Beginning of Loneliness

The Flower's Revenge

Chapter 1
“If you didn't commit such a crime six years ago, none of this would have happened”.

It was almost dark out, as the blackness sailed against the winds. A girl sat on her mom’s laps while waving goodbye to the shadows of her father and brother. They were far gone now, heading for their flight to somewhere far away, 
tears didn’t matter anymore. The girl looked up at her mother and together entered their house.

A grand, diamond chandelier hung on the ceiling of the entrance as the black marble floor shone from the reflected light. The two walked through the silent corridor, beside them hung paintings of flowers and birds. They pass a statue of the family and begin to spiral up the stairs.The girl went to her room and laid down in bed but got up as soon as she hears a voice.

"Maehwa are you sleeping?" it calls.

It was the housekeeper. She walks into the room to turn of the lights and leaves to closing the door tightly behind her. As she walks down their hallway there is a loud Bang followed by complete silence.


Maehwa wakes up the next morning finding it quieter than usual. She walks to the kitchen  which was completely empty.

The housekeeper isn't there nor is there food set on the table. Maehwa goes to her mom's room to wake her up, "mommy, its eight o'clock, I'm going to be late for school. Mommy? Mommy?!"

There was no answer. She nervously taps her mom on the shoulder and then tears started dripping down her face. She bursted out of the room to get the housekeeper who was nowhere to be found. She checks the housekeeper's room but nothing was there. The closet was left open but was empty. It looked as if the housekeeper packed her things and left.

Maehwa looks for the phone as enters her moms room. With shaking hands she calls their doctor. As she looks around she finds a note laying on the table.

It reads,
“To: Maehwa (plum blossom)
You have to remember, a plum blossom grows even through the coldest wind in winter. You must be strong just like a plum blossom and live your life like your name instructs you to.”

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