Final - end!

The Time Traveller

Knock knock! Onew knocked on his house’s door, he had forgotten to bring his key again.


“Hi honey! You’re back! I missed you!” Mother planted kisses on Onew’s forehead, effectively embarrassing him in front of Taemin.


“Umma, stop stop. I’ve brought someone home for you to see.” Onew blushed, with Taemin behind him.


“Your girlfriend? Hmmm? Hmmm?” Mother was excited, like finally a girl!


“My boyfriend, Umma.” Onew confessed, holding his breath.


His mother just stood there dumbfounded for a moment, not sure how to react to her son’s ual orientation.


“Annyeong, Umma Lee!” Taemin chirped happily, bowing in respect.


“Ann-annyeong. What’s your name sweety?”


“Taemin! Nice to meet you!” He replied.


Umma fell in love with this lovely young boy, such an angel. She couldn’t bring herself to reject Taemin, he seems so kind and sweet. But she didn’t know how to face Onew too, she’d expected a girl all along.


“Onew, can I speak with you in private?” Mother requested.


Onew shrugged, he had expected this anyway. But this will also mean that Onew had to tell his mother everything about grandpa, what he did and happened.


Onew gave Taemin’s hand a little squeeze and brought him to his room. He showed Taemin the bed that he was so excited about. Taemin threw his body onto the bed, like he would at his own home. But there was no rustling, no banana smell, just the sweet but faint scent of Onew. So soft, so comfortable, so springy and bouncy! Taemin loved it.


“Minnie, stay here for me okay? I’ll go see Umma.” Onew requested and kissed his baby’s forehead.


Taemin was too excited by the bed to go anyway else, he just nodded and dry swam on Onew’s bed.


Onew turned around and saw his mother by his door with a look for worry. He sighed, walked to her and took her hand.


“Umma, I have so much explaining to do. Promise me you will listen and not freak out, okay?” Onew brought her to the couch and sat down.


So for two straight hours, without taking a break, Onew told her truthfully what had happened. How he found out about grandpa, how he constructed the machine, how he met Taemin, his parents and how he came back.


He left out cheesy details of his encounters with Taemin though.


Mother’s face turned a range of colour and showed different expressions to what she heard. She wondered if Onew was telling the truth and nothing but the truth. She didn’t want her lovely son to lie with cruel stories of his grandpa and make up absurd adventures just to be with Taemin.


“Umma, I’m telling the truth. I’m honest, the way you taught me to be.” Onew said finally, reading her signs.


Mother couldn’t fight against her conscience, of course she believed that Onew was truthful. She just wanted to deny that her son was homoual. She didn’t have anything against them, but she just needed time to accept, to change her perception after so many years of assuming her son was straight.


“Alright, I believe you son. I always did.” Mother reassured lovingly, “Why don’t you tell me what does Taemin like to eat, I’ll prepare a feast!”


“Anything without rabbit meat!” Onew joked, not realising that his Umma wouldn’t be able to understand the inside joke.


“Right…” Mother eyed her son weirdly and left into the kitchen.


The sensible boy walked back into the room to find a sleeping Taemin, curling in one corner of the bed. The baby was lying blissfully, smiling as if having some candied dreams. In his arms lies the tokki that also had a long day, twitching its nose once in a while.


Onew sat down at the top of his bed beside Taemin, his hands gently Taemin’s soft hair. He smiled to himself, looking down at his lover, so cute and small. He had been waiting for this moment for his entire life, and there in front of him lies the love of his life. It seems so surreal.


Onew can’t be too sure if he would be able to love another as much as he’d love Taemin if he didn’t manage to bring Taemin back with him this time. He thanked heaven’s love for him, creating chances for him so that they could find each other. Now he’d only have to get past his mother.


“Taemin, I love you so much.” Onew cooed beside the younger.


He stretched himself and lay down beside Taemin, pulling him into his arms. He doesn’t need a reason to do that anymore, he could just do it whenever he wanted to, and he wanted to do that any time and any day of the year. Onew pecked Taemin lightly on his forehead. He continued to plant kisses on Taemin’s rosy cheeks, his nose, wherever. He wanted to kiss Taemin everywhere, except his lips. He wanted Taemin to enjoy his lips too, when they are both awake.


What Onew didn’t know was that sneaky Taemin has already stolen his first kiss away back in Nornia. Well what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him right?


Mother walked past Onew’s room and saw the two lovers, cuddled together in bed, as innocent as can be. She couldn’t help her smile spreading across her face and her heart melted. Maybe it wasn’t as bad as she thought it would be. Her baby was genuinely happy, happier than when he got into the same University as the trio.


“Onew, Taemin! Dinner is ready!” Mother called from the dining room.


Mother had prepared a whole roasted chicken (Onew’s favourite) and a whole range of side-dishes from Potato, fish and kimchi. All of which Taemin had not tasted before. She figured the boys would be starving by now after their adventure, and they needed to eat more, especially when Taemin is so skinny.


“Taemin-ah, eat more alright? You need to grow strong, so that you can help take care of my bunny!” Mother piped.


“Keke ne, ahjumma Lee, they taste really good!” Taemin’s eyes curved into half-moons.


“Call me Umma too.” Mother smiled back.


And that only meant that Mother has accepted Taemin. Onew smiled gratefully at his Umma, he already knew Umma was going to like Taemin.


“Thanks Umma.” Onew winked at her.


“Yay now I have three Ummas! I must be the luckiest boy in the world!” Taemin cheered.


Yes indeed he was, born in a place of myths, but compensated with so much love.




After dinner, Onew led Taemin back up to his room, he needed to teach Taemin so much about the real world.


“Taemin-ah, tomorrow I’ll bring you out okay?” Onew held his hands, “I’ll show you everything you need to know.”


“Ne, thanks Onew hyung!” Taemin’s eyes sparkled, glad that he has someone to guide him along in the strange reality.


In the brightly lit room under the aid of shining lamps, Onew could see Taemin’s features clearer, so pretty so perfect. His hands reach up to cup Taemin’s face, wishing he could stare into eyes forever more. They were innocent, kind and loving.


Onew leaned in closer, nose to nose, feeling Taemin’s steady breathing. His lips peered closer until it touched Taemin’s.


Taemin’s lips were sweet like nectar, soft like candy floss. Onew never wanted to stop. But it was just the beginning of their love episode in real world, there was so much more they can expect. To grow old together, to live together, to love together till eternity.


Onew let go of Taemin lightly, his insides warm and tingling.


The lovers stood close to the window, facing the night sky. Onew’s arms over Taemin’s shoulders. Taemin leant in to Onew’s familiar scent.


Like all endings to the bedtime stories Onew read, they lived happily ever after.


“I love you, Taemin.”



Hello! Omo it took me forever to update this! 

Okay, this is how I actually wanted it to end. A fairytale like ending! (Just like how the story's supposed to be!) 

I wrote this since forever and just never had the time to update.

I don't know if y'all was expecting more but be happy for Ontae till the end okay as they lead their new lives! 

Thanks for reading! 



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Chapter 38: awwww cutness overload; poor Jinki worrying, bless him, Taemin loves you silly; love that Taemin wanted to get the curtains because it felt nice to cuddle Jinki in them keke; so adorable. ;-p and of course Jinki wants to cuddle with nothing in between them keke.
Chapter 38: Ohhh gawd!!! As if I dint die of feels from the story already?!!! This extra just KYAAAAAAAAAA~~~ JSJDJFNJFJFJDNDD taemin is soooo cuteee imma cry T.T I wont reveal much here but the way onew found tae was sooo damn cuteee omgawd jfbfnfjfnfnfnfnfn loved it and the ending awww tae sleeping in the curtains kekkeke cute shiet and he wanted those curtains because it feels nice to hug jinki? *smirks* and y jinki appears ;) XDD LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE THISSSSS <3333333 omygawd *spazzes again* XD luv ya <3 thanks for the extra ^-^
Chapter 38: so cute im crying taem pls
Chapter 37: Lallalaa /swimming in a pool of feels/ gonna go sleep. Byw. Thank you for writing this e u e I cried and feel fluffy~~
Chapter 26: Eve and adam is Taemin's pet names right? XD
Chapter 23: Ah seriously I don't wanna spam that much but umma appa are too cute X"D
Chapter 22: Djgjhfkjthjufhrgb I comment too much but that.. Fake sleep confessions are ther best really xD
Chapter 17: I'm dead.
C.O.D: ontae fluffyness overdose.
Chapter 14: aaahahhhhahhhhhhh jjong appaaaa ♥ ♥ ♥ and inspecting onew without honorifics and twisting everythingg xDD gosh~