
When Jongdae met Kyungsoo, he thought he was a really cold person.
Kyungsoo's first impression of Jongdae was that he was really loud.. and noisy.

Neither had formed good impressions of the other, yet, they became best friends after a  year of training.

Two boys, complete opposites, yet so similar.



"I respect you as a singer, but nothing else."
"You're just jealous that I can sing better." Jongdae scoffs.


"Who cooked the porridge?" He asked Baekhyun when he felt better.
"I did." Kyungsoo's soft voice came from the door
Jongdae almost spat out the water he was drinking. "Y-you?" 



I actually planned this to be a one-shot, as per usual. But decided to split it up into 2 to 3 chapters, i guess. Not sure of the direction this is going, yet, though. xD Hope it doesn't disappoint! 

1221 , numbers on chensoo's shirts ;x

Updated! Will probably start on the next chapter when i get my off day \o/


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igotbingsu #1
Chapter 3: Aww, this is a rare ship that i always shipped! chensoo *_* so cute ^^
Chapter 3: awwww.. so sweet.. >_<
jongkeyshippers #3
Update soon this story had so much potential and i ship chensoo really hard ! Please please please don't leave this fic hanging :(
Chapter 3: So cute..how friendship can be bloom~ ^^
mooosapi #5
Chapter 3: kyungsoo so considerate :)) and finally they are on a good term!
Chapter 3: Love this <3 ^^ i can imagined kyungsoo being like that especially during the BTS ^_^
oh-tea-twelve #7
Chapter 3: awwwh~ it was all kyungsoo's doing, it was kyungsoo all along, he was in charge and everything im so touched
im so glad they're finally good! all those misunderstandings were pointless when they could be friends like this

i also want to taste soo's porridge c:

Thank you!
singsongsungjong #8
I loved this! Wow!
Chapter 2: As cold as kyungsoo might've acted around jongdae, he did try to help jongdae out when he was coughing like that aawww...can't wait for more of the chensoo :)