Starry, Starry Night (Special Chapter)

Starry, Starry Night

[Author's Note: It's a one-shot but I was inspired to add in an extra chapter. It will be short. I hope you enjoy it as well! :) ]





She’s asleep.

We stayed up, “star gazing”, trying to make up constellations from the stars I put up for her. She laughed a lot, and I laughed with her. I look down at her, her head resting on my chest. I tuck her hair behind her ears.

I love her. I really love her.

It’s not everyday you put up stars for just anyone.

I take out a simple ring from my pocket and slip in on her finger. I smile. I got the size right. Would she be surprised? She shifts, and I keep still. She can’t wake up, not yet. Digging my hand in my pocket again, I pull out a small note. No fancy parchment or anything, just a simple note on simple paper.

I take her hand and I place the letter on her palm, closing her fingers in on it. I wrap my hands around her waist again. She mutters something incoherent, and I smile.

She looks cute when she sleeps.

I kiss the top of her head gently, and again, and again. I close my eyes, my lips pressed on her hair, and fall asleep.




He thinks I’m sleeping.

My eyes are closed, and I feel the steady rise and fall of his chest with each breath he takes. I smile again, remembering what he had just done for me. We kept laughing, the way he does still never fails to give me butterflies in my stomach.

I love him. I really love him.

I feel him take my hand, and he puts something on my finger. A ring? How many surprises did he have for me tonight? I move in my fake sleep. He freezes instantly. I want to giggle, but I can’t. I can imagine the panic in his face right now.

He’s putting something else in my hand. Paper? What does he have in mind now? I keep still.

His lips press against my hair. I love it when he does that. He does it again, and again. He stays nuzzled on my hair, and within minutes, I hear him snore.

He’s asleep.

I open my eyes and look at the ring on my finger. It's beautiful. I look up at him and kiss his cheek. Slowly, as to not wake him, I open the paper in my hand. I grin at his lousy penmanship. He wrote me a letter.




I like how our relationship isn’t like those in fairytales, where we would fall in love at first sight and it’s all flowers and rainbows, because even if we have misunderstandings, everything still falls into place.

I like how our personalities are different, and yet similar, because just like the pieces of a puzzle, we fit together perfectly.

I like how you have so many sides of you, because I never stop getting to know you, and I never stop being able to love all the aspects of you.

I like how though we don’t have as much time with each other, our feelings do not fade, because we know each time we meet will be worth it.

But what I like most is the fact I love you, more than words, more than breathing, more than life.

Three months, and without a doubt, my feelings grow more and more each day.

I love you.

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hello,, come visit our new shop for it's grand opening :) >>>
LeeJinkiLovelove24 #2
krisho #3

<3 <3 <3
Pssh. This one shot was good :D
kyungsoobrowgame #5
biowewerkjsdfkjsalfjaosirjoweirjla;jf<br />
You are amazing. And this was just the cutest effin' thing ever. <3 Ack, Doojoon~ Why are you so amazing, and romantic, and...... ugh, I don't even have the words. xD This is wonderful. :]
Gawsh this is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!
ohmyyoungbae #7
ohmygoooossssssshhhh. your oneshot, no no two-shot is like epic awesommmmeeeeeee! :D cant wait to read your others:) heeh^^ thank you! :D
kaseumi-appa #8
lkshdlaskdhas like i said you make really good one shots.<br />
This was so sweet and romantic and you have a knack for making your stories never go overboard with that.<br />
They're always just right and I love them huhuhu ;~~~;
oh my GOD...too sweet, I love this story :)
Love the story! <3 ^_^