Jaejoong, Jonghyun and Jaeha


“Annyeonghaseo Taeyeon imnida” Taeyeon bowed to people who said his name Kim Young Min and his wife.

“Woah Taeyeon you already grow and already beautiful” that man pinched Taeyeon cheek,

“This is my wife Dara” Young min said to Taeyeon while he pointed at woman beside him, Taeyeon smiled at him, these ahjussi seems good and his wife seems really young think Taeyeon.

“But Yunho, it’s ok for you if she life with my son? Because I’m also busy lately” Kim Young Min asked Yunho and Ahra, Yunho and Ahra smiled at Young Min it means they are agree, Taeyeon just busy with her own mind.

“It’s Ok hyung, I just can’t leave her alone” said Yunho.

“But what are they ok about this?” Ahra asked back to Youngmin.

“Ah it’s ok I already ask them last night and they said they ok with that” said Young Min.

“Ah yeah honey can you called Jaejoong, Jonghyun and Jaeha” said Young Min which make Taeyeon shock and looked at him with speechless.

“Wait this is not Jonghyun the Ullzang in her school right?” said Taeyeon in her head

“And the important that is not Jaejoong her new teacher right?” Taeyeon tried her best to act calmly even she already looks stiff. In five minute wife of Young Min come with one boy and girl with her.

“Where is Jaejoong?” asked Young Min but her wife just smiled at him awkwardly.

“I’m sorry, it seems he late because his new job” Young Min tried to covered about something.

“Ah it’s ok” said Yunho then he smiled to Jonghyun and Jaeha.

“Jaeha imnida” the little girl bowed her head she is really cute  and.

“You are Taeyeon right from Danhsin sister” Jonghyun seems amazed with Taeyeon,Taeyeon just smile awkwardly with the fact she will life with Ulzzang one of the most wanted boy in her school.

“Jonghyun” his father called his name as he realized with what he just did.

“Ah sorry, Jonghyunimnida” said Jonghyun and bowed his head and for Taeyeon he gived her his best wink. “What is that?” Taeyeon ask to her self and in her mind.

“Are you know each other?” Jonghyun mom asked Jonghyun.

“Ah yes she is really famous in our school especially with the gossip she confess today” said Jonghyun as he smiled at Taeyeon glared at him.

”I’m not you who would be loved my fame for flirted at girls” said Taeyeon sarcastically.

“What flirted, yah they are the one who has interest at me” Jonghyun said with arrogantly.

“Oh yeah bet me you are the onewho flirted at everywhere” said Taeyeon with her hand in her waist.  Mr Kim, his wife, Jaeha, Yunho and Ahra just smiled with their act.

“So I guess you can be a good friends right” said Mr Kim, Yunho rubbed Taeyeon hair.

“Be a good girl ok” said Yunho while give her bag, suddenly Taeyeon feel sad with reality tonight her parents will go to Brazil tonight.

“Mommy Daddy” said Taeyeon, Yunho and Ahra smiled to their daughter this is hard for them as well, Young Min and Dara give gesture to their family to leave them.

“So Hyung I will leave her with you” said Yunho when he wanna entered to his car.

“Ok I will take care of him” said Young Min and smiled. Taeyeon tried her best to hold her tears until her parents go.

“Taeyeon common said Young Min to pleased Taeyeon entered to house first. “Tae common aunty will help you to show your room”

said Young Min wife but Taeyeon just smiled awkwardly.

“Jonghyun can you showed to Taeyeon wher is her room” she said to Jonghyun who was walked in same direction with Taeyeon with his mom she know Taeyeon still awkward with the new people.

Taeyeon just realized now, how big that house.

Yeah this is traditional house but these enough to show how rich him. Taeyeon even think she can lost in these house that’s so big.

“Don’t you think we already too far” said Taeyeon innocently.

“Yeah but that just main house you must go to west to meet your room” said Jonghyun with smile in his face.

“Woah I just realized know your house really big I think I can lost in here” said Taeyeon still in amazed until she heard Jonghyun laugh.

“Don’t worry that would be ok because all of us also have room with same area” said Jonghyun and pointed at one par of the hanok.

“So that’s your room” said Jonghyun Taeyeon looked at them in amazed.

Taeyeon and Jonghyun entered the room. But even that house, traditional house that’s luxurious.

“This is enough for your reason act like prince in school” said Taeyeon quietly but enough for Jonghyun heard.

“Yah I’m never act like that” Jonghyun protest.

“Oh yeah” said Taeyeon sarcastically.

“But you will happy because Jaejoong hyung room exactly in front of your room” said Jonghyun and make Taeyeon just back to Jaejoong who was they eant before.

“Jaejoong???” said Taeyeon in shock,

“Yeah, Jaejoong the one you love” said Jonghyun continue his tease.

“JINJJA” said Taeyeon more shock, but before Jonghyun again someone entered to Taeyeon room.

“Jjong can I borrow your book?” all Taeyeon can feel just world become fall down around her he become statue.

“O…O….” said Jonghyun.

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Chapter 4: WAE?!?!?! AUHTORNIM WAEYO?!?!?!
Chapter 3: Omoooooo.......O_____O
Ilovetaeyeonsomuch #3
Chapter 4: WHY!!!!????????? B
Chapter 4: HUhhhhhhhhhhh????!!! Why?????????? Sob... sob... this story is very interesting~~~ =(
lakaransahrawi89 #5
Chapter 4: why you not continue this story??
Chapter 3: Wah wah wah, taeyeon gonna live with jaejoon!!! <3 Cant wait to see TaeJae moments in the next chapter!!! <3 Update soon~
lakaransahrawi89 #7
Chapter 3: kyaa..taeyeon & jaejoong live in the same house..
i want more taejae moment..(^_^)
Chapter 2: Taeyeon love at first sight for Jaejoong?? She's so brave!!! <3 Cant wait for more TaeJae ,oments to come out! <3 Updatw soon~~ ^^
Chapter 2: Update........
Goodness~ another TaeJae fic! Hurrah~