The Hero

Wonder Woman and Superman

Minzy pulled the mask off of her face as she starred into her mirror. She let out a low hiss as she felt the open wound on her arm. Flipping the tv on she turned to the news as she walked into the bathroom to take care of all her wounds that needed to be taken care of immediately.

The mystery woman strikes again, saving the world one criminal at a time the news echoed into the bathroom.

As if on cue her phone went off. She knew who it was, but she didn’t feel like answering it at the moment. Closing the door shut she her shower and began to strip down. Jumping in the steaming hot shower, she let the scalding hot water burn onto her flesh.

Feeling content to have washed away her night’s engagement ,she stepped out and wrapped a towel around her body. She walked out and the news was still covering how this super hero woman was saving the city. She sighed as she fell back onto her bed smiling at the contact of her bed to her body.

A knock came at the door, but she lie still unmoving from her comfortable position. The knocking continued with her name being called, “Minzy I know you’re in there. Open the door.”

Her content feelings came to an end as she turned her head towards the door, “Why don’t you just come in? I know you made yourself a key!”

She heard the person sigh loudly as the knob began to jiggle and the next thing the door opened. She looked away before her eyes met his as she stared back at the ceiling.

He closed the door and walked up to her bed where he towered over her, “What are you doing?” Minzy diverted his glaring eyes as she stayed starring at the ceiling silently. “Minzy answer me! What are you doing?!”

“I’m lying in bed if you can’t tell,” she finally spoke as she closed her eyes.

“You know what I’m talking about. What the hell were you thinking of putting yourself in harm’s way again?!”

“It’s what I do.”

“It doesn’t have to be.”

She sighed feeling an oncoming headache. She didn’t understand how she was out saving the world to come home to someone nagging her. Was this the way that super heroes really lived? She shook her head knowing it couldn’t possibly be like that.

“Stop I’m tired, can we talk about this later,” she asked as she squeezed her eyes shut tighter.

“No we need to talk about this now,” he said as he began his lecture. “Why do you keep doing this to yourself? Look at you…”

Minzy rose her hand to stop him making him freeze in place. She smiled to herself when she opened her eyes to reveal Jiyong frozen in place. Pushing herself up, she unwrapped herself from her towel and placed it over his head. Sticking her tongue at him she walked to her closet and pulled out some clothes. After putting them on, she walked back to her bed and laid back in place as she snapped her fingers together.

“Minzy,” he growled with a towel draped over his face making him look like he was pretending to be a ghost.

“What,” she laughed.

He pulled the towel off of his face as narrowed his eyes at her, “You’re cutting things really close.”

In a blink of an eye she was behind him, pushing him onto the bed making him fall flat on his face, while Minzy was  then lying next to him in the very next split second. She tucked her arms behind her head as she yond, “You worry too much.”

He pushed himself up and leaned up onto his forearms, “And you don’t worry at all.”

She smiled at him as she lightly pushed him flat on his back. “Ouch,” he said at the impact of her hand to his chest. Even though she barely used any of her strength to push him, it still felt like he had just been hit by a concrete wall.

Within another blink of an eye she was towering over him softly rubbing the place she had just pushed him at, “Are you okay?”

He nodded as he reached up and brushed his hand down the side of her face before pushing himself up to press his lips to hers. At the touch of his lips to hers there was an electric shock that ran through the both of them and throughout the room making the lights flicker and every electronic object go haywire.

Through their passionate kisses, they began to float in the air above the bed, but Jiyong was too distracted as devouring her lips to notice them drifting around in the air. He had to break away for air, for his own sake knowing she could go on forever without taking a breath. He chuckled when he realized they were floating as Minzy took his lips to hers once more.

“Minzy,” he breathed in between their kissing.


“Stop being wonder woman,” he said against her lips.

“I can’t,” she said as she continued to kiss him deeply.

He pulled away and held her by the shoulders, “Yes you can.”

She sighed making them both plop onto the bed, “You always ruin the mood.”

“Minzy I’m serious. What you’re doing is too dangerous.”

“It’s my responsibility.”

“No it’s not. Just because you’re gifted doesn’t mean you have to put your life at risk.”

“So what, you want me to just let innocent people die,” she coughed in disbelief.

He shook his head, “No that’s not what I meant.”

“Then what Jiyong?!” The apartment shook as her voice grew louder.

He pulled her into his arms to embrace her, “Don’t you want to live a normal life?”

She wrapped her arms around him as she nodded into his neck, “Yes, but I’m not normal.”

“Neither am I. I have wonder woman as a girlfriend.”

She laughed as she tried not to squeeze him tighter or she might crush him, “True.”

Jiyong pulled away as he gazed down at her lovingly, “Minzy I love you.”

Minzy bit her lower lip as her heart skipped a beat. Never had she thought she’d have a chance to love someone or even be loved, but here she was in the arms of Jiyong. “I love you too,” she whispered as tears began swell up in her eyes.

He smiled down at her as he brushed to stray tear away with his thumb and then gently began to brush it against her lips. “I know you want a normal life. So let’s start one.”


He placed a kiss onto her forehead as he intertwined his fingers with hers. He bent down and pressed his lips against her ear, “Marry me.”

Minzy broke free from him as she starred at him wide eyed, “What?”

He took her left hand in his as he got up and got down on one knee, “Marry me.”

She gasped as she pulled her hand away, “No I can’t.”

He stood on his feet as he gave her a stern look, “Why not?”

“We can’t.”

“Are you really that afraid,” he asked. She shook her head trying to think of a lie, but he knew better. “Minzy I know I don’t have those abilities you may have, but I have the ability to love you. As cheesy and corny as this is sounding right now, I want to protect you. Take care of you.”

Minzy placed her hands over her ears as she tried to block out everything he was saying. But found it hard with her perfect hearing. She stood on her feet and held her hand up. She watched as he froze in place when he was trying to make his way over to her. Walking over to him, she stood face to face with the frozen Jiyong. He was handsome in his frozen state and she couldn’t help the grin that spread across her face. Reaching out with her trembling hands she held his face in her hands. Starring deep into his dark chocolate eyes she could see and feel the love he had for her. This caused the tears to fall freely down her face as she moved closer to him. Her heart was racing as her gaze shifted to his lips. Sighing, she placed her lips to his as butterflies danced around in her stomach. The electrifying shocks ran throughout her body and into the kiss. Doing so, it had unfreeze Jiyong. She didn’t realize it though as she continued to kiss him passionately as she wrapped one arm around his neck and kept the other on his face to steady him.

“I love you,” she breathed against his lips through her mingled sobs. “I’m…just…too…scared.” The kiss was a mixture of love and fear that she had been holding back for a long time. “Jiyong I love you!”

There was a sudden grip at her waist as she felt his lips move against hers, “I love you Minzy.” Jiyong placed a soft lingering kiss before he pulled away as he smiled down at her, “Let me be the hero now. I wanna save you,” he said scooping her up in his arms.

“Whatever you say superman,” she giggled as he took her lips to his.


Author's Notes:

Listening to Nicki Minaj- Right Through Me as I wrote this. I felt like writing something super cheesy and sweet so there you have it. hehe, Thanks for reading! <3


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gdmZ21 #1
Chapter 1: nice story ^^
Chapter 1: Funny. I was reading this one while listening to some music. Then Superman by Five for Fighting suddenly played. Nice story. :)