[LEO POV] Feelings

Sacrifice: Work or Love?

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[A/N] So sorry that I haven't updated in forever, but I was quite busy the past month. Mian! But brace yourselves guys cause this chapter is a bit long, I was going to break it into two chapters, but I thought I would spoil you guys. Especially because I've been away so long~ 

Open playlink in another tab


“Remember what I said Leo-yah…” For whatever reason Lina’s statement popped up in my head during my morning run. It has already been 2 weeks from HongBin’s birthday, and yet her words were still following me I shook off her statement, and pumped my legs faster to the company building- I have to get there before 7AM. Tight schedule today.Well when isn’t it though.

The now fall air caressed my skin, making each hair on my body rise and fall with every breeze. I turned a corner, when I saw a black BMW stop in front of the company building. The dark brown waved hair of Eva floated in the light breeze as she stepped out of the passenger seat. Turning back towards the door, she blew him a embarrassed kiss as she closed the car door.  She waved him off, with her eyes lingering on the speeding car that was driving off in the distance. As I went to cross the street, she turned around my direction and our eye's met. With her cheeks pushing up- her face automatically lit up. 

Hey Taekwoon-ah!” Her barely visible left cheek dimple was being slightly shown as a large smile graced her features.I showed a casual smile, looked both ways on the street and proceeded to walk along her side into the company building.She started talking to me about how excited she was for today’s Music Bank performance, because she was going to see Phantom, or more specifically Phantom’s Sanchez.

“I had no idea, N was close to them! I really love Sanchez’s voice. Maybe N could introduce me?” Her voice became higher towards the end of her sentence. I couldn’t help but chuckle at Eva whom I always regarded as a strong independent woman, crumbling down into fangirl mode. “No, really, you think? Her eyebrows rose up, she looked like a small puppy waiting for a treat.

I shrugged at her question,  “Maybe you should ask him?” We entered the company elevator and went straight to the fifth floor.She quietly laughed to herself, and opened the practice door for me. Sometimes, I will never get to use to that.


You’re welcome~” She sang.

We walked inside to find out that we were the first ones there. Eva walked over to the water cooler, “Hey sports-dol, mul?” She had her head turned around to face me, extending her arm with a white plastic cup. My usual side smirk came out when she mentioned the word ‘sports-dol’.

As I took the plastic cup to my lips, I could only meet Eva’s reflection in the mirror. She looked at me smirked-

I need therapy…la la la la la therapy~” She bursted in choreo while she playfully sang. “I really love this song, I don’t know whether cause the song is so great, or that you guys perform it so damn well.” She turned her body around and faced me across the room.

“Oh- you’re flattering us. Don’t tell me you’re in review now.” My sarcasm decided to make an appearance today.

Her eyes widen open, followed by a slow crack of a smile, “Taekwoon-ah, was that sarcasm?” I didn’t reply but just sighed at her instead, “..Daeeebak.”

We heard footsteps coming closer to the practice room and she walked towards the doorway. To whoever she saw, she told them, “Hey- Taekwoon-ah Sassypants is out today~” Her memorable laugh came out while she told-

Oh Sassypants~~” It was N who she was talking to. Thank goodness, we didn’t have a scheduled variety filming or anything, I’m sure he would of pressed me even more knowing that I was…in a good mood.

Eva came back with a rolling rack full of our outfits for Music Bank. Gentlemen..” She pointed to the members, “…Sassypants”

Wait, a min- did she just address me as sassypants?!

The members had a giggling fit, and Eva only covered her laugh with a loud cough. She looked at me and did a quick eye smile.

It was her way of saying, ‘Don’t be mad’. I slightly nodded my head with the tiniest smirk on the left side of my lip.

“Go change everyone, or shower but Manager-nim wants you all to be back here in 45.” Eva switched to her leader mode. Without any other words, she walked out of the room to talk to her team.


Like usual when I am done with makeup and hair, I go pop in my earbuds and drift away to the voices of my favorite artists. While I was looking for a comfortable spot to claim my own for the moment, I walked by N and Eva having a conversation.

Her face looked a bit pleading while she fiddled with her thumbs, then one of her hands made their way to the back of her neck. N, who was looking at her with a serious face quickly burst out into laughter.  He reached over to give her a huge pat on the back, making her face away from him. A relieved look took over her facial expression.

She met my eyes in a second, my reflexes wanted to look away, but instead I just met her gaze. A small smile tugged on her lip, as did mine.

I think I had a good idea of what she was talking to N about.

Finding a comfortable couch to pass the time by, in no time I was in my happy place. 

. . . . . 

“VIXX on standby for sound check!” The loud voice of a male employee yelled through the hallway.

All the members made their way to the back of the stage, Eva and two other makeup artists came along with us as spectators.

Eva did her little ‘fighting’ signal, as we walked up the stairs to enter the stage. As song was just about to start, we took out places to lie on the stag floor. I noticed a blue haired person come along the back of the stage. N quickly rose up and waved over to them.

“We back again now~”

The song had started; there was no way I could turn around to look. But something in my gut told me that I already knew who it was.

Ken’s part. I’ll be facing the ba-

It’s Sanchez. My eyes widened for a second.

And, he’s talking to Eva.


For the split moment that I saw them together talking; Eva’s facial expression was one that I had never seen before. This was truly, Eva Fangirl Mode.


Finally, we had finished our sound check, and Phantom was on going to be on standby for their sound check next. We walked down the small steps onto the backstage, and there was Eva and Sanchez still talking.

Her eyes were glued on his, never leaving them, even though we were now standing in front of the two.


“Oh Hey N! What took you so long to introduce a fan to me~” Sanchez teased N by playfully pushing his shoulder.

“Didn’t know that she was until a couple hours ago.” Casually his yellow contacted eyes looked back at Eva, who in return gave him a nasty look. N automatically jumped at her facial expression, and pouted at her. Sanchez looked back at Eva.

I guess she didn’t want him knowing that.

A laugh escaped my lips.

Whoops. Eva glared at me. Shortly after, her face softened again.

“Phantom Soundcheck!” The loud voice yelled again.

Sanchez looked at the stage, “Well that’s us, hey listen N, I’ll text you later- let’s see if we could all go out for drinks or noraebang tonight. Eva, that’s including you too.” His voice lowered at the end of his sentence. I looked back at Eva, who shyly nodded her head before immediately turning her body away from us and walked away.

N ran up to her and slung his arm around her shoulder. The other members followed quickly behind him, with me trailing in the back of the crowd.

See, I didn’t even need you to introduce us~” Eva stuck her tongue out at N who laughed loudly, gaining some stares from employees in the halls.

He pointed at her face, “I actually told him to stop by to look over our sound check~”

Eva abruptly stopped walking, making the other members crash into the two. She opened , very wide might I add,Aw- N. You’re the best!”

“I know right?” N cutely raised his eyebrow while pointing at Eva’s expression. Eva gave him a pat on the back, and the two skipped their way back to dressing room.

Unconsciously, I slowed my pace and stopped in front of Phantom’s dressing room. My heart beat accelerated looking at the white sheet of paper that had their group name spelled out in English and Hangul.

“Leo hyung” I heard Hyuk call out and I snapped out of it walking over to him.  

. . . . . 

After the giving our actual Music Bank performance, we all returned the dressing room.

Eva was between N and Ken, who kept on pinching her cheeks for whatever reason.

“You were sooo shy today~” N cooed at her.

“Do you like him?~” Ken eyes were popping out of his sockets. Eva rolled her eyes, and took both of their hands in her own, placing them back at their sides. She pinched the top of her nose bridge with her eyebrows slightly furrowed.

“I really like him- artistically. I’ve been a fan of his from the start. I especially loved the work he did as HybReFine.” N and Ken both ooed sarcastically, not really buying her story. “Plus-” she added, “He’s not my number one bias, anywho~” She crossed her arms together, tilted her head, and eye smiled at everyone. The rest of my members, laughed.

Right when Ken, who I am assuming was going to ask her who her bias was N’s phone went off- “Well are you coming out with us tonight? I just got the okay from manager~” His eyebrows rose awaiting her response.

My ears automatically perked up, I mean-because it would be nice to go out with Eva again- especially knowing that I won’t be able to make a fool of myself again.

She moved her head around in small circle- “I don’t know for certain, but I probably will. I’ll let you know okay?” She looked down at her phone, “C’mon gentleman, we have to head over to the van.”

Sassypants, you too” She walked over to me, and held out her hand to help me get out of my seat. Not wanting to be rude, I accepted her hand, “Well actually you’re not sassypants anymore, it was only a morning thing, the rest of the day you were just regular Taekwoon-ah.”

The nickname..as annoying it seemed, it was still cute…

The nickname is annoying, but cute- right?” She looked dead in my eyes. Her perception never seems to fail to impress me. “Don’t worry, I’ll only use that name when sassypants decides to show up again.” Eva’s head fell back laughing. Her brown hair being flung out of her face, and back to it’s natural resting position when she put flipped it back.

Hyuk opened the backstage door, and we departed into separate vans.

“See you guys in a bit.” She walked away from my side and waved off to us.


We all scrambled back into the apartment, it was late and we would be meeting up with the Phantom member’s in about an hour.

“Um-” I began to say before being interrupted from HongBin,

“Is Eva noona coming tonight?” He called out from the bathroom mirror fixing his hair. He slipped on his blazer and popped his head awaiting N’s response.

N hopped his way over to HongBin with widen eyes, “Oh of course she’s coming!”

We all headed to the elevator,

Once we arrived at the restaurant, we all took our seats around the table. I hesitantly looked around the large circle of all male guests

All these guys..and then Eva.

I didn’t really know what type of person Sanchez was, I mean he was N’s friend not my own. But during our own small talk, he seemed like a really cool person. However, even though how cool he could be, when there’s women involved, I think men just change completely.

Maybe I should be saying the same thing to myself…Well I’m just looking out for Eva cause..she’s a close friend.

Did I just say close?

“Hyung-” Ravi looked up at me, while I awkwardly stood by my seat just grasping the top of the wooden chair. I blinked once at him, and continued to sit down next to him. I shifted my chair trying to get closer to the empty seat that was next to me in hopes of trying to save it for Eva when N happily plopped himself down. I took a harsh intake of air, and looked at him.

“Mwuh!” N gave me his Njumma look and clicked his tongue. Suddenly, I felt a vibration on the table.

I guess it must be N’s phone

Eva will be here in…”

“Now~!” Everyone turned around towards the voice and in came Eva running with her cheeks slightly flushed, and her hair in a loose ponytail. She stopped and paused for a second trying to catch her breath. “Sorry I’m late. JiHoo quickly stopped by my place and everything”

And everything. What did that mean. I guess I shouldn’t really think too much into it, I mean. It’s none of my business.

“JiHoo?” Sanchez curiously looked at her. She took a seat next to Ravi, unfolded the white napkin in front of her and placed it on her lap. 

“My boyfriend”


Sanchez’s eyebrows rose, and he pursed his lips together while nodding slowly at her. “I see.” He took a sip of his iced water, “So how did you guys meet?” His eyes were widening with curiosity.

Eva coughed, and then looked around the table, “Oh let me introduce myself first before I start spilling my love life~” She sarcastically said making everyone roar with laughter, “My name is Eva Kim. I’m VIXX’s assistant stylist and hairdresser. Nice to meet you all” She lightly bowed making the ponytail of hers gently graze her forehead.

After everyone introduced themselves properly, Eva continued on the story that Sanchez was so adamant about knowing; how she met her JiHoo. Being that I heard this story before, I mentally checked myself out of the conversation and instead decided to watch everyone’s body language.

All eyes were on Eva….regardless that she was speaking, but everyone actively listened to her. There was something about her that people were always so interested in knowing, her presence was something of like I could only say that of a celebrity. There was this aura around her that you just wanted to know more about. The funny thing was the fact that she wasn’t even the ‘celebrity’ here.

I slightly muffled a laugh that tried to escape from my lips. With the sound, Eva turned her head towards me, “Yeah I know Taekwoon-ah you’ve heard the story a billion times before~” She teased me.

Sanchez looked at her a bit surprised that she called me by my actual name, and not my stage name. “Hey how come you don’t call us by our first names?” N pouted with his arm crossed around his chest. Eva laughed at him, and playfully stuck out her tongue at the her elder that seemed more like a child than anything,

“Because you never asked~!”

The rest of the dinner was very lighthearted and fun. With Eva making her round of sarcastic jokes, and talking about her funny life stories it made the dinner, I think- enjoyable for everyone. Then of course the Ahjumma brothers came in with their gags, that I know all too well, but still make me chuckle, occasionally.

By the end of the dinner, Eva had already made it into the boys circle. Making secret handshakes with Kiggen, taking funny selcas with Sanchez, yeah she had definitely made a good first impression with them.

After briefly sticking to the Phantom members, she walked over to me with bright smile that was coated in peach lipstick; “I wish we could go out like this more often. It’s fun hanging out with you guys,” She looked down to the ground, and I could sense the sadness in her voice. Unconsciously, I raised my left hand and patted her on the back. She looked up at me and gave me a grateful smile.

I looked up from her brown eyes and met Sanchez’s who was looking at me in a questioning manner. My arm immediately dropped from her back, going back to its original position.

Once we finally reached the noreabang place, we all entered the small hole in the wall establishment. We all counted to see how many people we were, and then the host showed us to a room. The room was padded with red leather on its walls, along with the same red leather as its couch that made a U shape around the room. There was a mini stage, and a disco light on top of it. After we settled in, we ordered a round of drinks and N punched in the first song selection.

Of course he would sing a Big Bang song- Tonight.

The control went its way around to everyone, and when it got to Eva, Sanchez and I both asked at the same time “What song are you picking?”

Well that’s embarrassing…

A bit flustered she twisted her head both ways, “Hmm. Don’t look at the screen just yet, let it be a surprise.” Sanchez nodded his head, and turned away. I was left with no choice but to do the same. Hyuk who was in between Eva and I, just looked at Eva and gave her a thumbs up. She quietly giggled and pressed in the numbers.

Being that it was a surprise, I wonder if she was going to sing one of VIXX’s or Phantom’s..or maybe a HybRefine song.


When my turn came up, Eva howled at my song selection. I side smirked at her reaction; I guess she didn’t think I was going to put on an English song.

“I can’t help but wait~” I started to sing. It was from one of my favorite artists; Trey Songz. I looked over to Eva, and she put two thumbs up while she sang along. Being that I always listen to Trey Songz, the VIXX members already knew these songs by heart as well. Ken joined in with Eva singing along.  

When I sing, I usually get so immersed in the song that instead of losing myself, I feel like I find myself in the song.

“Listen, it ain't fresh
To just let him call the shots
You’re a queen, you should be
Gettin' all that someone’s got”

Eva and Ken both got up from the seats and joined me on the stage, role-playing to the song. Ken would come close to Eva, and act like the man that was being sung about in the song, and Eva as the woman I was singing too.

You should be rockin' the latest in purses
Bracelets and watches you’re worth
Much more than an occasional
'I love you, I’m thinking of you'’

Their actions garnered loud yells, whistling, and roaring laughter from the guys sitting on the leather couch.

Then I guess I got really into the song, because I then found myself getting in between Eva and Ken- acting as if I was protecting her from him…

“And I don’t wanna come between you and your man, no
Even though I know I treat you better than he can

Girl I can’t help but wait…

Eva played like the helpless woman; who- is definitely not her… and clutched my arm, trying to shield herself from her bad boyfriend Ken.

We somewhat kept up the whole act until the end of the song…

“Eva you should become an actress!” Sanchez joked

“Oh yeah definitely. Oscar winning actress coming through! Step aside Jennifer Lawerence!” She flipped her ponytail- her sarcasm hit again, making everyone

We both sat down as Hyuk’s song started, “Leo, your English pronunciation when you sing is daeeebak. Really!”

“Thanks Eva” Was all I could say to her.

As Hyuk started singing Baby from Justin Beiber, with of course the accompaniment of almost everyone in the room- regardless if they actually hated the song or not.

Towards the middle of the second verse, Eva looked through her purse and pulled out her phone.


I looked at her face, and then she looked at me with a confused face. She looked back towards the phone, and then got up. “Excuse me,”

After the second chorus of the song, Eva came back into the room. She grabbed her purse along with her jacket. “Jihoo’s outside…he’s like I’m outside, I want to take you somewhere. A surprise date.” She shrugged her shoulders, but there was a glint of happiness in her eyes. That left dimple started surfacing. She got to the front door, and bowed to everyone. “I’m so sorry, but I have to go. JiHoo is outside for whatever reason- but we should do this again. Thank you for the awesome evening. Bye~” Eva turned around and opened the door, with one last smile to the group she went out the door.

I wonder what JiHoo planned for Eva

“Aw why did Eva have to go, I was curious to see what song she picked,” Sanchez told N.

N looked at his friend and slowly shook his head, “You know how lovebirds are~” They duo laughed, and continued their clapping to Hyuk’s song.

After the last lyric in the song, finally Eva’s song was going to come up next. However, now that she left there was no one to sing-

“Starlight!” N shouted. He quickly got up, and took one of the microphones. He pulled up Hyuk back up to sing as well.

Ah, she picked one of our songs.

I felt happy, well happy that she would sing one of our songs. I guess she really was a Starlight. Ken pulled me up taking me out of my thoughts, dragging me to the mini stage. Soon enough, we were all up the stage singing along to one of our first songs.


“Hey- let’s do this again. Or at least try to get your manager to ‘okay’ this again” Hanhae playfully punched N’s shoulder as we said our goodbyes.

N nodded his head in a reassuring manner, and waved to them as they entered Sanchez’s car.

He turned back to the members and clasped his hands together; “Well, should we take a cab then?” We all nodded our heads, and flagged down the next cab that passed.

. . . . . 

As we crammed in the cab, I looked out the window taking in the beautiful night scenery. In what felt like a second, I thought of sworn that I saw Eva.

I wonder how her ‘surprise’ date went.

But then again, I could have been wrong; it is nighttime after all. I closed my eyes, and by the time I opened them back up we were in front of our dorm building.

We entered the elevator with yawns, and sleepy eyes. ‘Bing!’ Lazily, we walked to our door waiting for N to open it up.

“Okay guys, let’s hurry with getting ready for bed.” N told everyone. In pairs of two, we went into the bathroom to brush our teeth and wash our faces.

After washing up, we all headed to our respective rooms. Finally, now we get to rest up for another hectic schedule tomorrow. Once my head hit the pillow, every single ounce of tiredness I had went away.


I tried to fight the urge to stay awake, and made myself sleep. I turned to my side putting my hands underneath my cheek.


I turned my position and rested on the other side of my body.


Plopping my body just staring at the ceiling, I was determined to fall asleep.


I couldn’t keep on twisting and turning, I didn’t want to wake up the other guys. I quietly got up passing by Ravi to go into the living room. I sat myself down right in front of our windows and enjoyed Seoul at nighttime.


My hand massaged the back of my neck.

What’s wrong with me?

Maybe, a run would help this non-tiredness. Getting up from the floor, I contemplated whether to wake up our manager to tell him I was going on a run.

It probably wouldn’t be a big deal, it’s already the AM now, who’s going to be out?

I looked around the room, and then looked down at my body- luckily, I sleep in track wear and my sneakers were already outside in front of the door.

Oh- can’t forget a baseball cap.

I walked towards the elevator, anxious.

‘Bing!’ The elevator doors opened and I entered, turning around to press the 1st floor button.

. . . . . 

I didn’t have a specific place to run, so I just took a right and started running where my legs took me. The breeze was crisp, and against my warm body, it felt amazing. Running is something that I love doing, because you can get so lost in it.

There was no need for headphones, well atleast not tonight. I looked up at the crescent moon shining down on these streets. I focused solely on my breathing, and didn’t into consideration where I was running to, but I soon found myself at that park.

That park where I first met Eva.

My friend.


I wrapped around the green area, where I met Leo for the first time- then made my way towards one of the park exits. I looked back up at the sky, took a large intake of air and exhaled. A slight breeze came through lifting up my baseball cap, making it flow with the wind. Once it landed back onto the pavement, I ran over to it.

I immediately heard voices coming behind a bush, and my curiosity got the best of me.

Why do I hear a familiar voic-

“JiHoo” Instantly recognizing him-his name escaped my lips and I instantaneously ducked down behind the bush. Slowly, I raised my body up to see whom he was with.

“Oh he’s with Eva,” there she was with a hoodie and jeans with her hair tied up in a ponytail facing her back to me. They seemed to be loving conversation, because I could see that JiHoo couldn’t keep his hands off of her body. Actually, they were roaming all over her with her body pressed tightly against him.

Luckily, due to the night sky, my presence was undetected.

I guess this was part of his surprise date

I suppose it was rude of me too keep on staring at them from afar, so I turned my body back around.

I should head back to the dorm now.

Taking a final glance, my stomach began with this feeling- this feeling that I think I had once before.

“Wait-” My stomach felt like it was in a million knots. It was the same feeling from that dream I had weeks ago.

As I looked on, I could tell that their conversation had turned sour as she pushed him off of her, and turned around to walk awa-


My eyes felt as if they were going to fall out of their sockets. There was no way that I was seeing this correctly.

There was no way, that JiHoo was doing this.

There was no way, that JiHoo in fact was cheating on Eva.

The woman that I had seen was actually not Eva but someone else who from behind only seemed to look like her. My body sunk to the floor, with my hand clutching my heart. The feelings washed over me in waves, and it was only then when I had finally realized.

I did like Eva. 
I did have feelings for her, no, I do have feelings for her.

But this was the worst way to come to the realization.My mind went back to the situation at hand- how could this person, treat Eva that way? How could he make a fool of her like that?Was this the reason he could never see Eva? Did he use the excuse of working with his ‘client’ to go see this other woman? How long has he been lying to her?Was today’s ‘surprise date’ just something to reassure Eva that he was still hers, and that their relationship hadn’t changed?

A million and one questions ran through my brain and then the rage started to kick in. Soon after, I could feel my breathing rapidly increase. I wanted to march right up to him and never let him see the light of day ever again. But I couldn’t. Of course, I couldn’t. Who was I to do that?

Just a man in love?

My vision started to become hazy from all the built up emotion inside. My throat closing in suppressing any yells that so desperately wanted to escape my lips. I looked back up at the moon,

Let me get through this night. Please

My eyes closed tightly, with my hands balling both into fists. It wasn't like me to lose this much control, and I was trying to fight every part of my body that wanted to do so. The veins in my arms slowly started surfacing, looking down at them, and looking back at the night sky my eyes met the moon again.


Stupidly enough, I decided to take one more glance. Just in case it wasn’t my eyes playing tricks on me.


No. I wasn’t wrong. There was no way I was wrong.

JiHoo was hugging the unknown woman from behind gently caressing her arms, stealing kisses from her lips every second.

My head snapped back, I lifted my hands to put on my baseball cap. It was pitiful to see how he thought that he wouldn't of been caught, and even doing this right in the middle of a park. Shaking my head, I picked myself back up and started to run back to the dorm. My legs were pumping faster than I have ever felt them.

I started thinking about how Eva would feel after this... Her smiling face, ripped away because of JiHoo. Because of his unfaithfulness, Eva would be the one to suffer. 

These legs of mine moved even faster. Racing it's way back home.

. . . . .

Once I could see the dorm in sight, my heart sunk- my rage was gone.

Now it was only my heart that I had to deal with.

And more importantly…

How was I going to tell Eva the truth about JiHoo…?

Did I even have the right to?

Entering our dorm, I slipped off my sneakers and quickly washed my face.

With my hand on my room's doorknob another question arose, What if his surprise date, was in fact him breaking up with her? 

A heavy sigh left my lips.

Only tomorrow would I know.

And I can’t help but wait…


What Now?



{A/N} I hope you guys liked the update. Were you guys expecting the turns of events?

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Uploading a chapter tonight!


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one of the leo fic's i've read years ago. :)
Chapter 10: A couple playlinks on chapter 10 don't work. One of them the channel got shut down...
This seems weird to read to me, because my mom's name is Eva lol
Chapter 27: welcome back! its cool, i know the feels, i suddenly got too busy to write and now im struggling to get back to it ahaaha, take your time with the uploads! gonna re-read and refresh the story in my mind. VIXX have soared to fame in the past 2 yrs and Gx9 debut too! Jellyfish are doing well
Chapter 27: -waves- Hi! I was so excited to see this pop up in my subscriptions. There's definitely a difference in writing style, but the characterization is still on point.
Chapter 27: Thanks for the update! The story and its characters are developed well. Update whenever you can!
purplegyu #7
Chapter 26: I really really love this story. It is so realistic, and there is so much character development without neglecting anyone's. There is a fair share of attention, and even for Leo's reaction is sooooooo adorable. Author-nim update soon pleaseee
I hope you'll update again! I miss this story!
xElise #9
Chapter 26: Wooo thank you so much for the long update!
Don't worry~~we won't leave…such an awesome story!
kai2326 #10
Chapter 26: Wohoooooooooi! finally!