I'm Here

I'm here...

I look around and inhaled the air. I'm back. Back to Korea. I smile. I go outside the airport, waving for a taxi cab. A few seconds later a cab finally noticed me. I go in the taxi. The driver put my stuff in the trunk.

"To here please." I said, giving the driver a piece of paper. It was the adress of the apartment I rented in advance. The driver nods and gives the piece of paper back.


I put my stuff down and looked around. I unpacked my backpack while I sat in the sofa. I took my journal.


Dear Journal,

I am in Korea! ^ ^ I'm planning to visit Sungmin's dad first,

to ask about Sungmin, you know...how he is. Anyways, I'm 

so happy. Well, better make some sandwiches for my tummy.

I'll see you tonight journal. 


I closed it and put it down the coffee table infront of me. I walk to the kitchen to, as I said, make my tummy sandwiches.


I knocked on Mr. Lee's door. He opened it and studies my face.

"Dad..." I called him, he was technically my dad too because me and Sungmin were like brothers.

"Kyuhyun? When did you come?" He asked me in suprise.

"Just this morning sir."

"Come in." He said opening the door for me. I go in and look around. 'I miss this place.' I thought.

"So, dad how are you?" I asked.

"Fine, just a little sad. How, how 'bout your dad?" He asked.

"He's fine. But what do you mean a little sad?" I answered and questioned,  why was he "a little sad"?

"Kyuhyun...sit down." He says as he leads me to the sofa.

"Dad...what happened?" I asked in a very worried tone.

"Sungmin...his wife left him..." He said looking down.

"What? Sooyoung?! How could she!" I say in a very angry tone. I stood up.

"She died." He said. I sit in shock.


"She had cancer. When she died, Sungmin didn't eat for a week. Now Sungmin is okay but a little...how do you say this...off."

"I should've stayed." I said in regret. I could've comforted Sungmin in those days, but where was I? In America, "getting a better life".

"It's not your fault, we didn't expect it at all. Even Sooyoung. She didn't know. You know how she discovered it?"

"No. How?" I asked in curiosity.

"She checked up for the...the baby she had. Then, then the doctor...said and told her. Even the baby wouldn't survive." He said in a very sad tone.

"What?" I ask in shock. A baby? A baby and a wife...must've been real hard on Sungmin. 

"You should visit Sungmin. Kyuyhyun...you might lighten his mood up a little bit. " He told me. I stood up and hugged him.

"I will, I will go to him now." I told Mr. Lee.

"Kyuhyun, you've grown well. Take care of my Sungmin." He says. I nod and left.


I looked at a very gorgeous house. The house was those luxurious ones. I was looking at Sungmin's house. I came here by taxi cab. I went to ring the doorbell. I hear footsteps. The gate opened.

"You came..." Sungmin said.


"Kyuhyun-ah." He said and hugged me tightly.

"Sungmin, how are you?" I asked. He broke the hug and replied.


"Your dad told me. About...you know." I said, not wanting to hurt Sungmin. 

"Oh. Wanna come in?" Sungmin told me and I nod.


The place was huge. I looked around as soon as I entered.

"Bought and designed this place for Sooyoung." Sungmin said, in a sad tone. I nodded. He looked, as his dad said...off.

"It's beautiful. She must've loved it." I said, trying to cheer Sungmin up.

"She never got to see it." Sungmin said trying to stop his tears. I should've never said that.

"Oh...well, I'm pretty sure if she did, she would love it Sungmin." I said patting his back.

"Yeah. I'm going to get us drinks. Go sit if the living room." He told me and I do as he says. I waited for a few minutes when Sungmin came back with my favourite drink, orange juice and his favourite drink, strawberry juice.

(A/N: *cough* Might want to play this -> Sad Song No, seriously...play it! Then continue reading :D)

"Sungmin, you okay nowadays?" I asked, trying to hide my worried voice.

"Yeah, I am." He said as he took a sip of his juice. I took a sip off my orange juice too.

"Sungmin...whatever it is. Tell me." I knew he was lying. He drinks the whole glass of strawberry juice. He cried.


"Sungmin, it's okay tell me."

"Kyuhyun, I'm so happy you came. I've waited for so long..." He said. I smiled, I really regret going to America now. He continued. "You were my bestfriend, my parents loved you as well. We're like brothers but I loved you more than a bestfriend for some moments. We laughed, we played, we shared secrets. Few years later, we grew up and I met my fiance. I can't lie, I loved her. You left, not wanting to disturb my love life. I appreaciated your thoughtfulness but I knew you wouldn't bother my love life. But if you wanted to go, who was I to stop you?" He said. Pausing for a moment. Wait...why was he saying all this?

"Sungmin-" He cut me off.

"Sooyoung and I decided to have a baby. We were happy to hear we sucessfully did make one but the doctor called that same night, saying Sooyoung and the baby has less than a month. She was in the hospital when this house was getting finished. I had high hopes she would survive. To see this. This house. But she passed away...with the baby. All of my hopes lost in a blink of an eye. I wanted to, to leave this cruel world. I couldn't blame anyone but myself. " Sungmin satarted to cry. He continued. "Kyuhyun...I love you as a lover and a bestfriend. Thank you for everything, Kyuhyun. I love you so, so much. We are like the closest people on earth. Remember? When we used to have each other's back? I need your's now Kyuhyun.  Listen." He said while pausing. I was confused, why was he saying thank you?


"Kyuhyun, I have less than a minute. It's starting to hurt. Tell mom and dad I love them. Remember Kyuhyun..take care of them. I love you. I will never forget the moments we had. I will miss you. I've waited for a long time and it came. Bye Kyuhyun." Sungmin said as he satrted to look really hurt. He smiles at me one last time when I grasped the moment. 

I smiled back...

...For the last time.



Honestly, this is the truth

There is no use in trying to hold on to the scattered pieces
It will only break my heart
But as I continue living like this,
I wonder what the point of living is




The End


Author's note:

If you had no idea what was going on, Sungmin put poison on his drink to suicide knowing Kyuhyun can take care of his parents and other stuff. Sungmin wanted to kill himself with all the things he went through. Sungmin waited since he didn't want to kill himself without anyone comforting and telling his message to realtives. Kyuhyun was the answer and solution so he waited.

So, liked it? Please comment and upvote, whatever XD Sorry I killed Sungmin. Sorry, sorry, sorry :D Guys thanks for the support in the story We'll never be. Sorry for any kind of mistakes! I think i'm starting to writing angst...whatever. Wahtever I wrote, I wrote. XD


Edited (02/27/12):

Been thinking of making a alternate ending. Just want your thoughts about it.







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Gyaaaa #1
Chapter 1: You should make them die together, or make them live happily ever after... Gyaaa~ my kyumin shipper heart...
rizzorin #2
Chapter 1: poor kyumin~ i like it~ hehehe~
Chapter 1: You killed Sungmin yet I still love you and the beautiful plot T____T
Chapter 1: you are a murderer!!!!!!!!!