Seeing Him

Her Happily Ever After



“Woohyun!”  I cried as I rushed into my lover’s arms.  He wrapped me in his warm embrace and whispered into my ear sweet nothings.  “I missed you my Gayoon, it was so lonely without you during my quest.”  He murmured softly.  I smiled and hugged him close to me “Do not feel lonely anymore; I’m here with you now.”  He smiled and pulled away from the hug, “Being a knight is exciting but, not being with you hurts my dear.” He leaned over and gave me a small kiss on my forehead.  I hid my face with my hands “Where did you learn to say all of these sweet things?”  I asked shyly as I could feel my cheeks burning up.  He smiled and pressed our foreheads together “Those are the words that have been in my heart.” I smiled and wrapped my arms around him once again.  We stood in the garden of the castle holding each other tightly, I smiled.  Woohyun was a favored knight in the kingdom, the king loved him very much, and I on the other hand was a maid, sent to work here since I was young, the visitors of the castle always spoke highly of me and I was always asked by the queen and prince to help with matters.  That is how we had met, the Queen wanted me to pour tea for her and the King during a banquet held to celebrate the success of driving away the barbarians from the mountains in the north. I can remember how I met him, it was in this exact garden 2 years ago…


I rushed to refill the drinks of the many guests, as I went through pouring wine for the many people; the King summoned me to help pour the wine or tea for him and his important knights.  I went through with this task not thinking much of it, but when I got to him, my heart beat fast.


I stepped out after an hour, my other maids knew I was tired and told me to go to the small fountain garden to get some fresh air. I inhaled deeply as I smelt the fresh air of the garden.  I sighed and walked over to the edge of the fountain and sat. I gazed upon the full moon and I smiled to myself.


“Enjoying the garden?”

I looked over to where the voice had spoken and, I saw him. The one who had made my heart beat fast.


I nodded silently as my nervousness clamped my throat and I was afraid to speak.  He walked over and sat beside me looking up to the moon.


We stayed like that for a while, comfortable in each other’s presence. It was somehow soothing and different. We talked to each other and found out about our many imilarites and I will always remember what he told me at the end.


“I would like to see you again Gayoon-ssi.”


                After that encounter, I would sneak out at midnight to the garden to see him, this soon blossomed into love and we became a couple. We decided to keep it a secret from others but, it was getting harder and harder to.  We knew we had to tell the King at one point but, we wanted to take it slow, we wanted to enjoy every moment freely.


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Chapter 1: I ship them omg :) so cute. And ahh Woohyun, forever out greasy prince xD