Starry, Starry Night

Starry, Starry Night


“You’re upset.”

“Of course I’m upset.” You snap at your boyfriend, unable to contain it any longer. “I barely get to see you anymore. You say you’d text me, or call me, but do you, Doojoon? I don’t even remember the last date we had together.”

Doojoon looks at you, his face sincerely apologetic. “I’m sorry.” He says in a low voice. “You know we’ve been busy, preparing for our comeback and all. It’s not like I have a choice. I can’t just ditch practice or rehearsals.”

You turn away from his gaze. Today marks your third monthsary with Doojoon, and it has never been a smooth road. Due to career, his busy schedules make it almost impossible for you two to go out any time you’d like. But the relationship has been equally gratifying. Doojoon wasn’t labeled as the nation’s “Boyfriend-dol” for nothing. What he lacked in spending time together, he made up with his sweet gestures.

Still, all the time apart was getting to you.

“You missed Valentine’s, and my birthday.” You mutter. “And you were two hours late for our date tonight. It’s our monthsary.”

“But I’m here now. And I said I was sorry.” There was a slight frustration in his voice now. “We had a recording, I couldn’t have just left, could I?” He sighs. “Look. I’m really sorry. I told you before, this is the sacrifice we have to make if we want to continue dating.”

You can’t help but realize the truth in his statement. “I’m being selfish.” You say and look up at him. “I… I know how important your career is.” His hand cups your face. “I’m sorry, oppa.”

He tilts your chin up and makes you look at him. He smiles and kisses your forehead.  “Shh.” He says, trailing kisses down the bridge of your nose, dismissing the topic instantly.

You smile and look at the sky. “There aren’t a lot of stars out tonight, oppa.” You say with a pout. The past few weeks have been rainy, the sky was covered with clouds, and not a single star was visible.

“You’ve been wanting to go stargazing for the past few weeks.” He nods. “I remember.”

“It’s not like I can, right now. No stars.” Your eyes tear away from the sky when you feel Doojoon hold your hand and lead you somewhere. “Where… Are we going?” You ask.

“I haven’t given you my present.”

You look down at the bracelet on your hand and raise your eyebrow at your boyfriend. “You gave me this bracelet only a few minutes ago.” Yet you willingly follow him, walking until you reach a familiar building.

CUBE Entertainment.

You continue to probe him with questions, asking this and that, but he ignores you. He leads you in the building, and up the stairs.

You look around the place as you walk behind him. It wasn’t your first time in the building, but you weren’t a frequent visitor either. “Will you have a mini-concert for me or something?” You ask jokingly. Again, he ignores you and keeps on walking towards the direction of what you remember are the practice rooms.

Doojoon whips out his handkerchief from his pocket and wrap it around your eyes, giving you a peck on the lips before you can even begin to protest. You melt under his kiss. You hear him slide the door open, and holding both your hands, he leads you inside. You choose not to say anything, but you feel your heartbeat racing, Doojoon has always been one with surprises.

He pushes on your shoulders gently, urging you to get on the floor. You turn your head, unable to see anything. “Lie down.” He whispers in your ear. “Trust me.”

Without hesitation, you laid yourself on the floor. You trust Doojoon, you know he would never do anything that would upset you. You feel him lay down beside you, the heat from his body radiating. “What’s going on?” You ask. He pulls you to him, wrapping one arm around your shoulder.

“Take off the blindfold.” He instructs you. Even without seeing his face, you can practically hear the smile in his voice. Curious as ever, you untie the blindfold and take it off. Your eyes adjust to the darkness. You look to your side, and manage to make out that you are lying down on the floor, inside one of the dance studios.

“Look up, baby girl.” He whispers in your ear. Your eyes travel upward to the ceiling, you gasp, tears instantly welling up in your eyes.

On the ceiling was a myriad of glowing stars, in a variety of sizes, each carefully stuck on. “What…” You choke on your words.

“Stickers.” He says with a cheeky grin. “Do you like it?” He looks over at you and sees the single tear that trickles down the side of your face. “Yah!” He sits up in panic, taking your face in both his hands. “What’s the matter?!”

You shake your head and smile. “It’s wonderful. I love it.” You tug on his arm and make him lie down beside you again. He does so and you lean your head on his chest. He wraps his arms around you and he nuzzles your hair.

“I’m sorry I’m not always around.” He says and kisses the top of your head. You look up at him and kiss his chin. “Happy monthsary, baby.” His smile made your heart jump.”

“I’m sorry I’ve been selfish and immature about everything.” You bury your head against his neck. “I love you, too.” You close your eyes, breathing in his scent. "How much do you love me, oppa?"

"I will love you until you count all the stars in the sky."

"And when I've done that?"

"I will love you even after that."






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hello,, come visit our new shop for it's grand opening :) >>>
LeeJinkiLovelove24 #2
krisho #3

<3 <3 <3
Pssh. This one shot was good :D
kyungsoobrowgame #5
biowewerkjsdfkjsalfjaosirjoweirjla;jf<br />
You are amazing. And this was just the cutest effin' thing ever. <3 Ack, Doojoon~ Why are you so amazing, and romantic, and...... ugh, I don't even have the words. xD This is wonderful. :]
Gawsh this is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!
ohmyyoungbae #7
ohmygoooossssssshhhh. your oneshot, no no two-shot is like epic awesommmmeeeeeee! :D cant wait to read your others:) heeh^^ thank you! :D
kaseumi-appa #8
lkshdlaskdhas like i said you make really good one shots.<br />
This was so sweet and romantic and you have a knack for making your stories never go overboard with that.<br />
They're always just right and I love them huhuhu ;~~~;
oh my GOD...too sweet, I love this story :)
Love the story! <3 ^_^