Chapter 2

Crazy Fangs

    I find a seat closer to the front sense there aren't as many kids in this class. As I am waiting for the teacher I find myself doodling random things like tiny monsters and eyeballs. I even drew a tiny person and made him looks really angry with freaked out hair and arms in the air, I think I'll call him Baekhyun.

Laughing at my own weirdness I look up as the door opens, and thinking it was the teacher I quickly put away  the doodles. But when I look back up it isn't the teacher, it's way worse. Walking into class is the one and only Baekhyun in the flesh.

He starts to walk towards me so I look at my desk to keep him from seeing my face. As he walks by I can hear girls "whispering" "Hey I think he is from that one group  of new guys." "Yeah, they call themselves Exo."

Oh great, I have myself in the same room as a world class popular and I got myself on his bad side. I just need to get through this class...everyday, without him seeing me.

I guess I was to occupied in myself to notice the teacher come in. "Hello class."

"Hello," we all say together like we are freaking robots, it sounded kinda cool though.

"I know it's the first day but we are going to start a project.This is going to be a partner assignment but since most of you don't know each other I will pick them. Now we will ..." I just blanked out the rest of what she's saying as I look around the room for someone who I know. Even though I can't pick my own partner maybe I could "convince" or minipulate her to let me be with one of my friends.

As I'm looking around I see two or three of the girls who walked to school with me today, but then again Lee Min is in here too so I will try hardest to get her. Once I look straight behind me though I make complete eye contact with Baekhyun.

He just looks at me with less expression than a brick on his face. His eyes are big and brown but they have just a hint of gray. His hair is parted off to the side and had that weird wild y look to it that most guys have these days. Finally from my staring though he gives me the do-you-want-something-take-a-picture-it-lasts-longer face.

I quickly turn around and somewhat start to listen to the teacher again. She was calling off names for partners but since mine wasn't at the beginning i will probably be just put to someone.

"Lee Min and Kim Jongin, you guys will be partners," she says smiling at Lee Min. Well there goes my first priority person, maybe my person wont be so bad. The teacher gets through all the other girls and even accouple boys I know and I'm left with geeks or sever populars. She gets to my row but at the back not the front so she starts with Baekhyun. "Byun Baekhyun and Kim Haemin."

   I can literally feel the blood run out of my face, not because he's my partner and he's a popular, but because he's my partner and he's a... he. How is it that out of all the girls in my class I don't get one of them.

Not wanting to turn around and see him I slide down in my chair to get as small as possible. I hear someone mumble something behind me, probably about me not bbeing good enough for the great and powerful Baekhyun.

"Oh, she is the one in the very front of the row," I hear the teacher say, then she goes onto the next person. Okay wait he didn't know my name, huh, well that's better than him knowing my face and my name. But now he knows both so maybe I can clear things up about his jeans earlier. After the teacher is done with partners she passes out the papers for the assignment. Since I didn't really want to read it I stuffed it into my bag right as the bell rang for class to be over.

I stand up half way when someone walks by me and pushes me back into my chair. "YAH" I say after the person who ran into me, but as I look up I see that it was Baekhyun not even stopping to say sorry. He walks straight up to the teacher and starts to ask all kinds of questions. I get up so I can talk to her to cause I really need to change partners.

"I'm sorry there is no way anyone can change partners, this project is to help you get to know new people." I hear her say over the murmurs of the class. Suddenly baekhyun whips around and makes eye contact with me again. He only stars for a little bit before he storms out of the classroom. Well I guess there is no need for me to try and change my person now, I'm stuck with him and I can tell this isn't going to be a fun project.

   I slug out of class not really wanting to do anything when I run into Sehun and Chanyeol. "Hey, how's your first day going guys." I say wanting to get my mind of the big problem... and the project. "Pretty good but our shy guy here can't make any friends," Chanyeol says pointing a finger in Sehun's face. Sehun just stands there with his head slightly down and a sad look on his face.

"Well hey it is just the first day right, and you have me bro. I mean you haven't really talked to me but I can still count us as friends." I say trying to make eye contact with him. He looks up slightly as I put my hand up for a high five. Trying to decide if he should do anything he stares at my hand then steadly lifts up his and doesn't leave me hanging. Sehun starts to laugh alittle and I just smile and Chanyeol puts his arm over Sehun's shoulder.

"WOOHOO, now he doesn't have to follow me around all the time," Chanyeol exclaimes all happy. We all start to laugh and giggle and walk in some random direction. But before we could get very far Baekhyun steps in our way and pulls me from the group by my arm, really hard I might say.

"Okay, one OW, and two what." I say rubbing my arm where he let go. "Well it seems we are going to be stuck as partners so this is what is going to happen, tomorrow at 5 I will show up at your house and we will finish this stupid project, got it." he says not even making eye contact with me but I just go along with his little jerk act.

"Oh, well there may be a problem with that. See I'm not aloud to have boys in my house, mom rules. But hey we could go to yours." I say just wanting to make him even more irritated than he probably already was. "We can't go to mine, just try to convince your mom by tomorrow, and make it snappy." he says walking away. Freaking jerk how does he think he can just boss me around like that. Okay yes he is drop dead gorgoues but that doesn't make him all that.

Finally I thought of something. "Hey Baekhyun," I say so he will stop and turn around,"let me put that in different words, we aren't doing it at my house. We are doing it at yours or not at all." I say making him walk toward me again. He stops right in front of me standing alittle to close. And trust me if looks could kill I would have died in all my lifes, he was giving me the worst death glare ever seen in mankind.

Thinking of the worst that could happen I close my eyes and wait for him to go off. But instead I just hear him talk. "Whatever," is all he says before he walks away again. I open my eyes slowly and look around to see no one else in the halls. Well at least no one saw, is all I can be happy about as I walk to who knows what class next.


Sorry guys for the late update I have been really really REALLY busy. But today I had time so I decided to make you happy!!!! Sorry if it isn't totally good this is my first fic, but still support me!!!!!! <3       


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