SHINee's 6th Member


SHINee recieves a new member. How will things go? ~This is going to :( i just wanna get this story up, but ill try to fix it when I can <3 Also, youre a guy lol


"You're SHINee's sixth member now. It'll be rough at first and then, depending on your effect on the group and fans, we'll see if it's a good decision for you to stay." I nodded, nervousness grasping my stomach and reaching for my heart. "Okay then. I'll take you to meet the others."
Sorry it looks all mushed together :( i hates it, but my phone .Enjoy~


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AsianPandaLove #1
Thank you! And 'you' are a boy lol
tiffydn #2
Chapter 10: You're welcome!! :D wiiiii i'm the first!!! Haha!! Btw i like this chap(bed) so cutr oneeew!!!! (>w<) aaaawww x3 thanks for updating! :D
AsianPandaLove #3
Oh, thank you!! :) I hope you enjoy this.
And thanks for being the first comment! :D
tiffydn #4
Chapter 5: Awwww looks cute!!! x3