Memory Lane

One Chance [Hiatus]

Months prior

I quickly scanned the area, checking for elusive targets. My sight was greeted with neatly stacked black furniture organized in a maze-like structure. From my peripheral view, I detected a red light and quickly threw myself towards the floor. A shot was heard soon after. 

I quickly crawled towards the desk, and got ready. 

Three.. Two.. One.. 

I got out and jumped over a chair, falling on the couch. I rolled over, falling to the floor and then under a wooden table. I scanned the area, and my eyes fell on a sack of flour painted red. Bingo. I dragged myself out and ran for it. Two shots were heard, and I lay on the floor, a red sack on my arm, panting. A deng sound filled my ears, and I groaned. 

"Well done, soldier Viñas, I see improvement. Soldier Nam is waiting outside. Have you both decided your specialty?" the Drill sergeant asked, a small smile on his completely hairless face (head included). 

"No, sir. I've been thinking hard and long about it, though, sir." I stated, mentally sighing. None of the specialties appealed to me, and Eric had been annoying the heck out of me. 


"You know what you should do? You should take Music!" Eric said, bouncing on the bed.

"Music, Eric? Are you kidding me?" I rolled my eyes before looking back towards the computer.

"Oh believe me, honey, lads here would looove to see you on stage"  He said, trying too hard at a British accent. I scoffed and threw a shoe that was nearby at him. 


"Well," the Drill Sergeant's voice woke me from my reverie, "I expect the documents soon. Remember, filing should be done before next thursday." 

"Sir, yes, sir!" I saluted, and walked out. Eric was leaning on the wall, one feet propped up and rythmically tapping against the vertical surface. He was sporting his usual short brown hair, sleekly combed to the right, and his big, almost-black eyes fell on me. He smiled, showing off pearly white teeth, and he pushed himself off the wall. He was wearing a casual attire, which meant he had no more drills for the day. This had been my last, and I was impatient to get a shower. 

"'Sup, Kimmy?" He said, his voice flowing out smoothly. He was the ladies' man of the Combat Training Base at the moment, and it was with good reason. Although he wasn't bulky, he was fit enough to make girls swoon. I had known him for too long, though, and was completely immune to his charm. 

"I thought I told you to stop calling me that!" I gritted out of my teeth. He rolled his eyes, and sighed. 

"Kim, Kim, Kim.. With that attitude, how do you expect to get laid?" it was my turn to roll my eyes, and turned my back to him. I headed towards the dormitory's, and Eric jogged slightly to keep up with me, "Alright, alright, enough with the bad mood. You wouldn't want to piss off the one holder of Ferrero Rocher that would actually offer you some, would you?" 

I almost halted at the mention of said chocolates. Food was a soft spot for me, and I was practically born in this world to try sweets from everywhere. I should clearify that if I ever attempted to cook, I would probably destroy half of the humanity. 

Eric saw my hesitance and, obviously pleased, smirked. "Go by my room. I'll give you treats. Come dressed nicely!" He immediately turned the other way, and ran back while waving. I sighed, frowning, and knew that he wanted something out of me. 

I shrugged as I stepped into the dorm, got my necessities, and entered the bath. Hello shower, it's a pleasure to see you again!


I stepped out of my dorm wearing navy blue dress pants and a button up light blue shirt. It was probably the most girly-like clothes I had in the base, and I barely every used them. I headed towards the boys dorm, eventually greeting any soldiers or drill sergeants along the way. 

205... 207... BIngo, 209. Let's see what Eric is up to this time.

I didn't bother knocking on the door, and opened. Eric lay on his bed, wearing bunny boxers and a white tank top, a Young Adult book on his hands. I closed the door behind me and raised one single eyebrow at him. 

"So... Bunnies, huh? Didn't know that was your think, Mr. Casanova." I sniggered at his atire, and he pinked slightly. He sat up and dropped the book on the bed, and I could read the title: Morganville Vampires. "Seriously, since when did you start reading teen stuff? Vampires? Are you trying to be cool for someone?" 

He groaned, and threw his pillow at me. I ducked out of instinct and laughed, picking up his make-do projectile and sat on his desk. I looked around, but no signs of Ferrero Rocher anywhere. I guessed as much, he knew I would take them and run like a bat out of hell. 

"Shut it, Kim. It's hot, the AC broke yesterday." he said, back towards me, facing the closet. He pulled out a red printed Tee and took off his tank top. I scoffed, but he ignored it, "I'm guessing you want to know what this is all about?" 

I gave a shrug and a grunt, and he turned and gave me a look, "Seriously, I need your help. The 'rents are visiting and they're pestering me about having a girlfriend. You know how they are." 

I knew what he meant. He had foster parents, but they treated him like a real son. They were horrified when he decided to enlist, and the Marines no less, but supported him fully. His foster mother was adorable, or at least that's my opinion, but always gave him hints that she wanted grandchildren. His father wasn't as pressing as his mother, but didn't stop his wife: in the end, I guessed, they both wanted to see Eric settled down and have a family. 

"Ugh, and you want me to go play pretend? Why can't you take one of your s from the Admin department?!" I exclaimed, somewhat annoyed. I knew his parents ever since he was adopted, and they had been kind enough to include me in their outings and family dinners while I had been in the Orphanage. Mary, Eric's' foster mother, said that we were perfect for each other. Too bad I can't see your son as anything more than an annoying sibling, I always thought. 

"They love you. And mom will be thrilled, I'm sure. Plus, you know that after we file our MOS, we're probably see them very little. I want to make them happy." He had finished changing, wearing a checkered button-up red shirt, black pants and some 'fashionable' worn out vans. I sighed, and he knew he got me. He was right, after all, we'd be busy for a while; the fact that I considerred Mary and Louis like an aunt and uncle didn't help, either. Eric had guilt tripped me too well. 

"So, I'm holding my end of the bargain," he took out a 16-units packet of Ferrero Rocher and handed it to me, "Here's the first installment, the other is for after the dinner's done," he winked at me, smirking, "So behave." 

I wasn't going to cause ruckus, he knew, but I was pretty troubled by the whole pretending part. I wasn't one for PDA or cutesy giggling at their boyfriends' jokes, so this was going to be somewhat tough. 

In the back of my head, though, I kept hearing my drill's sergeant's voice. 

I expect the documents soon... I expect the documents soon... I expect the documents soon

The MOS. Otherwise known as Military Occupational Specialization. I just freaking want to fight, what else do I need to learn? 

I headed back to my room with the bag of chocolates, got my purse and documents, and went to the front exit of the Base. Eric was waiting for me, his mega-Watt smile shining, and his palm outstretched towards me. I could see from my side-view a navy blue Nissan car, Mary and Louis in the front seats. 

"Ready?" Eric asked, no traces of teasing or any of his usual evil intentions. I sighed, one dinner can't be the death of you, Kimberly! Come on! Toughen up!. 

"Ready," I said, and smiled. I wasn't going to pretend to be someone I'm not, but I could at least show how much I truly cared about him. He was my one true friend, and despite all the bickering we had, I genuinely loved him. Perhaps not the kind of love Mary wanted, but I loved him nonetheless. 

We walked to the car, and Eric opened the door for me. His mother's eyes widened almost double of their size, and I had to stiffle a giggle: they looked like they were about to pop out. "Kimberly, is that you? Oh my gosh, Louis, I told you they'd end up together! Just like a fairy tale! Well.. counting out the whole military part..." 

Said Louis shook his head but gave us a warm smile as I dropped on my seat, and Eric followed. "So, how has been boot camp life treating you?" 


It was going to be a long night. But then again, when you're with family, that's alright. 

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I'm sorry I haven't been able to update, I'm dealing with university admission crap so I'll be busy for a while~ MIAN~


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mochikaki #1
Chapter 6: This is actually interesting~ Keep it up XD (And omigosh Kai </3 ;___;)