First Encounter

Teasing my teacher


‘This is so not going to be easy..’ Kyuhyun told himself. He stared at his own reflection. Clothes : checked ( he was wearing a shirt which perfectly fitted his body and it had light ivory yellow color making his porcelain white skin looked so flawless and literally glowing whilst his trousers were so amazingly wrapped his thighs and calves) , preparation for the materials (he even stayed up late just to have a research about the materials he would teach), lesson plan and media : checked. He tried to smile brightfully but it came out as a creepy one in the end. Taking a deep breathe, he calmed himself, ‘I was just overthinking, it won’t be that bad’ he told himself sternly.

Finaly after few minutes locking himself in the bathroom, he stepped out and walked confidently to the teachers’ room.

Kyuhyun stared at Jaejoong, his senior there, Jae smirked “You’ll be just fine, Kyu. No need to worry.” Jae sat down, crossing his leg while his fingers were busy typing in his laptop—skype-ing with his long distance boyfriend-Jung Yunho.


Kyuhyun could only roll his doe eyes, “easy for you to say, hyung. You have more experience than I do. Not mentioning, you’ve just come back from the fellowship thingy from New Zealand. I am afraid they will offend me, hyung.” Kyuhyun sighed. He didn’t intend to complain, really, but when everyone talked as if he would face a death penalty by teaching that certain class this term and the way they warned him really got his nerve.

Jaejoong looked at his dongsaeng from the corner of his eyes, he couldn’t help but smiling, Cho Kyuhyun was really innocent and cute for his own good. “Don’t say you’ll be chickened out and ask for the swap, do you? That will be so irresponsible and so lame.”


Kyuhyun twitched, “No, hyung. I won’t back up.” he pouted and stared back at Jae. Jae knew it so damn well that his dongsaeng was just a simple minded guy who couldn’t be offended, cornered him, and he would do anything to prove that he could make it.

“I believe so…” Jaejoong hid the amusement in his voice, suppressing his smile as well.

“You’ll see, hyung” Kyuhyun tried to reassure him. There went his doubtfulness. Suddenly the bell rang so freaking loudly, as if telling them all that that was the perfect time to end the conversation and it was a time to give a shot. The teachers were busy preparing the attendance lists, fixing their clothes, checking their books and stuffs.





The class looked like any other classes in that building, except the fact that the students , however looked more intimidating, so damn good looking and they had this kind of aura that would make anyone who stepped in the room would consider it again.  

Kyuhyun cleared his throat, he walked to the front of the students, placing his stuffs on the teacher’s desk, and stood up, staring at the class. ‘You can do this, Co Kyuhyun’ he sighed silently.

“Good afternoon class!” He began to speak.

One by one student looked at him, no, studying him to be exact, from head to toe. Some of them smirked at Kyu, some of them looked at him with curiosity reflected on their eyes.

“Who are you?” the male student who sat down in the front row, stared at him, he lifted one of his eyebrow. He was such a cute man, although he also had a well built body, his smile was so innocent. Kyuhyun peeked at that boy’s name tag.. “Lee Donghae” , so this one was Lee Donghae, a hyperactive-childish-cute-boy in this class Jaejoong told him, the fishy prince. He was a nice boy, except that probably he got ADHD, he would never ever be calm whatever it took. That Lee Donghae was very impulsive one.


Kyuhyun tried his best to smile, well, no matter how smart they were, he was still older than them, besides, he was the teacher, he nodded to himself mentally. “I am Cho Kyuhyun, and I’ll be your teacher for this term.” He stated that.


They were not really scary, except the fact that they needed to be entertained and challenged all the time to keep them in mood. The first material was only getting to know, and just when Kyu could relax a little bit, there was a knock from the door.

Usually Cho Kyuhyun wouldn’t tolerate any kind of lateness, but, he considered it as the first meeting and he was just late for 10 minutes, this time, he would just shrug it off, but still he assumed that he would be a bit firm, asking and giving a simple warning would do, he thought. Kyuhyun turned his head to the right side, just to stare at the late student, but the thing was, he just didn’t expect the student he was staring at was so ingly awesome gorgeous young man.



“Have a seat, and next time, no tolerance for being late.” The boy just sat down elegantly, he eyed Kyu from head to toe before finally questioning him “Who are you?”

Feeling offended, Kyu who was in the middle of explaining something shot him with a glare. “I am a new teacher, as I already mentioned before.”

There was a low chuckle. “That’s something obvious, Mr. new teacher. What I want to know is who you are, why you are here instead of the previous teacher. Does he run away?” Kyuhyun never wanted to smack people on their head like he felt that time. ‘That so arrogant boy must be Choi freaking Siwon’ He thought.

Sighing and keeping his smile plastered on his face, “I am Cho Kyuhyun. And yes, I will replace the previous teacher due to some personal reasons that I believe you don’t have to be so concern about it. Thank you so much. Now, if you are cool with that, can we continue the lesson?”  Oh, really Cho Kyuhyun would love to murder that boy if only he could and it was not against the law.

While Kyu was trying to suppress his annoyance, Choi Siwon on the other hand was observing him. Siwon had to admit it, this teacher was so interesting. He didn’t feel intimidated by his presence which he believed every single teacher had already told about him.


Cho Kyuhyun, he was so cute, not only in the way he defended his pride but also in his gestures. Siwon loved watching how the pale man pronounced something in English, his lips moved ily, the way he corrected the pronunciation of some words was such turn on. The movement of the lips, Siwon almost held his breath, could he touch it somehow? Or taste it? Crash it with his joker lips? Would it taste sweet? Then the eyes, the almond-shaped eyes, aside from the intelligent which was reflected from those doe eyes, Siwon could see a glint, mixed of childish-spoiled-hope-sorrow and tenderness in it, his long eye lashes were so tempting.


Siwon swallowed his own saliva, looking at Kyuhyun was something that’s so distracting. Those white porcelain skin, those round inviting thighs, those squishy butts, he did understand he was being such a ert. But to ignore such a beauty infront of him was also such a waste.

Siwon could only imagine how perfect it was to rub those skin, to kiss those lips.. even to hear the moan came from that sinful mouth, he bet it must be the iest voice he would ever hear.

“Siwon.. Choi Siwon… Choi Siwon!” Siwon looked up. There he was, the beauty.

“What are you staring at Choi Siwon?” Kyuhyun asked in a warning tone. He thought that this special cased student was really trying to piss him off no matter how stunning or how genius he was. Kyu had bear Siwon’s divided attention to the lesson, but staring and daydreaming at him were another thing. He didn’t like being ignored, especially in his own class.

Siwon smiled, he eyes met eyes. Of course he would take this at a good opportunity to know Kyuhyun’s reaction.

“What am I staring at? No one but you, of course. Nothing and no one are worth my attention in this class, Mr. Cho Kyuhyun. Simple as it is.”

Kyuhyun couldn’t believe his own ears. This student was so impossible. “Don’t mess with me, Choi Siwon.” He finally found his voice. Kyuhyun was so relief when he heard the bell rang. He was about to turned around when another low chuckle was heard. “Oh, I’d love to see you in mess… because of me…”  Siwon stood up and whispered those words in Kyuhyun’s sensitive ear before walking out of the class.



After a long time hiatus… hiks… sorry this chap was so lame… *bow

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Mina1715 #1
Chapter 2: Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! ( Daniel scream mode)
joannaxdiaz #2
Chapter 2: aww..please update this? :(
knitapple #3
Chapter 2: I can't wait for the next update :)
Chapter 2: Please...authornim!!!!!
update soon!!!!
Chapter 2: i love wonkyu so much, please I need a new chapter :)
TanBi11_217 #6
Chapter 2: I always like teacher-student wonkyu! Will u be continuing this? I really like the first and second chap... Please continue this...
bebwonkyu #7
Chapter 2: Awww... Hot kiss.. You should update this. This is me from twitter ;)
Chapter 2: fhjyfruhhgsswqazxdewstbmoohgv
dammn you writer block
plz updat this soon
I realy like this how gonna kyu face his student
forwonkyu #9
kkeke mr cho kkkk

ah can u share this on ur ffn acc with bahasa ver ^^ bighope

n cant wait to see it in next chap
annurthegreat #10
Chapter 2: update please... :))