The Last Letter

The Last Letter

“What the hell are you doing?” Taecyeon exclaimed as I snatched the parcel out of his hands.

Taecyeon has just came home from a schedule late at night, bumping into the security guard of the building just as he was bringing a parcel up. To make things easier, Taecyeon had offered to take the parcel with him.

Taecyeon was checking out the addressee of the parcel when I suddenly made a grab for the parcel and scrambled to open it. I had recognised the handwriting on the parcel, before Taecyeon even made out what was written on it. I did not realise that he was still standing there, gaping at my rudeness, while I opened the parcel and unfolded the letter with shaking hands.

Written on the plain sheet of paper was the handwriting that I was so familiar of. And the content was as cliché as what happens in a dramatic show. But this… this was so real that I can’t help but feel my heart sink by just reading the first few sentences.


Dear Junho,

Hey, It’s Summer. If you’ve received this letter, and is reading it at this moment, you’ll know that I’m not longer in this world.

Yes, this line is overused in dramas… But, this is not a prank…
You always asked why I quit my studies in Japan out of the blue, and came back to Korea. I have never given you a serious answer to that.


Truth is, I was diagnosed with brain cancer.
It was the terminal stage.
I was told that, if I’m lucky, I can live a little over a month.
When I heard that, I was in despair. I even contemplated suicide.

But, Junho, I couldn’t bear to leave you. You were the first person that I thought of when I heard the news. Man, I know we broke up, you for your singing career and I for my studies. We were both moving towards a goal, our bright futures, I was content.
…… All of a sudden, though, the all the lights on my path, went out.
I’m suddenly plunged in darkness.
But I could see something very clearly. It was our memories, the happy ones. I had to come back to see you, before… you know…

After I came back, we hanged out a few times. I’m sorry for my bipolar moments… I was really happy, as we met up, I feel that you were getting more and more attached to me, like we’re best friends again. Though it isn’t the same feeling that I got when we were dating, it was enough. But, Junho, it also occurred to me that when I’m gone, it’ll affect you, a lot.

Thus I started pulling away.
You must have felt frustrated. I’m really sorry.

Then I suddenly disappeared. It must have been a shock.
I was admitted into hospital once again, and after some long hours of operating, I managed to… stay alive.
But I’m in pain.
And I can feel my life slipping away from me.
Is this how it feels to know you’re dying?
Knowing that you’re going to die someday, yet you don’t know when.

I decided not to see you anymore.
So the pain when I’m gone will be hopefully dulled, a little.
You’re the best thing that has happened to me, really.

I love you, Junho.


I choked up, my body started trembling, and tears ran down my cheeks. Taecyeon had been shouting all the while when I was reading the letter, and it suddenly sounded very loud behind me.

“Yah Junho! That was rude!! Why did yo—”

The shout was cut off when Taecyeon noticed my shaking body. I felt movement and Taecyeon was suddenly standing in front of me.

“Hey, Junho, what’s wrong?” He stared at me with worried eyes. “Why are you crying?”

I couldn’t reply him. I sat down hard, on the floor, and let tears run freely. Sobs started escaping from my throat no matter how much I tried to keep them in. Taecyeon stood awkwardly by me, flustered and not knowing what to do.

Woken up by the shouts of Taecyeon, Wooyoung and Nichkhun walked out of their rooms sleepily, in their pyjamas.

“Hey, what’s the ruckus?” Nichkhun asked, annoyed for being woken up in the middle of the night. But Wooyoung, spotting me on the floor, rushed over to my side.
“Junho! What’s wrong?!” Wooyoung exclaimed, worried.
“Su…Summer…” I managed to stutter out between sobs, and passed the letter to Wooyoung. Wooyoung and Chansung, being really close friends with me, knew about Summer too.

There was silence, the only sounds in the apartment coming from me, crying. Nichkhun went to wake Junsu and Chansung up, and soon, all the members were crowded around me, showing their concern.

Wooyoung finished reading the letter with Chansung at his side, both of them getting the gist of the situation, and hung their head. Wooyoung then hugged me, while Chansung muttered about fate being cruel.

Junsu pushed the parcel box into my hands. “You should see the contents…” He muttered, and patted my shoulder, while everyone backed to the sofa area, giving me some space and time alone.

I took out the contents in the box, slowly. Looking at each item and recalling all the happy memories that comes with it. There were the notes we wrote to each other while in school, leaving it under the other person’s desk secretly. Then there were the handmade gifts I made for her birthdays. There was also the couple mug that we made on our first dates, she has one and I have the other. The little couple keychain that I got for her on our second date, and the handphone cover that I gave it to her, when I went to Thailand. The list of things goes on, until…

The ring.
I picked it up.
The tears that have gradually stopped started threatening to fall once more.
This was the gift that I got her on our first month dating anniversary.
This was also the last gift that I got her…
Because we broke up the very next day.
In the ring was the engraving of our initials.
Summer Lee, Lee Jun Ho.

No one knew what happened when they heard a door slamming. I ran out. I had to release the anger in me. Why didn’t I notice that something was wrong when she came back? I should have forced an answer out of her. Then I could’ve spent all of the remaining time with her. I continued running, tears blinding my sight.

Suddenly, I felt pain. I was lying on the ground, I couldn’t move.
Something hurts, my clothes feel damp.
People were shouting. Someone was beside me, but I can’t make out his face.
In my mind, were only flashbacks.
In my eyes, were only hallucinations.

Summer, I see you.
What are you saying?

I can't hear you...

Everything disappeared as I was engulfed in darkness. Except for one familiar silhouette.

“Summer.” I called out, my voice echoed from the surroundings.
She turned, looking at me with sad eyes. “Junho.”
“Summer, I need you.”
“Ho, I love you, but you’ll have to let me go.”
“But Summer…”
“No Junho, it’s not your time yet. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
“Now go.”

At that, everything seemed to shrink away, and I regained consciousness to see paramedics leaning over me, as well as a very worried Wooyoung.

“He’s coming to! Junho do you hear me?” Wooyoung exclaimed.

I managed a weak smile.

I have memories of us engraved in my mind. You’re gone, but my memory of you stays alive. I’ll move on, but never forget you.



So, um, that's the end.
A rather feeble attempt at the ending. But well, that's it!
Thanks for reading... and i'll love comments/suggestions on improvements!


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Chapter 1: this is very heartbreaking....
emperorpenpen #2
Chapter 1: the last sentence was so beautiful *__*
Chapter 1: sorry for looking like a creep but i was only checking if you got RM stories then saw this, it was beautiful, almost made me cry... I'm lucky something distracted me or else I'm a mess... i hope you'll write more :)
Chapter 1: I love it!!!!!!! Wish u can make it longer... You got me in this so please continue... Huhuhu... I got tears in my eyes... T_T
Chapter 1: Dude... that was really good! Heart-wrenching, I might add. 'Summer, I see you.' That got me. ;-;

-claps- Very proud of you, bb! Your English is so much better than you think and it's improved a lot!