“Happy First Anniversary!” Sung Jae hugged me with his affectionate arms. He prepared everything for our special day. From the red heart-shaped balloons, to the fragrant bouquet of flowers, the special and delicious foods, the very pleasing and romantic music up to the breath-taking view -  he personally arranged them all. ‘PERFECT’, I called it. He loosened up his tight embrace and got his lips near mine. “I love you and I always will.” Joy filled my heart. I trust him cause I love him so much. I closed my eyes and he kissed me.

            My eyes opened. “Just a dream.” I sighed. Hearing every pump of my heart, I placed my left hand to feel every beat.

            “Kring… kring… kring…” that sound ceased my loneliness. “Jang Min, I called to remind you about your date. Come on time okay?”

            “Ok mom.” She bid farewell. She left for her business trip back to China after we went shopping last night- shopping for dresses so that, according to her, I’ll be decent attractive for my anonymous date. ‘I wonder how he looks. Various images entered my mind about his appearance. Is he tall?  Are his eyes expressive? What about his nose, lips…. His hair? I thought of my ideal man’s appearance. And at the end of it, it was Sung Jae who popped out from my mind. “Again…” I murmured. “Just be ready Jang Min!” I stood up and fix the bed. I faced the mirror and brushed my hair. “I’m meeting him not because I want this… but because my mom told me to do so… Yes! I will do this for my mom’s sake.” I know she’ll be mad at me if I didn’t follow her. I ran to my cabinet and there are the dresses she brought for me. I have white, black, yellow, red and violet new and expensive dresses to choose from. I fit the white dress… “it’s so childish” I took it off and saw the black dress… “This one is too short.” Then I held the red one … “It’s so daring.” I can’t choose. Then I saw the yellow dress, I reached out for it thereafter. But my phone rang once again. Instead of grabbing the dress, I picked my phone and answered the call.

            “Good morning! What are you doing?” Hye Jin, from the other line started the conversation.

            “Good morning… ahmmm… I’m fitting these dresses for my date later.” I stated lying on bed because I was still confused what to wear.

            “You are excited, aren’t you? It’s still 8 in the morning and your preparing for your 7pm dinner date?” she laughed. “why don’t you come with me first, besides… it’s too early for your date.” She persuaded .

            I look at the dresses I laid on my bed a while ago. Since, I can’t decide yet what to wear, I agreed, hoping that as I went back home I already set my mind on this very little problem of mine.

            “Where will I meet you?” I stood up collecting all the dresses and bringing them back to the cabinet.

            “…at the park.” She answered.

            “Ok… I’ll be there in no time.” I rushed to the shower to freshen up.


            I saw Hye Jin and Sung Hyun sitting beside each other while holding each other’s hands. They’re talking as if they were the only people there. He pinched her cheeks and tickled her. They look so happy with each other’s company… just like me and Sung Jae before.

            “Ehem!!!” I interrupted their gewgaw. “Can I sit here?” dividing their closeness, I sat between them. I tittered seeing Sung Hyun’s face. He frowned because of what I did. Forthwith, he moved away from me and I placed my sight to Hye Jin.

            “So… what will we do here?” Sung Hyun appeared at her back. He sat there and embraced Hye Jin. He even showed his tongue saying “bleh!!!!”

            “Nothing, we’ll just stay here.” She laughed. What did she say? We’ll just stay here for nothing?

            “A great idea!!!” ironically, I exclaimed I heed on a basket and opened it right away. A lot of foods satisfied my eyes. I was choosing what to eat when I heard Sung Hyun.

            “Wazz up bro?” Who was that? I turned around with a huge bite of sandwich in my mouth.

            “Lee Kiseop?!” I choked. I turned my back on them, pretending I didn’t see anything.

            “Hey! You’re here!” he popped out just in front of me. In no time, he chuckled. I wondered what is it that made him laugh a bit. He picked up the tissue at the top of the basket and wiped my lower lip. An amount of mayonnaise burst out as I bit the sandwich.

            “So, how will we set the reunion?” Sung Hyun asked Kiseop. ‘Reunion? What reunion? Anyway, the hell I care!’ I don’t bother to hear. I’m not used to eavesdrop.

            They talked and talked and talked while me and Hye Jin also had our conversation about my upcoming date. The sun was set so high. It was high noon when me and Hye Jin prepared the viand and rice. We ate. As usual, my friend and her boyfriend were so sweet. He fed her and I was like just staring at them for a moment.

            “Eat this…” Kiseop placed beef on my plate. I looked at him wondering why he did that. “Don’t you have a boyfriend?” he grabbed the water near him and drunk it.

            “ And why are you asking?” my left eyebrow climbed a little. ‘Why is he after that anyway?’

            “ She’s single for two years now.” Sung Hyun divulged.

            “That’s why, you look envy staring at them.” Kiseop stood up finishing his lunch. Sung Hyun laughed seeing my sharp gaze on him.

            “Let’s go somewhere. Let’s have a roadtrip.” Kiseop proposed and his friend agreed right away.

            “Oh, wait, I’ll just finish fixing this.” While Hye Jin was busy cleaning and fixing our picnic cloth.

            ‘I don’t think I can stay any longer with these two guys here.’

            “I’ll leave now!” I got my bag and walk away.

            “Hey, Jang Min, you’re really excited for your date, huh?!” ‘is that Kiseop who uttered that? My feet ceased walking. Yes! It’s him who uttered those words. “You can’t wait to have a new boyfriend?” he laughed opening his car’s door. The two also entered the car. Hye Jin left one of the doors open. “Ne… it’s too early for your date. Besides, it’s too hot to walk across the road. Get inside. We won’t be long” she smiled convincing me. It’s true… it’s really hot that time. Hesitantly, I walked and got inside the car for the second time. Kiseop looked at me and I can’t construe what he’s all up to. ‘What now???’ I wanted to ask but I leave it all in my notion. I didn’t bother to ask any more for less talk.

            Few moments passed by, Kiseop and Sung Hyun’s voices resounded inside the car while Hye Jin had slept on her boyfriend’s shoulder. I spent my time beholding on the outside views. How I wish his car will pass nearby my house so I’ll get off from this not so comfortable car. More minutes passed by, I can no longer stand with the ambience inside the car when a sudden stop delivered my sight to a simple place.

            “Sweety… he called for Hye Jin’s alertness. “Wake up.” She cleared her vision. Why did we stop here? What are they planning now? I was bathed with questions but I can’t voice them out.

            “Shall we start the match now?” Kiseop get off his car and Sung Hyun followed afterwards. So they’re playing basketball here in this court?

            “Let’s go…” Hye Jin pushed me to get outside the car. “Last night they were planning of doing this. They used to play basketball when they were still young.” She answered my query and went nearer to the court to, of course, support her boyfriend. I taught of following her but laziness hit me. I got inside the car thinking of what to wear later.

Almost an hour ran so unhastily. I fell asleep for I think 20 minutes. From the outside, I can see Hye Jin’s care for Sung Hyun, wiping his face with her hanky. She even wiped his back swathed with sweat. Since she was having a hard time wiping out the sweat from his back, he took his shirt off. ‘Maybe … they’re done.’ I stretched a bit. “Good! Then we’ll be going home.” I returned my gaze on them and again witnessed their sweetness. He ran after her holding the hanky Hye Jin previously used to wipe his perspirated body. They ran around the court just like children. He chased her and finally caught her in his arms. It saddened me witnessing such sweetness. It’s not because I felt envious … but because … “I’m missing him…”

“Who?” he stood beside the frontal seat reaching something from the compartment. Upon reaching that, he cleared his sweat all throughout his disrupting body. I can’t take my eyes off his y abs. He’s busy refreshing himself while I was busy staring on his breath-taking body. A clear of throat and a single sweat rolling down from my forehead made me utter “It’s hot here.”

“But the aircon is on.” He checked the air conditioner if it’s functioning. I got my soul back to normality and removed my sight on him. I went outside to catch some fresh air and be relieved from the suffocating view. My hands waved producing air to ease the warmth that suddenly enliven my consciousness. “When will go home?” I whined while my hands were steadfastly cooling me.

‘This is crazy! I stared at him for too long. “Did he caught me there? I hope not…”

“Hey! What are you doing?” that’s his voice. I was kinda bothered. Am I acting too exaggerated? No… I will not take a glance on him again. If I’ll do so… maybe I’ll see his abs again. “No!!!!!”

“Hey Jang Min! are you out of your mind?” ‘Hye Jin?’ I took a peak inside. Yah… it’s Hye Jin. They got inside? So soon?  I didn’t notice them.

“Let’s go… you still have to meet someone, right? She continued.

“Y---YAH,” I confirmed and got inside the car. Good thing, Kiseop was wearing his shirt on. I’m relieved now... I guess ...





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Chapter 7: HAHA! LOL! Laughing because of Jangmin and her priceless acts and thoughts after that view she had seen... keke~ The weather's really HOT keke~ I guess, for Jangmin, it got hotter because of Kiseop

And I love Hyejin and Sunghyun tandem. keke~ Sunghyun's so sweet <3

And hoping to read the next chapter. ^^
eniam27 #2
Chapter 7: HERE'S CHAPTER 7 !!!!!! KEKEKEKEKE!!!!
Chapter 6: uhmmm~ Jangmin reminds me of a friend... XD
Chapter 6: I'm waiting for an update~ keke~ ^^