Lost In The Desert

One Chance [Hiatus]

I deployed from our base over three months ago.

My teammates had been dead for little over a month.

Chaos reigned in the so-called "country" I was stranded on. 

The Korean peninsula was like a set out of the movies; a post-apocalyptical, zombie/meteors-took-over-the-Earth kind of movie. Buildings were half exploded and barely standing, debris covered every surface, plants were even starting to grow between the cracks of cement, and the dark red/maroon that was splattered sporadically over the floors and buildings was no doubt dried blood. 

My eyes focused on one small piece of paper, and I picked it up. It was a torn picture, the left upper corner having been burned off. You could make out a young girl, a woman in her late forties, and a man whose face had been in the upper left corner. They all were smiling warmly at the camera, or so I assumed for the male. I couldn't help but feel a pang in my chest, and I quickly dropped the picture. 

A noise from behind one of the building startled me. I quickly dragged my knife from its poach and got on a fighting stance: knees slightly bent, elbows pointing out, hands to chest level. It had been little over three weeks since I had last encountered another human being, and they had been from the enemy line. I had killed them and taken their supplies, thankfully getting my hands on a couple of simple revolvers and ammo. 

A cracking of debris alerted me it wasn't far, and I then hear... a moan..? 

As I made my way to the disturbance, I could make out some whimpers and murmurs in a strange language. Korean or Chinese, I'd figured, because if that's japanese, then all those hours of anime-watching were for absolutely nothing. I walked carefully, my back to the building, as I went around the building in steady but silent steps. Instead of turning when I was in the corner of the building, I stopped and slowly peeked. 

Amongst the debris, I saw a young guy. He was kneeled, and on his knees the head of another young, perhaps tanner, boy. The paler one had toussled hair, his clothes were torn, and dried blood covered his right shoulder. He was crying silently, but the way his body contracted and spasmed gave away the despair he was probably feeling. I could guess what had, or was, happening. 

I checked the perimeter with my sight, before deciding that it was safe enough, and stepped out. I made a noise on porpuse to alert the young boy, and he was immediately startled. He looked at me with panicked eyes, and a string of unfamiliar words left his mouth, his voice showing his fear. I guessed my attire wasn't too welcoming, and I held up my hands in sign of surrender, and with my broken Japanese I stated that I did not speek the language. His eyes were still big, as if he expected me to plung a knife in him at any moment, but nodded towards me. I slowly approached them, and kneeled next to the two youngins. 

"Uhh.." I pointed at the tanned boy who was breathing heavily, "Daijoubu?" (Are you alright?

The boy shook his head, his lower lip jutting out and trembling slightly. He was about to burst out crying, I knew, but I had other priorities than to comfort him. 

I pointed towards one building that looked sturdy enough not to fall apart with a push of my hand, and then said "Kinko" (safe). I think he understood me, but he looked back and forth between the potential shelter and his companion. I was growing impatient, an attack wasn't likely but you could never know in a war. "Haiyaku!" (Hurry up!) I growled at him. He finally nodded, and we carefully carried the unconscious boy. 

We set him on the ground close to the exit of the building once we got to our destination, and I could now see what had happened. The boy had bullet shots, two to the chest area and one to the stomach. He would bleed to death, but if he woke up he'd be in insufferable pain. 

Suddenly, the pale guy spoke softly, "Otouto" (Little brother). He let a sigh of despair, and looked at me pleadingly. I couldn't do anything, I had nothing to work with and had very limited medical skills. I shook my head and whispered a "Gomen" (sorry), before remembering my recently acquired supplies. I took out a couple of the bottles, and found one with Hydrocodone written on it, and guessed it was Vicodin or something along those lines. I showed it to the boy, and he somberly nodded. I gave him my flask of water and the medicin, and when the tanned sibling started trembling he fed it slowly to him. 

I was tired of having two nameless guys in my presence, so I tried to divert the alert's boy's attention. "Kimberly," I pointed at myself, "Namae wa?" (Name?) I was pretty sure my Japanese was barely understandable, but he replied either way. "Taemin," he said pointing to himself, "Jongin," he said, voice strained, shakingly pointing to the unconscious body on his knees. 

I nodded. I decided that we would be fine to stay in the building for the night, and decided to look around the building for any signs of furniture or drapes to make Jongin and Taemin more comfortable. 

I sighed at the future that layed ahead of me. 

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I'm sorry I haven't been able to update, I'm dealing with university admission crap so I'll be busy for a while~ MIAN~


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mochikaki #1
Chapter 6: This is actually interesting~ Keep it up XD (And omigosh Kai </3 ;___;)