Chapter 14: The Dream



Changmin's Pov




It's been a round 2 months now since Kyuhyun started his daily training sessions. My mind keeps wondering back to the time I bumped into Leeteuk outside the throne room. During this time, me and Kyuhyun haven't been able to talk much. In fact, he's either training or sleeping whenever I manage to catch a glimpse of him. I know, I know, he's training to become a better priest... but I can't help but think he's over working himself.



“Kyuhyun?” I heard someone come into my room as I looked over some papers at my desk, I turned around to meet a tired Kyuhyun.



“Changmin...” He said, only to collapse a second later, luckily I quickly ran over to him, catching him before he fell onto the floor.



“You don't have to work so hard Kyuhyun.... -sigh-” I whispered to him, knowing he wouldn't have heard me anyway. I picked him up, bridal style and laid him on the bed carefully, covering him with the blankets. It was still early in the morning so I'm guessing Kyuhyun was training all thought out the night..this isn't the first time he's done that. I left the room, closing the door as quietly as possible before making my way to see Leeteuk hyung.

I made my way through the massive hall way, going into Leeteuk's room, knocking on the door first of course. I didn't hear an answer so I was guessing he's out of r something.



“Changmin!” I heard someone called me, it was Siwon hyung.



“Hi Siwon hyung.”



“Hi, are you looking for Leeteuk hyung?” He asked me.



“Yes, I need to talk to him about something.”



“Ah, I saw him go out of the castle today... I don't know what for though. He should be back soon. I'll see you later!” He waved goodbye to me, I decided to go back to my room. Once I arrived, Heechul and Hangeng hyung was in my room, sitting next to Kyuhyun's bed, watching over him.



“Sorry, Chullie really wanted to see how Kyuhyun was doing.”



“It's fine” I smiled at Hangeng hyung. “How is he? He collapsed when he came in.”



“I don't know.... He seems to be having a problem... I don't know what it is..Look...” I went closer to Kyuhyun, watching him. He was breathing heavily and sweating a lot, as if he was having a bad dream.



“'!” Kyuhyun jumped up, eyes shot open as he tried struggling.



“Kyuhyun! Kyuhyun! Kyuhyun! What's wrong?” I shook him, then holding him in my arms.



“We...need to find them...The king...and the queen...they are in danger...” He cried.



“What are you talking about?”



“The King and Queen...” Tears streamed fr his face, I was unable to move, thinking about what he was talking about.



“Changmin! We need to go!” Hangeng hyung called out to me






“We need to go! Quickly!”



“Ok... Can you walk Kyuhyun?” I slowly picked him up. If what Kyuhyun is saying is true, then something bad is going to happen...or has already happened...



“Chullie, go contact the rest of the priests, get everyone to meet outside the throne room doors, I'll gather up the Generals.” Hangeng hyung ordered us. “ and Kyuhyun stay in here for now. We'll call for you once we're in place.”



“But!” I tried to protest.



“Changmin, right now, our job is to protect you, if what Kyuhyun is saying it true, then you're in the most danger right now. Stay here and we'll come for you. I promise.”



“Ok...” I held onto the weak Kyuhyun who was still crying. I watched as Heechul and Hangeng hyung left our room, leaving only me and him inside. It’s been so long since we've been together, but this wasn't the best time to catch up. Not like this... “It's ok Kyuhyun...Don't worry....” I his hair.



“Changmin... I'm sorry...for not being able to protect them...if I was strong enough...” He apologised.



“It's ok Kyuhyun, as long as you're safe.” I begged, hoped that what Kyuhyun was saying wasn't true...but I knew somewhere it was....he's the one, the most powerful...How can he be lying?

We sat there, him in my arms as we waited for someone to call us over. What felt like years finally came to an end as Kyuhyun called me.



“'s time...Heechul hyung is calling us...” He tried to stand up but failed as he was too weak. I smiled at him, lifting him up bridal style. “Changmin?”



“Don't worry, I want to do this.” I smiled. We made our way to the throne room, met by all the hyungs who was standing outside. Kyuhyun gave me a look, telling me it was ok to put him down now. “Are you sure?” I asked, him giving me a weak smile and a nod. I put him down. I took a deep breath before opening the door. I looked in. Blood, the first thing I saw.

The throne room was filled with blood, 2 bodies lying in front of the thrones covered in red blood. “NOOOO! GRANDFATHER! GRANDMOTHER!!!!!!” I ran to them, checking their pulse...nothing... They're dead. I felt a hand on my should, I looked back and it was Kyuhyun, accompanied by Kangin hyung. Another person entered the door in a hurry, it was Leeteuk hyung.



“Changmin!” He ran to me, looking over the dead bodies.



“Was it you?” I asked, my voice was deep and stern.



“What? What are you talking about?”



“WAS IT YOU?! WAS IT YOU WHO KILLED THEM! TELL ME NOW! WAS IT YOU?!” I shouted, grabbing on his shirt with my hands that were covered with blood.










Minnie?! What are you doing?! How dare you shout at Leeteuk! He's your hyung! Sorry for the Cliffhanger but I need to work on the rest of my ficcies if I'm going to be able to update all of them today! This is my birthday prezzy to you~ :D



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This fic will be ending soon everyone~ :D


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Chapter 22: Wow...I can't stop crying even the song end. took more than 3mins to stop crying...T_T...however I enjoyed read it...^_^
wheres-my-cookie #2
Chapter 22: Ohmygosh author nim.... T_T You killed him :'( It's so sad~ And the music as well....
Chapter 22: I;M CRYING I AM ! :'( KYUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU my changkyu feels!!!!!!!! omg omg i don't know what to say xD
Kyung1Ari #4
Chapter 22: :'( poor Kyuhyun and Changmin so sad. Great story I enjoy reading it.
serenity2012 #5
Chapter 22: So sad will you be making a sequel
dilyakyu #6
Chapter 22: Although I don't like reading Kyuhyun die because he was my bias but you did a great job! *thumbs up*
Chapter 22: Kyubaby........T_T
how can you make him die author nim...... It's good story after all.....Please make some fluff or lovey dovey story after this....please...please....
yunjae_maniac #8
Chapter 21: Good luck for your GCSE!!!
Chapter 21: What happen after they shield get broken??? I'll wait for your update...^3^
Kyung1Ari #10
Chapter 20: Oh no, they are all capture. I hope Kyu cab save them and not get capture by Jessica too.