Chapter 1

Love the way you are


Jieun's self-esteem was never the best. She always worked hard to make everything perfect, mostly when talking about music. Music was the biggest dream in Jieun's life. She worked hard all her high school, sometimes even losing some friends just to sing more and have a good future. And even if she worked her soul, she would always say “I could have done better”. It has always a problem.


When the girl met Hyosung, Sunhwa and Hana she was happy. It was a big opportunity to reach her dreams and her band mates were sweet and caring with each other. Their friendship grew up a lot, but it didn't change Jieun's way of thinking. Her self-esteem was even more low than before, if it was even possible.


Hyosung was always sweet, with her gummy smile, great personality. She was also funny but knew how to be serious, what is really good for a leader. She also had a perfect body and lovely voice that made many guys fall for her. Sunhwa was beautiful, her cute face and sweet smile was her charm. But she was also funny and spontaneous, what is perfect for programs. Zinger, or Hana for the girls, had a great and strong image. Her body was beautiful, she had a lot of aegyo and her dance skills were amazing.


To finish, the girls were perfect. But what about Jieun? The girl couldn't help but wonder “Am I good only at singing?”. But then she starts to think about all her mistakes while singing and she got even more sad.


Why are you like this, Jieunnie?” The girl stopped her thoughts when she heard Hyosung next to her. Her face was worried.

I'm ok, unnie.” Jieun smiled weakly but Hyosung didn't believe in her.

You're not. Your face tells me you're sad and thinking too much.”

It's ok, unnie, don't worry too much.” She laughed and Hyosung just nodded.

Ok, but if you need me, I'm here, ok?” Jieun nodded. “Let's go. The training is over.”


Soon the four girls were leaving the dance room and walking through the halls of TS. In the middle of their way, B.A.P were also leaving their dance room. The boys smiled and walked until the girls.


Hey, boys~” Sunhwa said in a sing voice.

Hello~” The boys answered.


Soon all of them started to talk. Jieun usually didn't talk too much, she just looked at her band mates and the boys, as usual. Hyosung was happily talking with Daehyun, her secret crush that only the girls knew, and Yongguk. Soon Sunhwa entered the conversation and started to make jokes, making everybody laugh. Zinger was funny too and the two youngest, Jongup and Zelo, always loved her jokes. Himchan and Youngjae was also talking, both more friends with Sunhwa but also enjoying the others company.


Jieun usually never talked. She was not funny like Sunhwa, she was not cheerful like Hana and she was not so friendly like Hyosung. To be honest, everybody always said she had too weird jokes (the girls just started to laugh at them some time ago, but she thinks it's only to make her happier), she could get weird next to boys mostly around... Yongguk. Yes, Bang Yongguk, leader of B.A.P. Jieun liked him since their pre-debut as they always met in TS building. First she liked his looks, so handsome, but later she saw how sweet-hearted, caring and cute he was, and it made her fall even more for him.


We need to go now... We still have to record some things for our new album.” Himchan said, smiling.

You're working so hard.” Zinger said, proudly. “Stay like this, you're getting many people liking you.”

You can count on us, Hana!” Jongup said with his typical big smile.


Jieun eyes widened a little bit. Jongup was younger than Hana and she was also his sunbae. “Since when they're this close?” The girl thought.


See you later. Until tomorrow, Hyosung, Hana, Sunhwa~” They said. But Yongguk looked at Jieun for a moment and smiled a little bit.

Until tomorrow, Jieun-sunbae.” The six boys bowed and left the place.


Jieun was speachless. She was heart broken. She didn't know what to think. Hyosung, Sunhwa and Hana were not “sunbaes” but she was? It made her sad. Why couldn't her be so close as the other girls? She wanted to be more talkative, more funny, more... Beautiful. Would Yongguk think Jieun was beautiful?


Are you ok, Jieun?” Hana asked looking worried at the girl.

Hm?” Jieun looked at her friends, stopping her thoughts again. “Yeah, I'm ok.”

You're spacing out a lot lately...” Sunhwa commented, as worried as the others.

I'm ok, girls. Don't worry. I'm just a little bit tired.” She smiled weakly and left the place.


Sadly Jieun couldn't control her tears anymore. She was feeling weak, she was feeling bad. She was feeling the worst person in the world. She wanted to be beautiful, she wanted to be funny, she wanted to stop making mistakes. She thought she would be closer to Yongguk after her solo song that he featured, but... They were so happy next to the other girls, they talked so well and she was just... A sunbae.


The girl suddenly felt someone bump her. Soon she felt her against the floor making her yelp.


S-Sunbae, sorry, are you ok?” She looked up and saw Yongguk in front of her, looking worried.


Jieun just nodded a little and soon Yongguk helped her to stand up again. His eyes were still staring at her but she was just looking down. He was the last person she wanted to see in that moment.


Did you get hurt?” Yongguk asked again. “Why are you crying? Where are you hurt?” The boys panicked but Jieun just shook her head and almost run to the exit of the building.


Yongguk was left dumbfounded. Soon he listened someone calling him, he looked to the other side and saw the other girls from Secret walking until him.


Did you saw Jieun?” Sunhwa asked.

I just bumped her. I thought she got hurt because she was crying but then she just started to run and left.” Yongguk was confused, still trying to understand what happened.

Jieun is being so weird this days...” Hana commented. “What did happen to her?”

I think I know what is happening...” Hyosung said and smiled brightly, soon leaving the building.



The three girls arrived their dorm some time later. They didn't have any schedule for that day so they could go to their house.


Girls, I'm gonna try to talk to Jieun, ok?” Hyosung said and the other nodded.


Sunhwa and Hana decided to cook some for dinner while Hyosung went to their shared room. She could tell a little bit what was happening with her dongsaeng and she wanted to resolve it. She knocked on the door and listened a weak “come in” from inside.


Jieunnie, can we talk a little?” Hyosung smiled at her friend who was sitting on her back reading a book.

Sure, unnie.”


Hyosung was soon next to her friend on the bed, now looking worried at her. Jieun sighed, she knew the questions “what is happening with you?” or “are you ok?” would be asked.


Who do you like?” Hyosung asked suddenly, Jieun widened her eyes.


Who do you like? The boy you like... It's that why you're being weird this days.” Hyosung smiled proudly of herself and Jieun could only blush. “I know you have this problem with your self-esteem, even if all you think is not true, so probably you're liking someone and your mind say you're not worth him.”

U-Unnie!” Jieun whined. “You're more scary than stalkers.” Jieun hugged herself faking she was shivering, what made Hyosung laugh.

I'm not! But seriously...” Hyosung became serious again, just like Jieun.

I'm...” Jieun started, looking away from embarrassment. “It's... Yongguk.”

Yongguk?!” Hyosung almost shouted what made Jieun wide her eyes.

D-don't say too loud...” She complained but Hyosung was smiling with her typical gummy smile.

I'm so happy~ You guys would do a beautiful couple. Oh my god, you have to be together!” She was overly excited but Jieun just sighed.

I can't.”

Why?” Hyosung frowned.

Unnie... I just...” Jieun let out a sob, starting to cry one more time this day. The older just hugged her, trying to comfort her. “I'm just... I'm not funny, my jokes are lame, you just laugh to make me better... I'm not as pretty as the other girls, I'm always messing up with my lines, I can't be friendly enough, I'm awkward next to people...” Jieun sobbed even more, but Hyosung didn't say anything just letting the girl say everything. “Today he was so comfortable talking with you, all B.A.P don't even call you 'sunbae' anymore but today... Today he called me sunbae while saying your names.”

You're just not too close with him yet, Jieun... And stop this thoughts. You're beautiful, your voice is perfect, your smile is amazing and you're really sweet and caring. But you just have a bad view of you, a side that is not true.”


Hyosung sighed. Jieun couldn't stop crying. The older just kept hugging the other one, trying to make her better.



It has passed already one week since Hyosung and Jieun talk. And the older couldn't help but feel worried. She could feel her dongsaeng become tense and sad every time B.A.P were near, she could see how Yongguk would still call her “sunbae” while the others he called only by their names and how the girl were becoming even more silent than before. She decided she had to do something.


Yongguk?” Hyosung asked entering B.A.P vocal training room. The said boy looked at her and smiled. “Can I talk with you for a moment?”

Of course.”


The other boys excused themselves and went to their dance room, leaving only the two of them there.


What do you want to talk with me?” Yongguk asked, curious.

Do you like someone?” Hyosung went directly to the subject, scaring Yongguk.

H-Hyosung, sorry, I-I don't see you like this...” He started, embarrassed, looking away.

What?” Hyosung widened her eyes. “I don't like you that way too, you idiot!” She pouted, looking away while blushing. “I like Daehyun...” She said quietly, but Yongguk could listen to her what made he laugh a little.

You guys...”

But it's not it I wanted to talk with you!” She shook her head and looked at Yongguk again. “Answer me.”

Hm... Yes, there's someone I like.”

Really? Who?” Hyosung was overly excited again, soon sitting next to the boy on the sofa.

Jieun-sunbae.” He said shyly and Hyosung almost yelled.


Shhhhhh.” He put his hand in front of but she soon took it off.

Oh my god, I can't believe it.” Hyosung suddenly became serious. “But why do you still call her sunbae and everything?”

Because she doesn't talk so much with me, so... I don't want to be disrespectful and make her angry.” He sighed.

I think you could confess to her.”


Yongguk looked at Hyosung, curious and confused. Hyosung soon pouted and crossed her arms.


Ok, I'll tell you something but you have to keep a secret, ok?”

Ok.” Yongguk turned to the girl, listening carefully.

Jieun like you too. But she has a big problem.” She continue before Yongguk could interrupt her. “She has a very low self-esteem, like, really low. I've never seen someone like her. So she feel like she doesn't deserve you. She got really sad seeing you calling her sunbae while calling our names. She thinks she's not beautiful, her voice is not good enough, she's not funny enough, she's awkward around people and can't be friendly. I know it's only her mind but... She's like this.”

S-She...” Yongguk was still speechless but soon a smile appeared on his lips. “S-She likes me... For real.”

Yah, did you listen what I've said?” Hyosung asked annoyed.

Of course.” Yongguk looked again at her. “And I have already a plan.”





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hi authour-nim
i just want to say that i love your fic so much!
can i translate into Vietnamese?
i promise to credit and put the link to your page :)
Chapter 3: this was beautiful~ i'm still grinning while writing this down :D
Chapter 3: OMG! Perfect ending!
They were made for each other :3
Loved the fanfic from beginning to end :D õ/
Chapter 3: Hehe cute story love love the bangsong part !!!:)
I can't see daehyun and hyosung. Hyosung and himchan or jongup yew!
anyways good story. Love bangsong. : )
syayuuri #5
Chapter 3: Omggggggg my heart cannot handle fluff /dies
fishcakes #6
Chapter 3: wahhhhhhhhhhhhh that was super duper cuteeee!!! ♥
Chapter 3: Such a cute story :D I really liked it :D
Chapter 3: dksnajdsanjdhasdkjhas SO SWEET. OMG. DAESUNG. THE LAST PART. ANDAND BANGSONG. <3
Chapter 3: Them singing the song together is just beautiful.... aaahhhh.....
thanks for this story, it's so sweet...
Chapter 3: Waaaaaahhhhh... I was smiling through out the story u.u Gosh its so sweet hihihi <3 BangSong ftw XD