Interlude: leading from Only look at me to wedding dress

There is no right girl for Taeyang


Chapter 2:


            A few weeks after breaking up with So-hi, Taeyang’s made up with GD, Seungri and the rest of the crew. He thanked GD for trying to warn him about So-hi as to keep Seungri from being able to say I told you so. And he’s been reconnecting with a girl from his past that he used to be really close to. Much to Seungri’s quiet dissatisfaction. But at least it’s nice to see him smile again, he was a bit down after that stunt they pulled with his last girlfriend. But the group’s been working a lot more on individual projects recently, so they haven’t had much time, especially with how Taeyang gets involved in his work.


            Seungri walks in after a long day at work with a cocky smile, feeling pumped cause he has a few days off. Finally some time to party. Only he finds Taeyang on his couch with his head in his hands.

            “Get played again Hyung?” He smirks, shedding his coat. “Some day you’ll realize that I’m right.” He blows some hot air. Taeyang looks up slowly…clearly actually upset and not in the mood for the maknae’s teasing.

            “No.” He sighs, “She’s getting married.”


            “Better yet…she wants me to play at her wedding.”

            Seungeri for once falls silent.

            Taeyang looks up at him with a sad smile on his face, stoically holding back tears.

            “That’s…messed up.” Seungri finally manages to say. He starts to go on when GD walks in, stretching on his way over to the two. The boyishly cute man gives his best friend a sad look and a hug before turning to the maknae.

            “Hey, Seung-hyun.” Seungri’s blood runs cold. He doesn’t like that serious look on the leader’s face.

            “Yes.” He asks uneasily.

            “You finished up your album today right?” GD gives the youngest member a stern look, while Taeyang sinks into himself in grief.  His arm still around his friend, GD smiles.

            “You are going to help Youngbae with the piece for the wedding.”

            The maknae’s instant reaction is to whine: “Why me.”

            After giving him a dirty look GD snarls: “I’m still working with Seung-hyun this weekend and Daesung’s busy with other affairs.”

            “And aren’t you happy to help your hyung, anyway” GD gives Seungri a death glare.

            “It’s s’okay Jiyong.” Taeyang pushes his friend’s arm away and gets up off the couch. “Lay off the poor Maknae.” He’s slightly frustrated at the younger man’s reluctance. But there’s nothing he can do about it. With a slight sigh, he forces a half smile and heads off towards his room. GD glares daggers at Seungri before heading off to his room; he has to get up early tomorrow.

            After GD’s gone Seungri sighs, curses and slumps down on the couch with his hands over his face. This is not what he wanted today, he was planning on finishing recording and going clubbing. Probably asking one of his hyungs to go with him cause his manager isn’t too happy when he’s out partying alone. He was even going to ask Taeyang-hyung cause he hasn’t been able to hang with him for a while cause they’ve all been so busy. But instead he supposed to help him compose a song for the wedding of a girl Taeyang loved. It for Seungri as much as it does for his hyung, he doesn’t want to see Taeyang hurt, especially not after a girl. After a miute he it up and heads off towards his hyung’s room. Knocking lightly on his door, he whines “Taeyang-hyung.”

            Silence. “Go away maknae, I’m not in the mood to deal with you.”

            “Oh come on hyung. I really do want to help you.” Seungri whines, pounding on the door. Now he’s starting to get a bit frustrated too. When he doesn’t hear the immediate response he was expecting he continues, “Hey hyung. It’s hard for me too. I don’t like seeing you depressed over that girl. We’ve been so busy and whenever you were free you were with her. I was-“ he stops himself.

            “Enh?” A response finally comes form the other side of the door. The door opens a bit and Taeyang leans in the doorway. “You were what?” The hint of a smile creeping onto his attractive face and he’s shirtless, probably had planned on taking a nap before Seungri interrupted him. Seungri purses his lips, having the feeling that his hyung is picking on him again. “Should I re-“

            “I missed you, okay. Happy now?” The maknae makes a face. “Now you wanna go work on that (stupid) song?”

            “Very.” Taeyang , wraps a arm around the maknae to give him a quick hug. “Lemme just put on a shirt.”

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littlejjampong #1
Chapter 4: YIPEY! YOU UPDATED.. and it was steamy hot!
Chapter 2: baeri baeri baeri >____>
Chapter 1: Haha i like how the scenes matches with the mv =DD