The Escape

The Flower's Revenge
Chapter 2
Maehwa was sent to an orphanage after a funeral was held for her mother. She was told there that her mother's case was not a simple accident, but a planed murder. She is also told that the plane her brother and father took had crashed.

Maehwa sat at the edge a a staircase, her face covered in tears and eyes red from crying. She directed her gase at the ground and remained silent for a long time. When she was calm enouph to look up, she saw someone staring in her direction. It seemed as if they have been staring at her for a long time. The person sat on the windowsill behind the curtains, so that only his face was visable. He looked older than Maehwa, maybe 18 or so. He was tall and quite handsome. He sat there watching Maehwa as she glared at him.

The orphanage treated children horribly. They were never fed enough or taken care of properly. Maehwa was treated the worst since she was new. Everyones anger was taken out on her.

One day while Maehwa was eating, an older unnie walked over to her and grabbed  her food out of her hands. All she had left was a bowl of soup. That night after going back to her room, she thought of ways to escape.

As she packed her bags a voice called out,

“Ya, how can you escape alone. Don't you know there are people watching us?”

Maehwa looked up in shock. it was the boy from before. the one sitting on the windowsill.

He walked over to her and said

“I’ll help you escape if you take me with you.”

She thought for a second and agreed.

The two sneak out the front gates of the worn down building. As they turn a corner, they notice a man. The boy falls back in shock. The man looks down at him with a questioning glare.

"You're the kid that lit this place on fire a few months ago. Where do you think you're going?"

With a smirk the man took out his walkie talkie and ordered security guards to come. Without a second, thought the boy kicked him in his “sensitive spot” grabbed Maehwa's hand in his and ran off.

After a while they stopped in front of a dukboki stand. The spicy smell of rice cakes drifted in the air. The boy looked down at Maehwa as she gasped for breath.

“I’m Teacyeon. Ok Taecyeon”

Maehwa ignored him and walked over to the dukboki stand. The Boy smiled and looked around at the unfamiliar surroundings. Maehwa suddenly stops in his steps. she noticed that something was wrong. Not so sure what it was at first, but there was a feeling of emptiness, as if she lost something or never had it to begin with. she thought for a while.

“What is mandatory for survival.Is it water? No,I can buy it when needed. Food? I can buy that too. Shelter? As long as i...”

That was it, the thing she needed the most to survive at that moment was money. It was something she never worried about. In the orphanage everything was taken care of. Even though they lived horribly, they were still kept alive. Back at home, her parents bought her everything she ever needed. Regretting their escape Maehwa walked over to Seungho.

“umm..” she started
“Do you happen to bring any money with you when we left?”

Taecyeon smiled again and without any eye contact replied,

“Money is something you work for, not something you’re born with.”

and with that, he sat down on the cold gravel and opened his guitar case. In it was a deep blue colored instrument with silver pegs that shawn under the streetlights. Maehwa sat down beside him and asked where he got it.

“I stole it,”

Taecyeon replied

“I set the dorms on fire a while ago to get this. It was hidden in the storage room so not many people knew about it.”

He took the guitar out and placed the case in front of them. Soon his music filled the streets. A man in his 30s walked by and tossed a few thousand won into the case, he stepped away but kept observing them. More people came and trough money into the case. After an hour or so, the music stopped. Taecyeon bent over and picked up the money. He counted it then handed it to Maehwa.

“Go buy yourself some food”

He said as he placed the guitar back carefully. He waited as she came back with two servings of dukboki. Maehwa Handed one to Taekyeon.

“eat it yourself,”

he insisted. Her hand still reaching out, Maehwa sat down and ate one serving, she looked at the one in her reaching hand, it was untouched, so she gulped it down as well.

The two of them stood up and started down the unfamiliar streets.The man followed as the two children walked on.

They stopped at the entrance of a subway station.

“When kids run away from home in dramas, this is where they sleep.”

Taecyeon hinted.
Maehwa looked at him unpleasantly and shook her head.

“I’m not sleeping here.”

She detested.
Ignoring her, Taecyeon walked in. He sat down in a corner in attempt to fall asleep. Shorty after, Maehwa entered. As soon as he saw her, he grabbed her by the wrist and shoved her beside him. She tried to scream, but was tightly covered by his hand.


He demanded. The man stepped carefully into the subway station and looked around. Taecyeon took a peak from the corner and his eyes met the man's. Still grabbing onto Maehwa’s wrist, he stands up and gives a signal for her to run. Clueless of the situation she runs of with with him, the man chasing behind them. Being as exausted as she is, Maehwa's  eyes start to lose focus and she passes out on the ground.




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