Kim Himchan's Strategy

Please, believe me

I was awoken by the vibrating of my phone. I opened it to see what the message a certain sender sent me. I couldn't read the sender's name for my vision was still blurry.

From: Annoying Jerk

Good morning Ice Princess! Want to meet up later at school?

This guy doesn't really know when to give up does he. I thought. I slowly made my way to stand up from bed and slapped my cheeks using both hands.  I prepared my uniform, ate my breakfast, and bathed myself. While grooming my hair as I sat on a chair facing a mirror full of pictures of me and Kris, I start to look for cosmetics. 

"Where's the damn lipstick when I need it?" I grunted.

I didn't know why I looked for make-up, but I sort of felt like wearing one for some reason after remembering the happy times Kris and I had spent together before he went to work overseas. Maybe I'm feeling a little less attractive since there isn't any other person who compliments me rather than Kris. I thought as I stared at my reflection in the mirror.

"Okay!" I as I stood up. "I'm done. Now it's time for me to be on my way to school now!" I added and carried my bag that was lying on the floor.


While walking on the pathway to school, I saw a boy leaning on the wall. He waved at me after he notices me. Signaling that he wants me to come closer. Of course I walked closer not because I obeyed him, but because I really needed to because he was standing in front of the entrance gate! 

"Yo! Did you receive my message?" he said while I just paused beside him, rolled my eyes, and continued to walk away from him. I could feel that he exhibited a sarcastic smile at my back.


A few minutes after I arrived, classes began to start. It was the time for my first class in the morning, which is by the way, English. I gaze longingly at the outside view from the classroom's windows.


When will this boring day end?  I thought.

"Hey you there! Why aren't you bringing out your book?" the old -faced of a teacher said as he points his not-so-sturdy cane at me.

My book in what? I thought. 

"It's right here sir---" I said incompletely as I reached through my bag and found out that my book wasn't there. , I must've left it at home. I thought.

"Well? Don't tell  me you left it at home!" he said then walks closer to my seat.

Oh ! He's coming closer! What do I do? When he finds out that I didn't bring it, he'll make me answer some dumb hard question! I thought with full panic. In the midst of my almost sweating scenario, I felt something being shoved nearer beside my right foot. Hmm, what's this? I thought then to my surprise, it was an English book! I quickly got hold of it and showed it to the old -faced teacher.

"Here it is sir!" I said nearly losing my voice.

"Well then, since you seem to have brought you're textbook with you, why not turn to page 254 and read the story of the Forsaken Merman..." he said as he narrowed his eyes then turned around facing the blackboard.

After that heart pounding encounter, I look around the room to see who was the kind hearted person who willingly lent his/her book for me.

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omg. I'm going to start writing the plot tomorrow, I'm so sleepy guys so I'm so sorry =_=


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-notyourself #1
Chapter 1: update soon :)