
Sacrifice: Work or Love?

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Eva awoke to the rich smell of coffee floating around her nose- “mmm~” was all that she muttered before opening her eyes. To her surprise when she walked out of Nara’s room, there her boss stood in front of her making coffee and what seemed to be eggs on the frying pan. “Morning-coffee?” Eva gratefully accepted the mint colored coffee mug that was extended towards her. “The creamer is on the table”

Eva happily took a seat, and waited for the rest of breakfast to come out as she sipped on her coffee. Nara adding in one last egg to the frying pan, turned her neck towards Eva, “I picked out an outfit for you today. I know you’re a stylist- but let me dress you up today~” She smiled brightly at her and turned back around to finish up the scrambled eggs. Eva gave Nara a toothy smile and took another sip from her cup. She placed the mug down on the table, picking herself up to go into direction where Nara pointed. Making her way to Nara’s walk in closet, she spotted the two black garment covers delicately hanging from the top of the giant mirror. “Oh- and I forgot to tell you tomorrow we have a company dinner- so I also picked out something for then. Hope you don’t mind!” She heard Nara yell over to her.

The first garment cover she ped was a peach low peplum dress- it was definitely Eva’s style. Being that Nara was a bit thinner than her, she wondered how different the dress would look like on her. Taking the dress off the hanger, she went to the other garment bag with the other outfit Nara picked out. As her small hands clutched the zipper and pulled down on it, only two words came out of Eva’s mouth.




Eva turned her head around to see Nara leaning against the doorway with her hands wrapped around another mint mug. With a pleased look on Nara’s face, Eva raised an eyebrow at her, “Chincha?”

Nara shrugged her shoulders with a giant smile on her face, turning away from Eva, she raised her coffee mug in the air, “C’mon, the eggs are done.”




Leo walked in first to the practice room where he crossed paths with Eva and what he saw made him stop dead in his tracks. “Good morning Taekwoon-ah!” Her straight hair fell to her face when she bowed to him, and with one hand, she tucked it behind her left ear.

Her Spanish features, if they weren’t as noticeable in her face, they were definitely noticeable on her body. Starting at her chest, where the dress although fully covered her girls but being that the dress fit exactly like a glove, her girls were definitely being showcased. Further down, the peach dress clung onto her waist, making her hips only look that much bigger. Finally, the band of the peplum that lay directly underneath her already plump behind, only added more emphasis to it. Even though the length of the dress was actually right above knee length, how it was formed around her body changed the whole dynamic of it.

Only looking at her dress for about a second, he managed to take in all of it. Then he quickly came back into reality. He was a gentleman. “Good morning Ev-”

Whoa! You look amazing!” Came N behind Leo with an astonished look on his face. Eva with a box full of makeup supplies, shyly looked down at her white pumps, “Aw thank you N!” She said looking back at him.

All Leo could mutter out of his mouth was asking her, “Is that from Nara’s closet?”

God, I hope I didn’t sound rude. Or stupid.

Eva placed the box on the nearest table, picking the ends of the peplum dress in her hands she looked at Leo, “Yeah it is, do you like it?”

His response to her was a half smile, and two slight nods with his hands in his pockets. Eva smiled back at Leo, now knowing his opinion on her outfit.

He was lucky that it wasn’t possible to visibly see or hear from distances the rapid beats his heart was pounding so hard into his body. She did look amazing, and now his biggest problem for today would be to get his other members to stop gawking at her.

These guys have female idols around them all the time…go look at them...instead of Eva.... 

He secretly rolled his eyes, and sat down in a corner of the wooden floor stretching out his limbs for the day. Being engulfed in his stretching wasn’t enough to block out the obviously excited VIXX members when they saw Eva. He could hear them all complementing her outside in the hallway, and Eva giving them grateful thank you’s.

He heard the clicking of heels and looked up to the mirror to see Eva’s reflection on the other side of the room.

How come I get so many compliments today? Do I dress ugly the rest of the time?!” Eva quietly sarcastically mumbled, but then she heard the short sighed laughed of Leo. Her eyes widen, she raised her hands in her defense, “Sorry, it’s not like how you think- I was just being sarcastic.”

Leo walked over to her, his large frame contrasting her small one, he coolly said without looking directly at her, “I know…but for what it’s worth, you look nice every day Eva.” Out the door, he went to meet up with s that were running around the fifth floor.

And I really mean it too..

Leo was surprised at himself, where was this newfound confidence coming from. Did he just really compliment her like that? Well it he obviously couldn’t tell her the truth as to why the guys kept on complimenting her. She managed to make a simple peplum dress look like something completely different, and it was all because Eva had that type of effect on things. She always managed to change the aesthetic of things, and it was all because she was Eva. He jammed his fists in his pockets with a content smile on and walked towards HongBin who was another room with the maknae.

Going back to the Eva who was taken aback for a second at Leo’s comment, she lips curved into a large smile. “Aw, thank you SassyPants.” She quietly spoke while resuming her job.



“It’s cold, do you want a jacket?” Leo asked Eva going in between their set schedules. The only reason he offered his jacket was to cover her up. All day the members of VIXX kept on talking about Eva. Or talking about how today, she truly looked like a woman. Even talking about how she should wear Nara’s clothes more often.


When they were choosing makeup artists for today, N and HongBin kept on fighting who would get her seat next. Meanwhile, Leo was content with admiring her from the makeup artist’s chair that was next to hers. 


Eva only would playfully roll her eyes at the kids she was dealing with today. She understood very well why they were acting like this today, and she could only laugh it off.

Boys will be boys, she thought.

Her hand extended towards the jacket, but Leo just placed it on top of her broad shoulders. She grabbed the jacket and pulled it closer to her, “Thank you Taekwoon-ah”, he blinked his eyes, and in one slight nod, said you’re welcome.

He caught up with the rest of s who were going into the black van, while Eva and her team entered another van that trailed behind them going to the next schedule.

Entering the van, he could already hear Eva’s name being said around from member to member. It was already mid-day, and he hoped the hype over his crush would of died down by now. Wrong. He turned his head away from the window towards s that seemed more like teenage boys (with the exception of Hyuk who was) and he opened his mouth to speak, “Can you guys just quite down?” His question more like a command was accompanied with his infamous stare.

The 5 other boys stopped with their words right at the tip of their tongue and turned over to look at the annoyed lion. Their rowdiness quieted down with N clicking his tongue at his friend, “Spoiling the fun Taekwoonie~” N childishly folded his arms and looked forward. Ken came behind N closing in towards his ear, he playfully whispered, meaning that he wanted everyone to hear- “Maybe he’s jealous~” Snickering behind him was the maknae line, trying to hold down their laughter. Upon hearing the word ‘jealous’, Leo swiftly took a hold of Ken’s shoulder and threw him back down on his seat.

I’m not… jealous.

I’m just.. I just don’t want them gawking at her.

Ooh look!” Ken pointed at Leo’s face, surprised at his reaction. Leo eyes turned into slits, making Ken lower his finger. “Ah- don’t be a cranky lion, I was just teeeeasing~” He stretched out his last word, finally making the maknae line finally burst out with laughter.

Leo’s face lips twisted upside down, and he popped in his ear buds raising the volume to it’s maximum.

I’m not jealous.





Finally, with the completion of their scheduled activities, the day had ended, and Leo couldn’t of been anymore delighted to see their company building. One after another, the boys spilled their way in front of the building. He looked over to the street; there wasn’t a sign of the van that Eva was in. Maybe they got stuck in traffic?

The six boys would been walking back to their dorm when Leo remembered that he had left his gym bag in the practice room and had to bring it back over to the dorm to go wash some of his clothes. Voicing to the other tired kids, he told them that he would just meet up with them at the dorm. N looked over to him in a questioning matter, Leo explained that he had to get some things from the practice room, making his leader understand his reasoning; up he went towards the main doors.

See you at the dorm then Leo-yah!” N waved over to Leo. Now on the other side of the glass doors, Leo waved back at N, making his way to the elevator.


. . . 


“There you are” His voice softly said while he grabbed the black duffel bag. He slung it over his shoulder and walked over to the elevator door. Impatiently waiting for the door to open, his stomach formed tiny butterflies that were making rounds in his stomach. He placed his right hand on his stomach and gently rubbed it. Out of the nowhere, his heartbeat started racing once the elevator doors opened. Stepping inside, he looked at himself through the mirror, taking out a black baseball cap from the duffle bag; he placed it on his head. Fixing any hair that lay awkwardly against his forehead. He nervously his lips and huffed a loud sigh once the doors opened back up. What was he so nervous for?

Walking past the secretary’s desk, he lightly bowed and bid her a goodnight. Without him noticing, she swooned at his backside.

The clear glass doors opened, and he was outside of the building now. Letting go of the door handle, he saw why he was so nervous. Because she was right there, sending off her team members in cabs, she waved to them goodbye. Looking at her, she still was wearing his jacket from earlier before, but this time she had put it on all the way, with her arms in the sleeves. Even though Leo was larger than her, she still managed to make his somewhat oversized jacket on her body- work. He walked towards her, with the butterflies still floating around his stomach.


She looks cute.

Eva looked down at the jacket, remembering that it was his’s, she went to take it off, starting with slipping her right arm out. A pair of hands, stopped her and slipped the sleeve right back onto her arm. She looked behind her, “Wear it- it’s still cold out.”

Oh- I was going to give it back,”  Her pouted lips informed him.

“Well, I know where you live so I can always get it back.” Leo said nonchalantly.

She fixed the jacket; rolling her shoulders for it to fall into place, she smiled, “Hm. I suppose you’re right.” She looked around Leo and saw that he was alone, “Where are the others?”

His intense stare came down on her, but being that she was so used to seeing that face of his, she just looked right back at him, “I had to get my duffle bag from the practice room, so I told them to go on without me.” His voice a bit louder than his usual Leo self.

Eva nodded her head in understanding, without any further notice, Leo asked her, “Want to go for a coffee?” His eyes didn’t leave her face, which looked down at her watch.

Was she meeting someone….maybe.. his jaw tightened- maybe JiHoo?

She picked her head back up and met Leo’s eyes,, they were sparkling. She nodded and a small ‘hmph’ sounded from her lips. “Vamonos~” (let’s go) Even though what she said was in Spanish, Leo understood perfectly. It was like Eva to coin little Spanish phrases into her everyday talk.

About to cross the street, she was quick to slip her arm around Leo’s arm, but she realized that Leo wasn’t like N or Ken who these type of things were natural for them…it was Taekwoon and she didn’t know whether he would accept the skinship.


Leo’s heartbeat raced again, with knowledge that her arm was wrapped so snuggly around his. Suddenly, his arm felt cold again- she had slipped her arm off of his when they made their way to the other side of the street.

Maybe, I shouldn’t.

God, how much he wanted to grab her arm and place it right back to its former position, the one that was wrapped around his muscular arm. But he couldn’t do that. It would have been weird and out of character if he did that.

Oh, and how he wished he were N or Ken right now, the two people who she was so completely comfortable with giving skinship with. Actually, she was comfortable with giving everyone else skinship and vice versa.

They exchanged smiles and laughter while talking about their stories about their crazy day they both had throughout their walk. Even though they were both in music industry, they were both part of two different worlds. His being the idol world, and hers being manpower behind the idol world- they still could talk about their different experiences and daily feats.

Eva looked straight at Leo’s eyes, meeting his gaze she opened , “Taekwoon-ah, how come you’re so quiet on camera? With me” She paused, “With me, you just seem like a different person sometimes. I see you smile more, laugh more…I’m sure your fans would like to see more of that side of you.”

Taekwoon laughed softly, turning his head to face her while they walked, “Maybe, it’s just because you have that effect on people Eva.”

She lifted her finger and pressed it against her lips, “Mmm.. I guess you’re right. You know… I get that a lot.” Proud, she tugged on her-well his jacket.

His hands were clasped together in front of his body, he smiled down at her, “And my fans…I think in time they will see that side of me. But I’ll let it come out naturally; I don’t really want to force it out. I’m still learning and trying to figure out how to become a better idol” A chuckle left his lips and his hand went to go cover his mouth, “Plus, I think they’ll go crazy if I come out one day just all smiles, laughing, and non stop talking.”

Eva rose both of her eyebrows with partially parted, she laughed, “Man, yeah that’ll be the day.”

Making one last turn, they were finally in front of their favorite coffee shop- “You first this time.” Leo had opened the door for her, and she laughed at his actions walking in past him meeting with the aroma of freshly made coffee. They both looked over to their favorite spot- it was taken. And a loving couple that held hands in the middle of the wooden table took it. Cutely they both sipped their coffee cups, stealing glances at one another.

They look so, in love…

Eva and Leo looked at each other, both puzzled, “Want to sit at another table?” He asked Eva who was fidgeting with her hands.

But that was our spot!”  She pouted; it was the first time Leo was seeing Eva act so cute and immature. She said..‘our’ spot. Leo smiled discreetly.

After a long sigh left her chest, Eva’s head slumped down, “Fiiiine.” They walked past their booth, to find out that there was another part of the coffee shop that neither of them had noticed before. It was dimly lit with Christmas lights around the borders of the booths, accompanied with low hanging light fixtures. It was just what they ever wanted- “This is perfect!” Eva bounced in her heels and quickly pushed Leo to take a seat. “I’ll go get our usual.” As she turned her body around to go towards the front of the shop, Leo abruptly grabbed her wrist. She spun her head back around,

“I’ll get it today.” Today, he would be the one treating them two. He was proud of the progress he was doing,

She clicked her tongue at him, “Aish, don’t be silly Sassypants, stay put.” She took his hand off of her wrist and walked her way to front.

Well, so much for acting like a gentleman.

And..’Sassypants’ again?


She was definitely different he thought. And that was exactly why he liked her. She wasn’t like anyone else he had ever met, and hopefully one day he would be able to tell her. But until then, he sat there in the booth playing with his thumbs waiting patiently for her to come back.

Jaaah~ There we go,” Her voice danced in his ear, picking his slumped body back up to accept the latte that was being handed to him. “Thank you Eva.” Happily, she sat her body down and immediately took a sip of her latte. “Always hits the spot right?” Feeling the overwhelming heat that came over her, she ped the jacket Leo let her borrow. She looked at him across the coffee cup that covered her face.

Leo being so engulfed in the aroma had a delayed response to Eva’s question. She sat there admiring his love for coffee she hid a laugh. “Yes it does,” he finally said after finishing with infatuation of his latte. They sat in their comfortable silence; sipping their latte’s occasionally, meeting eyes and giving each other eye smiles.

Coming to a slow end, they both finished their lattes. Eva played with the rim of the coffee cup, slowly circling the rim with her index finger. She looked up to Leo, who was already in fact looking at her, “I kinda want to take one to go…” A bit embarrassed of her love for this addicting coffee, she spun around the empty coffee cup.

Leo looked at her small hands, and back at her face. “Me too..”

Eva’s head perked up, “Okay so it’ll be a secret then.” She excitedly widens her eyes. He nodded in response, and got up from the booth- “But I’m paying this time.”




Walking outside of the coffee shop, Eva stretched out her arms with a small yawn leaving , “Jaaah~ That was good.”

Leo looked down at her, “Yes it was” His foot kicked the ground beneath him, “…Thanks for coming with me.”

Eva brushed off Leo’s statement with her hand, “Ah- who else would you be coming here with? I know I wouldn’t have anyone else.” Leo curiously looked at her, “Did you ever show anyone else about this place?”

Gently he said, “Anni.”

He looked at her, her dark brown hair flowing in the light autumn breeze. A tint of rose was peeking out from her cheeks due to the hot coffee they had just consumed. She smiled at his answer- “Me neither- It’ll be our secret…I haven’t even told JiHoo about this spot.” They both turned away from the coffee shop and starting walking to the main road.

And his heart sunk, the beautiful moment he shared with Eva gone to complete hell at the mention of that traitor’s name. But it only made Leo feel worse knowing that he felt like the traitor about acting like he didn’t know anything of JiHoo’s true nature.

Maybe..I should say something

Grabbing his track sweats with his free hand, he nervously wiped his clammy hands. A huge sigh left his lungs, and he nervously his lips, “Eva…” His voice was soft and tender to her ears. Appreciating the scenery around them, she picked up her head back up at him. A small sound came from her lips- he had her attention.

In that moment, it felt like time was standing still. The sounds of cars off in a distance, they couldn’t bother them now. The shuffles of other people in the opposite direction, they couldn’t bother them now. Or the rustling in the bushes and trees, they couldn’t bother them now.

He raised his hand and lightly laid it on her arm, they both stopped in the middle of the sidewalk. He looked at her red stained lips, his heart beat rapidly increasing, and another heavy sigh left his lungs, “Eva… I…”




He.....is going to say something about JiHoo?

He........is going to tell her about his feelings?


[A/N] Hey everyone! & Welcome to Sacrifice; Work or Love's newest subscribers! *round of applause* thank you for joining :D 

OH and sidenote. I tried so hard not to use any new Hyde pictures- but it was so hard- this picture totally was how I imagined Taekwoon looking at Eva. hehehe (The Hyde era will come later in the story-yay!)

Okay guys, I really hope you all like the pace that the story is going at. I know many of you are probably already like 'GET WITH EVA ALREADY!' But I'm really trying to make this as natural as possible. 

&& I hope you guys really read with the soundtrack I give in the chapters, cause it takes such a long time to find the perfect song to go with the feeling of the words~~~

@Coralie_x_SHINee: Yes he should get close to her (You hear that Taekwoon!) Hm..and maybe he will....

@Ilovekpopforever: Dude I know- why did I even write him in? Oh wait- to make the plot more interesting, aw man sowwwy! lolol 

@aidapark: You're right, physical evidence is the best! But it's possible that he's going to tell her now...dun dun dun!

@sarahmariecarmel: I am soo sooo happy that you love this fic as much as I love writing it. The comment is really appreciated!! It really fuels me to write :). 

@ParkYooKo: Hello! nice to meet cha! Thank you so much for tuning my first fic! & Sorry for leaving you with a cliffhanger TT_TT (donthateme)

OH!!! & I never got to thank Lonelyferriswheel, Totoro-Pie, and KanashimiAngel, for voting up my story. Thank you three so much! I feel so happy that you guys went out of your way to do that- for my little story. <3 <3 <3 <3 Lots of love. 

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one of the leo fic's i've read years ago. :)
Chapter 10: A couple playlinks on chapter 10 don't work. One of them the channel got shut down...
This seems weird to read to me, because my mom's name is Eva lol
Chapter 27: welcome back! its cool, i know the feels, i suddenly got too busy to write and now im struggling to get back to it ahaaha, take your time with the uploads! gonna re-read and refresh the story in my mind. VIXX have soared to fame in the past 2 yrs and Gx9 debut too! Jellyfish are doing well
Chapter 27: -waves- Hi! I was so excited to see this pop up in my subscriptions. There's definitely a difference in writing style, but the characterization is still on point.
Chapter 27: Thanks for the update! The story and its characters are developed well. Update whenever you can!
purplegyu #7
Chapter 26: I really really love this story. It is so realistic, and there is so much character development without neglecting anyone's. There is a fair share of attention, and even for Leo's reaction is sooooooo adorable. Author-nim update soon pleaseee
I hope you'll update again! I miss this story!
xElise #9
Chapter 26: Wooo thank you so much for the long update!
Don't worry~~we won't leave…such an awesome story!
kai2326 #10
Chapter 26: Wohoooooooooi! finally!