bags as she took another step towards the sidewalk.


“Give me those.”


Her necked craned back towards him, “I got it.” Eva’s face was blithe, however he could see her body struggled carrying the extra weight. Dropping his bags, he glided in front of her.


Intently looking at her eyes, he decided not to say anything and let her read his mind like she always has. She stared back at him, with her eyes squinted together and an arched eyebrow.


After staring each other down for a moment, Eva’s shoulders dropped to the floor. “Fiiine.” Begrudgingly, she handed her bags over to Leo, and a quick smile of content graced his face.


Let me go get the taxi then.” She ran off to the sidewalk, and in 5 seconds flat, a taxi presented itself in front of her.


. . . . .


Finally making it into Eva’s apartment, the first thing she did was filling up Leo’s bowl with his canned food. “If I don’t feed him the good stuff- as I’m cooking, like a shadow, he’ll be following me everywhere.” After feeling content and full from his food, Leo jumped onto the couch, plopping his round body for a nap.




Leo leaned his body on the kitchen island while she quickly got started on marinating the chicken with the spice mix.


She looked up at his soft gaze- “Go watch some TV or something- you’re making me nervous!”


He let her sentence sink it- Nervous? I’m making her nervous? Leo was in disbelief, how was he making her nervous. Standing like a statue pondering away, she huffed out of her nostrils jokingly annoyed- “Wash your hands, and help me.


Leo snapped back into reality, and quickly shuffled his body over to the sink to help her with tonight’s dinner. She signaled him over to the lower cabinets to find the paella pan- and when he did, his eyes grew at the size of the pan.


Putting the chicken into the fridge she told him- “That’s the reason they call the dish Paella. Cause of the pan it’s made in.




She directed him in putting oil in the pan, while she went to take out the Spanish chorizo. As the heat rose from the black pan, she began sautéing the chorizo. In doing so, Eva told him to get out the other meats from the bags with their necessary ingredients.


Like a good scout, he completed everything she did, nodding his head, or humming in compliance. The side of her lip curled up looking at the efficient idol in her apartment kitchen.


Turning on the exhaust hood, she finished up on the chorizo setting it aside on a white plate. Leo watched her, as she gathered her hair into that large messy bun she always does when she’s getting down to business.


A discreet laugh left him- “What?” She turned around, lightly hanging down in a grin.


Kneading his shoulder blade with his large hands, he shook his head, “Nope, nothing.”


She brushed it off, and started telling him the directions of making one of the ‘tapas’ they would be having tonight. Taking out another bowl, Eva showed him how to mix the ingredients.


As they prepared the food, Eva looked up at Leo- a heavy sigh leaving her, “Alright- I’m gonna let you in on a little secret.” Eva waved her eyebrows at a very curious Leo. Towering over her, he nodded to let her continue.


You know how I told you I wanted you guys to try Spanish food for tonight, so that’s why we’re making it an everything…”




Well there was a reason behind that.




I’m horrible at cooking Korean dishes.”


She winced one eye- waiting for Leo’s reaction. The chopping sounds from the wooden plate ceased, with the exhaust hummed in the background as Eva opened her eye. His face was completely stolid.


His face had said it all, and Eva continued- “Like- Ken could probably do a better job than me-


Looking at her concerned expression, he couldn’t help having a wave of laughter build up and burst out of his body. Leo’s left hand covered his face, making the laughter into a muffled mess. Joining him in laughter at her unfortunate personal trait was Eva trying to talk in between breaths.


“-The best I can do is some ramen.



When his body calmed down, he took his hand away from his face, “How- does that happen?” His small voice genuinely asking her, Eva threw her hands in the air.  She told him about how her father was very possessive over the kitchen when he would cook Korean dishes. He wouldn’t even let her step into the kitchen if he were in the middle of creating his masterpieces, as he would call it. Eva continued telling him about how even when she would ask him that she wanted to learn how to cook Korean dishes- her father never taught her. He just showed her how to make some of the side dishes.


Leo’s eyebrows were completely knitted together in confusion at her father- he was certainly nothing like his dad. Itching the flat crimson hat hair, his lips pursed, and then went to tell Eva about his father (in the sense of cooking). “Well my dad-”


“-My father was in the military,” Resuming his Sous Chef duties, he continued, “and he always made sure that cooking was one thing that ever man should know.” Leo told the story with a glint in his eyes garnering a large grin from Eva.


His voice had a subtle change to it without him realizing it, however, Eva certainly did. It was different in a way she couldn’t really explain.


Her face bore a blissful expression- it was the first time that she heard Leo open up about his family. With her lips turning up, she went to ask him more about his father, though he ended up enthusiastically asking her something first.


“An-and you’re mother?” His eyebrows rose as his eyes smiled back at her. However, his face turn apologetic knowing that he had asked her about Esme.


She swatted her hand in front of her, and answered his question- “Well, my mother on the other hand, always made sure that I knew how to cook. She made mostly Spanish staple/traditional dishes, and other Hispanic foods.


Blowing his cheeks up and nodding his head in understanding, Eva gasped- “Omo!


A second of silence passed before she burst out laughing, her cheeks pushed all the way up, enthusiastically clapping breadcrumb coated hands.


Leo dunked his head down in embarrassment- he had shown her some aegyo without even wanting to. “Aish” He quietly mumbled to himself.


What are you doing to me Eva Kim?


. . . . .



“-Aand, when you smell the rice toast at the bottom, that’s when you know it’s complete.


“Smells really good.”


Hm- let’s hope it tastes good- keke




I’m kidding- it will…..I hope…”




Nah-nah, just kidding!”




Laughing, they both went into her bathroom to wash their hands clean. Eva looked in her mirror catching his gaze- “Thanks Taekwoon.”


Capturing her radiant face, the loose hairs that laid against her skin, the tiny beads of sweat on her forehead from their earlier running around in the kitchen, his eyes fell to his and her hands covered in foam “Anni.”




The doorbell cut into their moment, accompanied by the small yelps from a woken up Leo. Eva, titled her chin towards the hallway- “Could you get that please?


Leo walked out of the hallway bypassing the living area, to the doorway. Looking down at his watch, Wow, the guys are actually on time. Unlocking the door, his face was struck completely surprised- “Oh Lina!”


Lina’s bright pink lipstick stretched out into smug smile, “Leo-ah.” Coming behind him was Eva with a large grin on her face looking at her best friend in the doorway. Lina stepped in, and Leo closed the door behind her. The two friends embraced in a large hug, before Eva leaned out- “Hold up, gotta change my shirt.” She disappeared back into the hallways, leaving a devious Lina, and an innocent Leo.


Spinning around to look at the obvious idol, she walked over to him, “Goodness, you both look like a couple. Opening up the door for her- having the table all decorated nicely-” She looked over at the washed dishes piled up on top of each other in dish rack- “Cooking together.


Leo, tried to contain the evident smile stretching his mouth-




I’ll get it!” Lina yelled, punching Leo’s shoulder in as she brushed passed him.


The thunderstorm of five voices spilled into Eva’s apartment- “Smells so good~!” Recognizing the voices, Eva ran back into the living area to greet her guests.


Hey guys!


Eva!” They greeted each other like old lost friends reuniting, when in fact they had seen her earlier this morning. Leo laughed at their interactions- Cute, he thought. Very cute.


“Eva noona- your apartment is daebak!” The maknae eye smiled his way into Eva’s heart, and she pinched his cheeks. “Aigoo~” The mumurs of agreement on Hyuk’s comment had Eva smiling- “Gomaw-”


“OMO!” N practically jumped into Ravi’s arms at a harmless Leo who was just greeting him with a few at his skin. A chortle in between his words, he yelled, “He scared me!”


The rest of groaned at their leader’s scaredy cat ways and turned their attention to the light brown ball of happiness.


What’s his name?” Ken asked as he held up Leo, raising his eyebrows at his-little Leo.


Getting a glimpse at the guys gush over the dog, “His name is-” Eva turned to Leo, stopping to mouth a silent ‘mian’. She knew exactly how the guys were going to react to her dog’s name.  Look.


From Eva’s eyes, Leo shifted his gaze to Lina who was painfully trying to hold a laugh. 




Leo?” N perked up.








The guys stopped, and cranked their necks at an intimidating Leo, though now knowing his name was the same, as Eva’s dog- didn’t seem at all intimidating.


“BWAHAHA” The five kids and Lina’s laughter filled up her apartment. She regretfully smiled at Leo, who had crouched down- his head at his knees. Not letting the embarrassment ride out any longer, Eva clapped her hands like a school teacher trying to get the attention of her students- “Alright people, whoever doesn’t stop laughing won’t eat tonight!


In an instant, her pre-k group of 5 boys and 1 girl stopped laughing and straightened their selves back up. Turning her back to grab two extra chairs, she told everyone to sit down. The table was set with black woven placemats, contrasting against her white table, and the white plates that were placed on them. Two tall white candles were on each side of the huge paella pan, and 8 filled glasses of white wine with each plate- adding to the romantic feel of the dinner.




Playing with her fingers, “Well guys, I hope you guys like it.” Unclasping her hands, she pulled off the 4 tops of the plates. A crescendo of amazement came out of her guests, garnering a large grin from Eva.


Ken pointed to the large paella pan- “You made that!” His eyes as large as the black pan, N smacked his hand away, clicking his tongue.


Eva shook her head, “Taekwoon-ah and I made that.” In unison, the guys ‘ooed’ at the cook their main vocal was turning out to be. “Took a long time, but we actually cooked everything here.” Leo’s eyes darted over to Lina, who was sitting in between HongBin and Hyuk, a cheeky expression on her face. An embarrassed smile tugged on his lips.


Lina- don’t look at me that.


HongBin caught a glance of Leo’s suspicious smile, and followed it to Lina’s face. His eyebrows vaguely furrowed before Lina turned her attention to him with an eye smile.


“Well- uh, dig in!


Everyone picked up their utensils, and generously served themselves. As they all munched down at the food, everyone gave in their 2 cents on the taste of the food. Fortunately for Leo and Eva, all the comments were of praising the taste, and the cooks. Eva playfully nudged at Leo’s foot underneath the table; getting his attention, she gave him a wink of gratitude.


In between chewing on the marinated chicken, the side of his lip curled up.


At the beginning of the dinner, conversation wasn’t exchanged as they were all too busy relishing in the Spanish cuisine, it was only after 15-20 minutes once the food was startling to settle in they began talking. The conversations were about the little things; HongBin asking Lina about what she had been up to, what the boy’s schedules would be for the week, Ravi getting picked on for talking to a girl group idol- the little things.


Coming to the end of the dinner, N took another sip of the white wine, letting the last of his food slick it’s way down.


Jah~ That was gooooood~” N stretched out while he patted his barely there stomach. Following suite was Ken, then Hyuk.


Ken hiccupped, “I think I like this better than *pizza*!” Eva and Lina laughed at Ken’s antics, despite s pinching their nose bridge shaking their hands.


Omo- please take the wine away from Ken-hyung.” Hyuk voiced out, and Leo snatched the semi-empty glass away from his buzzed dongsaeng.


N looked around Eva’s apartment and noticed something- “Where’s JiHoo?”


Eva in the midst of a laugh she feigned a cough. Her eyes looked over to Lina, who had her lips scrunched together in a pout. “Uh..” Eva’s small hands went underneath the table, lightly gripping onto her jeans.


Oh yeah, where’s hyung?”


“Mhm- haven’t seen him in a while.


Lina jumped up, taking her spoon and tapping it against the glass- “I, I would like to propose a toast!”


Eva shook her head at her best friend, and Lina slowly dropped back into her seat. “It’s alright Lina.


Leo mentally cursed at s, but they were all completely innocent of any wrongs. His eyes softened at Eva, whose face was completely glazed. Looking down at her hands, he stealthy reached his hand over hers- giving it a squeeze of encouragement.


How am I supposed to say this?

I should have never hid it from them in the first place- now I’m in this awkward position...


She patted Leo’s hand with her free one, inhaled, and in one breathe- “Taekwoon and I caught him with another woman-” The cheerful smiles of the 5 men wiped clean off their faces, “-Last Friday, when you guys had that 3 day weekend.” Eva shrugged harshly, and threw her words out nonchalantly.


The atmosphere around the dinner table stilled-







All the boys of VIXX finally know the truth-





Author’s Note


Okay, everyone is allowed to have their bad chapters. Well this was mine ORZ.

I honestly wanted to go ahead and delete, delete, delete, and rewrite everything but I was already way too into the chapter -___-. Well anywho, thank you for everyone that took part of that little poll.


I ‘preciate it!


Though, there were pieces of it, that I really loved- (I think that’s why I didn’t delete everything lol).


One thing though, I just wanted to see how many of your caught how Leo changes when in front of s, and when he’s just alone with Eva.

Did ya? Did ya? Did ya?


So, alright, next chapter is much, I can promise you that.


Question of the day: Do you think Eva is starting to develop feelings for Leo? (Not there was anything in particular to tell you too, but I was just curious on your opinion.) What do you think the guys are going to knowing that JiHoo cheated on Eva? Anything? Nothing?


Like always, lovely readers, silent and active; I love you all~~ Thank you for the ongoing support, comments, lovely wall posts- everything <3


@mydivakey: aw did it?!?! Kekekeke, I hope this one did too! Eva’s smile is juuuuust back- like she said, she’s on a constant rollercoaster. How’d you like the cooking scene?!



@Coralie_x_SHINee: wuuuuhuuu~~ Yeah there was a lot of that kekeke. Hope you (somewhat) enjoyed this chapter! Lol

@themixedtape: Please, let your habit run rapid- I love reading your comments <3 <3 <3 <3

@epikwhale: Aw yay! You liked it ^___^ You know- thank you so much for talking abt that small detail, I didn’t know whether people would of enjoyed it. So it’s nice knowing someone liked it! Hope I didn’t let ya down too much on this chappie. ;A;

@sarahmariecarmel: huhuhu~~~ there were definitely some skinship scenes in this one!!! Oh you’re talking about Universal Language? Yeah, I really can’t wait to put the 3rd chapter. Now, that I’ve posted up this chapter, I can go ahead and finish up ch. 3 of UL. Woohoo!! & Thank you, second job is going swell~~

@ilovekpopforever: Thanks hunny! Well she doesn’t know his feelings about her-….juuuuuuuuuuuust yet.

@dissful1: zomg, don’t throw bricks at me please. I know this chappie was filled with little details lol- and it  got interesting towards the end. Sorry sorry sorry. Next chapter will be better- promise!!


OH and a super huge bear hug to @soraaa for voting up my story! (Which btw, I totally had the character SoRa written out beforehand- so yeah lmao) Well, here’s a QT Leo chu~~:




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one of the leo fic's i've read years ago. :)
Chapter 10: A couple playlinks on chapter 10 don't work. One of them the channel got shut down...
This seems weird to read to me, because my mom's name is Eva lol
Chapter 27: welcome back! its cool, i know the feels, i suddenly got too busy to write and now im struggling to get back to it ahaaha, take your time with the uploads! gonna re-read and refresh the story in my mind. VIXX have soared to fame in the past 2 yrs and Gx9 debut too! Jellyfish are doing well
Chapter 27: -waves- Hi! I was so excited to see this pop up in my subscriptions. There's definitely a difference in writing style, but the characterization is still on point.
Chapter 27: Thanks for the update! The story and its characters are developed well. Update whenever you can!
purplegyu #7
Chapter 26: I really really love this story. It is so realistic, and there is so much character development without neglecting anyone's. There is a fair share of attention, and even for Leo's reaction is sooooooo adorable. Author-nim update soon pleaseee
I hope you'll update again! I miss this story!
xElise #9
Chapter 26: Wooo thank you so much for the long update!
Don't worry~~we won't leave…such an awesome story!
kai2326 #10
Chapter 26: Wohoooooooooi! finally!