
One Chance [Hiatus]

"Taemin, are you ready?" I called from the kitchen. 

We had had a thorough session of gun-pointing and shooting, and had divided everything we would be taking on our mission. Taemin was packing everything into the bags we had, while I prepared some left-over pancake mix that was hidden. Since we wouldn't be having cooking utensils for a while now, I thought we should have a mini-feast for our departure. 

"Yeh!" he answered back. I served two pancakes on each plate, took some honey from the jar we had, and set the table. 

We would be leaving today. It was already morning, and we would be walking towards Busan today. We would go towards the river that stood near the city, to which I didn't know  the name. I told about my plans to Taemin, to which he nodded while eating the pancakes happily. 

"Remember, we have to be on the lookout. Anything could happen. I don't know how the Chinese army set up their lookout points, but I'm sure they're keeping an eye on the big cities." 

He nodded. As we finished our plates, he went back to the bathroom. I guessed he would be doing his business before we went onto the wild, but he came back immediately with a small necklace. I looked at it, and he noticed my gaze. 

"My brother's" he said simply. I nodded, and handed him his backpack. He strapped it on his back, and we walked to the front door. I looked back, I was certain this would be the last time I would be in here, and I silently bid goodbye to the good and bad memories held here. I looked at Taemin, who looked intently to the necklace that now hung on his neck. 

"Let's go."

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"How long?" Taemin whined yet again. 

We had reached the river in an hour, and we were now walking next to it. We were heading south, and the sun was burning down on us. I remembered that there was an airport close by the delta of the river, as well as a small island. After we reached that, we would set up camp and sleep there, and the next morning we would head towards the harbor and steal a boat (hopefully). 

But Taemin had complained non-stop. I wasn't sure if the fact that we could now communicate more easily was good or bad. 

"I don't know, Taemin, I'm not the Korean one here." I said, sort of grumpily. 

"Hmph," replied Taemin. 

We kept walking until we saw the airport - or what was left of it. Most airplanes were destroyed, although a couple looked half-decent. I knew they were probably stripped of certain parts, and that it would be useless to try and get one working. I had to explain that to Taemin since he kept pointing and telling me we should go there. 

"They're not stupid, Taemin, they're not gonna leave something so that the survivors can escape." 

His shoulders dropped, and I felt sorry for him. I didn't want to strip him from his hope, but he had to be realistic now. 


As we approached the small island, we decided to set up camp. It was still far away, but we had found a good spot that was slightly hidden and perfect to keep the rays of sun off our eyes as dawn came. Taemin, surprisingly, didn't complain about the accomodations and we slept soundly. 

The next morning, we immediately started walking again. After a couple of hours, we finally arrived to the coast. We bordered it while looking out for ports or harbors. The first one we found, to our luck, had no usable boats. The second and third were the same, although some boats had some working parts. There was one that had a good motor but would sink if we pushed it to the ocean. 

Finally, on our sixth port, we found a good boat. We weren't sure how much fuel it had, so we scavenged on the other ports for tanks of fuel. We took out from the boat that was working, and found two plastic pots that held around 80 liters. We were set to go, but as night was approaching, I decided against setting sail right away. We decided, instead, to look around the hotels and rooms that were still standing for any food. We found a pharmacy that was half destroyed, but found a couple of bottles of pills that were unlabeled. We took them for the heck of it, and went back to the boat. 

It was a wakeboard boat, and I was astounded that it hadn't been taken. As Taemin set up pillows from our clothes, I looked around in every corner of the boat to find a bomb, a tracker, or something of the likes. 

I finally found what I was looking for: it looked like an ordinary rock, but as you knocked it you could hear jiggles coming from inside. I left the device on a nearby rock, so that the location wouldn't be altered by much, and dusted my hands. 

"Let's sleep early, Taemin," I announced, although the sun was barely setting, "We have to wake up really early so we won't be in the ocean, at night, for long, okay?" 

He nodded, and set his face on the wrap of clothes. I did the same, and Taemin almost immediately fell asleep. I couldn't help but look at him for a while. He was really young, I'd have to ask him how old exactly tomorrow, but he looked not a day over 18. It made me feel self-conscious for a fleeting second, but that escaped my mind immediately. 

I looked at the sky. It was filled with stars yet again, and I had been treated to beautiful night skies ever since I'd been stranded here. It was a shame that the contrast between the land and the skies was so big, and I sighed. Thoughts of the current politics and my own mission filled my mind as I drifted off to sleep. 


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I'm sorry I haven't been able to update, I'm dealing with university admission crap so I'll be busy for a while~ MIAN~


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mochikaki #1
Chapter 6: This is actually interesting~ Keep it up XD (And omigosh Kai </3 ;___;)