
Bad Taste In Guys'; Key's Problem


“Does this look contaminated to you?” Jonghyun held out the sandwich bag with between his thumb and index finger like it was something vile and scrunched up his face. 
“It’s not deformed, you just mushed it,” Minho retorted with as much patience as he would to a small child, “that’s what you get for putting it inside your bag with your school books.”
“Well, I’m not eating it now.”
“Starve then,” Key answered, inching away from his now brunette friend, “you’re not eating my lunch.” He narrowed his eyes when Jonghyun pouted and came even closer to him, puppy eyes working their magic. “It’s not going to work, Jjong, you’re not cute without your yellow hair.”
“I had to dye it!” Jonghyun wailed, his pitiful cries carried throughout the courtyard, “the principal said she wouldn’t let me graduate. They are all out to get me.”
As if by magic from his words, Key watched speechlessly as a nearby teacher came over to give Jonghyun detention for being too loud. He sighed, why was this boy always in trouble? Minho and Taemin exchanged amused glances and sighed in unison while Jonghyun’s unfair protests went unheard. 
“Well no one is going to feed you,” with that said, Key glared at the youngest, who was edging his tray towards Jonghyun’s direction. Taemin sighed and pulled his tray back towards himself, ducking his head to avoid Jonghyun’s pout and Key’s gaze.
Jonghyun covered his face and began to fake cry, confirming his bad acting skill. When no one offered to comfort him, he removed his hands to stare down his friends, lower lip still puckered. 
“Yah, feed me~” he whined. His frown broke into a grin when Taemin balanced a piece of kimbap on chopsticks and held it out.
“Ew, ew, ew! Taemin, don’t share chopsticks with that dino!” Key’s expression was exaggeratedly horrified. 
“YAH! What’s your problem, Kim Key?” Then Jonghyun began laughing out loud, causing many heads to turn his way. “KIMCHI! AHA! I am so funny…”
Minho changed the subject first, “Key, you going to see Jinki hyung today?”
“You’re going after school?” Kim Jonghyun recovered instantly, studying his best friend from head to toe with wide eyes. This was the first! Key hadn’t mentioned anything like this to him. He scanned the crowd of girls who gathered in small groups a few feet away from them as they ate their lunches and felt bad for the female population since he knew many of those girls were at the receiving ends of Key’s blunt rejection. He secretly wondered if all the frustration Key was going through with Jinki was some sort of karma. In truth, none of them were ever short of girls’ attention – or guys’, in Taemin and sometimes Key’s cases. There was something about the gentle way that Taemin presented himself that had everyone swooning and falling on the very ground he walked on. Jonghyun frowned, wait, what was he talking about?
“Yeah,” Key answered off-handedly as he ate his lunch. “No thanks to you, though! Gosh. I felt like an idiot trying to seduce him yesterday. He laughed at me!”
“You didn’t seduce him correctly!” Jonghyun defended, his hands moved in big gestures to emphasize his point. “It’s not my fault if you messed up. Seduction is an art.” On a whim, Jonghyun reached for Taemin’s chin and lifted the younger boy’s face to his. He smiled, “do you like skinship?” 
Key’s eyes narrowed slightly when he smacked Jonghyun’s hand away, “don’t do that to my baby! He looks like he’s about to faint.”
“That’s the point,” Jonghyun winked at his friends and waved to the responsive, cheering fan girls. This was why they had to eat outside, or preferred to eat outside. They felt less crowded even when they were being watched.
“Ugh, I don’t know how you can say cheesy things with a straight face.”
Jonghyun shrugged. He supposed he was cheesy, but it was all in good fun. Who did not enjoy a good line now and again? 
“You’re going to confess today?” Minho wanted to know between bites of sandwiches. “It’s not like Jinki hyung doesn’t already know.”
“No way!” Horrified, Jonghyun smacked the wide-eyed alien in the head, “if you confess, too, then he’s the man of the relationship, which makes you the girl. IS THAT THE REALITY YOU WANT!? To be a girl!? YAH KIMCHI! Think about it carefully before you confess!”
“Hyung, please,” Taemin piped up to pull an overly excited Jonghyun down from his chair. He tugged on the older boy’s shirt in hope of getting him to sit down properly instead of the half-stand he was doing. “Don’t be stupid.”
“What? Yah! Taeminnie, don’t say mean things or else you’ll turn into Key.”
“I like Key hyung,” the youngest replied cheekily, earning a grin from Key himself, and made Jonghyun’s head hung low. 
“Where did I go wrong with you?”
Minho laughed, “what? It’s not like you raised Taeminnie…”
“So? He’s my responsibility because…”
“Because?” Minho urged, eye brows lifting quizzically.
“Because…you know, I’m the hyung.”
The tallest of the group sighed, “you’re stupid.”
His life was anything by spontaneous, Lee Jinki realized as he studied the box of cookies on display in front of him. His normally expressive face was missing its usual sun-shine smile, his eyes lacked their spark. In fact, Jinki’s face was a complete blank, completely zombified. He wasn’t mad nor was he bored, he was simply thinking. Lee Jinki was the type to go through life, doing the best he can regardless of the outcome, but he knew he was destined to just go through life like that. Things came easily for him: grades, jokes, friends…even if he was deemed “socially awkward”, he wasn’t a loner. 
Nothing was really a challenge, no change in its usual rhythm. Well, not until recently, when a certain Kim Kibum came waltzing into his life and attempted to seduce him. Now what? He had never really known what it was like to “like” a person before – was he supposed to have a nervous feeling inside the pit of his stomach? Was he supposed to see pink cotton candy background?
“Joon,” Jinki poked the side of his cousin, who in turn glared at him, obviously not appreciating the disturbance. “How do you know if you like someone?”
“You woke me up for that?” Lee Joon demanded, his eyebrows snapped together. “I don’t know! How do you feel when you look at chicken?”
“I want it.”
“There you go.”
Unhappy with the cryptic advice, Jinki tried again, “yah! I’m serious! Kibum isn’t dinner.”
“I’ll have your head for dinner. Shut up!”
“Oh effing mother of…” Joon sighed, “fine, fine. I’ll just put this simply for you. Let’s say auntie tells you she’s making fried chicken for dinner, how’d you feel?”
“I’d…wait for it. OH! I’d be happy, then wait for it…and maybe impatient...but mostly happy because I know I’ll get to eat it.”
“Right. So, there is that anticipation, that longing for dinner so you can eat your chicken, right? And then boom! You see it in front of you, and you just want it. Ecstatic. Happy. You are finally getting what you want most in the world, the one thing that made your otherwise crappy day worth it. Right?”
“YES! What?”
“Yup. That is how it feels like – you’re happy, then you’re not because it can be taken away from you in an instant.”
Jinki paused to think of the analogy for a minute before muttering, “stupid Lee Joon. No help at all. And now you’re making me want fried chicken.”
Joon ignored the rude remarks and closed his eyes again, but his peace only lasted a few minutes before his cousin poked him again, “WHAT?”
“I don’t feel that way about Key…”
“Feel what?”
“Like…waiting for chicken to be cooked. That feeling.”
“Well, then you must not like him.”
“Oh…oh,” Jinki hung his head in shame.
Jinki winced. He had never known anyone’s voice to go so high before, almost to the point of being hysterical. He supposed he should have seen it coming. It was his fault. He should have handled this situation more delicately since he was dealing with a dongsaeng, after all.
“Just, save it, Lee Jinki.” Key glared at him, his eyes narrowed in defiance. “Forget I said anything. God. I was so stupid to even like you. Forget it.”
“No, Key, please,” Jinki sighed, “even if I don’t see you like that, let’s be friends.”
“I can’t.”
“We can always be friends…”
“No, we can’t. Don’t you get it? It’s easy for you to say that, but I can’t do that.”
He watched as Key ran away abruptly again and thought of their first meeting. It sort of ended in the same way. He supposed they didn’t really make much progress, even after all these years. Jinki sighed; he really did want Key to be his friend.
“What happened?” Jonghyun tried to soothe his best friend who was fuming with anger, he was practically vibrating.
“He said he didn’t see me like chicken. Chicken! Something about anticipation or whatever about it being cooked, I don’t even know what the hell he was talking about! But it’s a rejection either way. I mean who the hell even say things like that?”
Jonghyun didn’t know if he should keep his mouth shut or point out the fact that the answer was totally Jinki’s. Of course Jinki would answer like that. He wondered if it was also a stupid idea to point out how well Jinki’s analogy worked since chicken was the older boy’s most loved anything. Deciding to be smart, Jonghyun kept his mouth shut as he tried to calm down his panic-stricken best friend.
Jonghyun exhausted his energy trying to help Key write an angry emo song to match his mood. It was hours of frustration all coiled down to his best friend wasting his whole notebook and then throwing said notebook at his head. So he dragged Key to the kitchen and had to boy hunt down spiders that were all over his pantry.
“You can’t come out until I see spiders!” Jonghyun threatened, “or I’m marching your down to Jinki hyung’s place.”
Normally he wouldn’t dare to say those things to Key, but part of being a best friend earned him the right to at these moments. Or, he thought so, but he wasn’t sure since it was his first time playing the role of comforter.
So Key was sitting on the ground with a dust pan and some paper towels, paroling for spiders and whining about the grossness in which Jonghyun lived, and why did his parents not stop by more often? Like he knew the answer to that, they probably disowned him and his reckless ways.
Jonghyun flopped a spoonful of yogurt into his mouth and hopped onto the kitchen counter to watch his friend, grim amusement filled his eyes, “I’m surprise these spiders can live with nothing but crumbs.”
“They don’t eat crumbs, stupid. They feed off bugs, which, ew…you have bugs, too,” Key sounded like he was about to cry. “I hate you.”
“Keep whining, Kimchi…as long as you get rid of those spiders.”
When Key only grunted in response instead of giving him the tongue lashing he deserved, Jonghyun’s eyes softened. Just a little. 
“Hey, I know you don’t want to talk about it, but why do you like Jinki hyung?”
Key sat still for a moment, dust pan in a tight grip. He finally gave up and turned around to look up at Jonghyun, who was studying him with a rare seriousness.
“I guess… first crushes never die, I thought it was because of that. But it’s more now. It’s different.” He hadn’t told anyone about the serious side of Jinki, the one capable of being pissed off and actually looked smug enough to kick. That was the side he came to respect, and though Jinki’s bright persona wasn’t what he was used to, he came to respect that, too. Because it wasn’t a front like he had thought, it was just an effort to be nice to everyone. In that short time that they were getting to know each other, he had come to like the person himself and not just the person from his seven-years-old self’s imagination.
“Maybe that will happen with Jinki hyung, too,” Jonghyun shrugged, “if he got to know you better. He was right to say no since he can’t like someone he doesn’t know. And honestly, you guys haven’t been close enough for him to really know you.”
Key studied his friend for a moment before releasing the dust pan, he laughed when it hit Jonghyun’s knee and the boy yelped out in pain.
“You’re right, Dino-boy! I don’t like it, but I see your point.” 
“Then why did you throw that thing at me?”
“Because I don’t like you being right,” Key stuck out his tongue. “And I can’t believe you stuck me on spiders’ parole! Why is your place so messy anyways? I’m calling your mom!”
“No, don’t tell my mom!”
Jonghyun listened as Key rambled on about personal hygiene, yep, his best friend was back. He wasn’t sure whether to laugh or cry since Key was about to bring down a middle-aged woman, who will probably nag more than the Alnighty himself, on his head. Why was he so unlucky?
Jinki paced his small apartment, brain uncomprehending what just happened earlier that day. What about Key’s tutoring lessons? He still had the younger boy’s books on his coffee table. In fact, he was staring at them right now. Should he give it to Jonghyun to give it to Key? 
Wuss, a voice mumbled somewhere inside his head.
And Jinki glared at the cat who was napping away like he had no worries in world, which maybe he didn’t, considering his feline form. 
“Nyanko, you are one lucky guy,” Jinki sighed.
A tap resounded inside his apartment, which he guessed came from his door. It was so quiet Jinki had to freeze in place and strained his ears to listen again. It came louder and more frequently until in his haste to open the door, Jinki fell onto the hard wood floor with a groan. Dragging his injured body up and to the door, he opened it and had to blink several times.
“Oh, hi?” 
Kibum was there, looking at him in a way that was both dangerous and oddly cute because the frown made his lips looked like they were pouting, despite the glare of daggers that were aimed in the older boy’s direction. He laughed because he couldn’t help himself.
“You came back to make nice?” 
“Who…who the hell talks like that!?” 
Jinki chuckled, “oh good, so you will talk to me. I thought you just came to stare me down or something. Come in.”
Before Kibum could answer, Jinki headed back into his apartment and was looking around his kitchen, contemplation something with a slight frown. Then with a shrug, he turned to look at his guest, who was still near the door, “want dinner?”
“What can you make?”
“Ramen…” Jinki scratched the back of his head. “I also do impressive take-out’s.”
Taking that as consent, Jinki reached for his phone and dialed a number he knew by heart. After a quick order, he smiled at Kibum before going to his couch.
Kibum sighed and came to sit on the couch, making sure to keep as far as he could to his side, “I’m just here to say a few things. I shouldn’t be mad because…well, we don’t know each other. It’s okay if you don’t like me. And it’s better to be friends than have nothing at all. But, I’ll only be your friend on one condition.”
“Which is?”
“You have to keep in mind to give me a chance.”
Jinki laughed, “Kibum…you’re getting the crappy part of the deal.”
“I know. But I know I’ll make you fall in love with me. So, deal?”
Love? Jinki could hardly wrap his head around the idea of the other being anything more than a friend. Friends he could deal with – he had plenty of those. He hadn’t even had a relationship…not really, not any that could be counted in conversations where boys would boast about their significant other. If he couldn’t even have a normal relationship, what could he promise this boy? 
“Fine,” Jinki sighed. “You know, I admire your confidence.”
Kibum smiled, “Jonghyun called it sheer stupidity.”
“He’s one to talk.”
After dinner, which was, surprise! – not fried chicken, Key had taken it upon himself to stock Jinki’s apartment with more than just essentials. Despite working at the convenient store, Jinki’s pantry and fridge were both a disgrace.
“Why can’t we just find something from the store?” Jinki asked, legs hurt from the endless wandering they’ve been doing.
“Because your store is small and doesn’t have everything, and you need…well, everything,” Key replied crossly, pushing the cart along. They were in the kitchen’s section and if he had any doubt about Jinki’s culinary skill, it was all gone the moment Jinki picked up the peeler and asked…
“What do you do, little guy?”
“That’s a peeler.”
“Which does?”
“It peels…fruits and skins of other things,” Key glared, “like maybe a certain tofu who is blocking the aisle with stupid questions.”
“Is that any way to talk to your crush?” Jinki laughed, which earned him another hard stare, “What? Isn’t it supposed to be all cheesy and romantic?”
“Yes, but I guess I’m just not lucky.”
Jinki stopped smiling, “you can call the deal off.”
“No way! You will fall for me.”
“Well, good work shouldn’t go unrewarded, since you are saving my life and all with all these high tech kitchen stuff…I guess I’ll treat you to a meal,” Jinki said, eyes crinkling.
“If by high tech you mean a knife…” Key sighed, then brightened, “and call. As long as you are paying and not cooking, I’m there.”
"I guess tomorrow night, after we're done with Physics."
The bright smile disappeared from Key's face the moment the dreaded topic was brought up. He wished he could burn that stupid book and all the other stupid books pertaining to the subject along with it. But really, he should thank it for brining him and Jinki closer. And because of that reason, he will try not to use it as a coaster for drinks, or kicking, throwing, and smacking it as he liked. Key sighed, he will treat that damn book better also because he really needed to pass. 
“Taem, I’m bored,” Jonghyun whined for the tenth time in the past twenty minutes. He was in the library, bored out of his mind. He had taken up the habit to follow Taemin around school during their free study period because Key had taken up the habit to sneak out of school to spend time with a certain university student who worked at their nearby convenient store during these two hours that students had time for themselves. But all Taemin ever did was go to the library. He wanted to do well in school, which Jonghyun could respect, but why did it have to be so boring?
“Hyung, just go find Minho hyung,” Taemin said, not even sparing him a glance.
“How long are you going to study? What’re you going to do with all of that?”
“Get into a good university.”
“Taeminnie, nothing in this book will be helpful to you. When will anyone come up to you and ask you to explain the double bond between two carbon alkenes?” Jonghyun grumbled, reading off the book which apparently had Taemin’s attention.
“All the time if I am going to be a Chemistry teacher,” Taemin replied, his smile unchanging.
“And will you?”
“So, what’s the point!?” Jonghyun exploded. “Let’s just go outside. Just do anything.”
“Hyung, you don’t have to stay with me,” the other pointed out, “seriously. Just go…”
Jonghyun sighed as he put his legs up on the table and leaned back against his chair, eyes closed, “whatever. I’m going to sleep. Wake me up when you’re done.”
Taemin smiled before returning to his book, “you’re so silly, hyung.”
“Oh, Hara.”
Jinki watched as the girl from one of classes came up to him, truthfully, he couldn’t remember which class they had together, but he remembered her face and name. And that was what mattered, right?
“I finally see you on campus outside of class,” she beamed at him, her long hair swirled about in the wind. “It’s so hard to catch you.”
“I’m sorry. Oh! Did you need help with something?”
“Yeah,” Hara looked down at her Philosophy book, then up at him, eyelashes fluttered. “Can you help me with something? Let’s grab a cup of coffee.”
“Oh, I have to tutor today, maybe some other time?”
“Yeah, Physics,” Jinki smiled as politely as he could, “I can’t miss it.”
Hara dug into her bag for something then came up with a pen, which she grabbed his hand to scribble down some numbers. Jinki gaped. He only saw these kinds of things on T.V.
“Give me a call when you’re free to tutor me.”
That was definitely a direct “hit-on”; Jinki stared at the numbers. Well, well, that was the second time now. Granted first time was a guy and now…well, looks like things were beginning to turn around for him! Good job, Lee Jinki! Maybe it was the new cologne his mom got him for his birthday?
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New chapter is up! Lemme know your thoughts!


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Chapter 11: Update please this story is so gooooood!!! ?
Chapter 11: Comeback pleaseee! T____T I like this story that much :(
SHINee_Jongtae_Minke #3
Chapter 11: I really want to know what will happen next, especially what will happen with jongtae.
Chapter 11: Oh god. This is why I shouldn’t read discontinue fan fic. :( i want more. Please author-nim continue this. This is really good.

I like shinee character and also, Joon being a dork but helpful.

Jjong being stupid dino, Minho being cool and very reliable, taemin just there hahaha let’s see him more, Jinki always a dork and all smiley but hot when his mad ;) and of course Kibum, just being Kibum HAHAHAHA i love his character the most. Frank yet gentle. And when he loves he, he love unconditionally.
ying9202 #5
Chapter 11: lol ok
so u made this story
its like baking a cake ya know
u really need to continue until its finished
im pretty sure this would be a really great story if u finish it
please update soon!!!!! and even if im not a onkey shipper i still like this story and wants it to update
Chapter 11: I love the way Jinki and Kibum interact. It's soooo cute and fluffy. Hahahaha. I love the little "we've broken up" act Jinki's store. :)))) lookong forward for your next update ! ^^
sunday_lee #7
I remember reading this story loooong time ago in livejournal. Glad that you've continued to write it. Can't wait for the next chapter ^^
Great story! More, please :D
Dinoshroomie #9
Chapter 10: I miss this story. :( really curious as to what happens next. Hope you update soon.
eskulapka #10
Chapter 10: I'm glad that Jinki is smart and wouldn't believe all this. I hate it when people jump into conclusions and trust some strangers over their loved ones. Good job!