Chapter 1

Crazy Fangs

  "Haemin-ah, what are you doing in there!" is all I hear as I jolt upright in my bed. I look around somewhat dizzy from my rude awakening. I reach over to my table to pick up my glasses that I only wear at home, no where else no matter what, and soon remembered why I wasn't still able to sleep right now. It is the first day of my Junior year of high school. To be honest I'm not really excited. There's the same old halls, same old food, same old work, and most importantly some old boys. I don't really talk to them but hey I've still got eyes. *BANG BANG* "Kim Haemin you better be up, or I will rip down this door." I hear my best friend Lee Min saying from the hallway, or more screaming and beating down my door from the hallway. "I am don't worry just getting ready." I say rushing over to my beanbag chair and scrambling to throw on my clothes I had put out the previous night. Once I somewhat get them to look right I go over to my mirror and rake a brush through my long thick hair. I'm about to get up when I notice my glasses still on so I sit back down and slip on my contacts. Finally when I look decent I grab my phone and open the door. I see Lee Min standing there in a jean jacket and neon shirt with blue jean shorts on. "You ready?" she asks noticing my lack of breath from getting ready so fast. "As ready as I'll ever be!" I say giving a what I hope wasn't a I-Just-Woke-Up-Want-To-Sleep smile. We walk down my stairs say bye to my mom and we are out the door.

  As we are walking we run into some friends we haven't seen sense last year. Finally once I have about eight girls around me we all nearly run into a guy walking across the sidewalk. Not on it but across it. "Watch where you're going," I hear one of my friends say alittle too rude. "Sorry" he says quickly then walks away as fast as he appeared. "Wow, what a jerk," the same girl says having everyone walk forward again. Though I was still weirded out I couldn't help but look back at the boy who is now almost out of sight. I don't think I have ever seen him before but, one thing I did notice, he was seriously hot. He looked like he could still be going to school, maybe even our school. Most of that left my mind as we started to talk about these new shoes. Once I looked up though I saw we were nearing a bit brick building.

  I walk through the same old door at the front of the school, pass the same old chipping lockers in the hallways, and see the same old ....boys? I stop in my tracks as I see a group of boys walking towards me. They aren't just any boys though, for one they are new because I have never seen them before and two, they are the most gorgeous human beings that I have ever seen. I tried not to stare but it was nearly impossible as they strolled by. All of the sudden the bell rang and snapped me out of my trance. I quickly run to my first class not caring that teachers are yelling at me to slow down. I slide into the room as soon as the last bell rings. Looking around I only see one more seat so I quickly head over there to sit down. But sense I'm not paying attention I trip over a bag sitting in the middle of the isle. I close my eyes waiting for the impact of the carpeted floor but I never hit anything. As I slowly open my eyes I see big brown ones staring back at me. "Are you okay," he asks me looking really awkward but still alittle worried. "Yeah, thanks to you catching me," I say feeling blood raising into my cheeks. "Well, I didn't really catch you," he quietly says looking down and that is when I see it. He really didn't catch me, I fell on him. "Omo, I am so sorry," I say while getting up really freakishly fast. I notice that the seat I wanted is right next to him so I just sit down and cover my face. I can't believe I just fell on someoneon the first day, that's like eating at your friends house for the first time then stuffing food down your throat way to fast, Embarrasing. Once the teacher starts to talk I look up and try to pay attention. I keep on sneaking glances at the boy next to me because he looks so familiar, and it's going to be so irritating till I remember where I have seen his face. OMG, I think I remember, he was the one who walked in front of us on the way to school this morning! His behavior is also really similar, mostly just really shy. I kinda really want to know his name but being the way I am I don't know if I can. Maybe just a note, it wouldn't really count as talking to him just writing to him right. I pull out a whole piece of paper just incase he really does write back.

HI is all I wrote then I waited for the teacher to turn his back then I just slid it onto his desk. I saw him pick it up and hesitate before picking up his pencil and writing back. He also waited till the teacher turned his back to pass the note. HI is all he wrote too. 

What's your name? I wrote quickly and passed the note back. This time I didn't watch him but after a minute I felt the piece of paper hit my arm. Sehun, yours? Sehun. Well at least I know the name of the mystery boy who I always run into. I wrote back Haemin. We ended up doing this all class long. Finally though the bell rang and everyone got up to leave. I'm about to talk to Sehun even though I have no idea what I'm going to say, when he just brushes past me. Okay, what the heck was that. He talks or writes to me all class period then doesn't even bother to say bye. I decide to go after him and ask some random questions even though I will probably stuter like a weirdo. Once I find him again I almost feel my heart fall out of my chest. He is hanging with that group of boys I saw earlier. I guess I should have seen it though, he is inhumanly handsome and tall. I just really stand there until he sees me, but when he does he just turns around to talk to one of his friends. I'm guessing it was about me because the other boy looks straight at  me and motions for me to come over. 

   I can tell all the blood is draining from my face as I walk over to the group that now feels like twenty but is only about five. Almost all of them were looking at me now as I am stopping in front of them. "So, you are the one who was talking  to our Sehun here," the one who he whispered to says. "Yeah," is all I can mutter while I'm staring at my feet. Why does my shyness have to come out only when I am talking to boys. "Don't mind him, he's just super...awkward around girls." he says while laughing and Sehun punches him in the arm kinda hard. "My name is Chanyeol by the way," he continues and puts out his hand still laughing. I shake very lightly."Mine's Haemin." "Well nice to meet you Haemin, it looks like Sehun could have a friend since it looks like you are shy too." he says with confidence in his expression. I just smile and look around at all their pretty faces but I can only count four of them. "Um... not to be rude but wasn't there another one of you?" I ask alittle to quietly. Chanyeol looks around at all the other boys and slowly turns back around with an annoyed expression on his face. "Yeah there was but sometimes he feels like he is too good for us and just walks away," he says flailing his hand in the air. "His name is Baekhyun, but sometimes he can be really greasy." "Oh,he sounds kinda mean. Well really I should get to my next class." I say as the first bell rings. I walk away while waving behind me they were really nice even though I verly said annything to them. I'm still waving as I turn a corner and run into a boy with a smoothie and it goes all over his clothes. "These are my new jeans!" he says alittle to loud. "I'm sorry." is all I can say as I walk away. I turn back around once I'm outside my next class and see that the same boy is walking with Sehun's group. "Well I guess I found Baekhyun," I say with a big sigh in my voice,"and I can tell he really doesn't like me."


Okay this is my first chapter and there are more coming I'm just really slow!!!!!!!! <3


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